how would i get a list of everyone on the map?
what i am trying to do in whole is this
i want to make a script to be used only when your making a mission...
i want to use addaction to meplayer(theplayer) that would give me a list of all ai so i can then switch to there cam view to see what there doing ...
here is what im using so far...
_unit = units (_this select 0)
_count = count _unit
_u=_unit select _i
? _u == leader _u : titletext [format ["\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollowing Group Leader %1.", _u],"plain",1]
? _u != leader _u : titletext [format ["\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFollowing Target %1.", _u],"plain",1]
_u addAction ["Player View","callplayer.sqs"]
_u switchCamera "external"
?_i<_count:goto "loop"
Player switchCamera "external"
but this will only work with a group and i guess i could hand code all ai's name in the script but i would hope theres an easier way