From what i understand Lag is simply the delay between client and server receiving transmissions from each other
It is effected by poor connection and poor bandwidth
Client 1 shoots client 2
bullet data transferred via client server client
client 2 receives data
client 2 dies
client 2 sends date to client 1 via server about his death
client 1 sees client 2 die
The bigger the delay in this transfer of data, the longer it appears to take the Dying client to actually die when viewing from the shooter client
Having low bandwidth may cause a traffic jam of these data packets to be sent, this inturn can cause lost packets and therefore desync
I think thats it. If anyone is more knowleadgeable on this, then please clarify and correct me
Memory usage due to -nomap not being used and large amounts of addon files would most likely cause framerate reduction which isnt the same thing
For the record, the filesize for all my addons when loaded, using mod folders and the -nomap switch is way in excess of my RAM, but does not effect my game
However when i come out of the game and try to load say a web browser, i then find a reduction in speed, but certainly none in game