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Author Topic: Those %$#@ face textures  (Read 899 times)

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Those %$#@ face textures
« on: 07 Jan 2004, 20:31:29 »
A plea of help to all you addon demmigods out there,can you help me with these 2 probs.(1)I have a standard p3d from the game.I want to permanentally stick a custom face on it,without constantly having to enter it in the init field,but no matter what I do I always end up with the ingame faces.I believe that it can be done by eventhandler,but how these entries look in the cpp and init script leave me stumped and all the postings I have read on this issue have been vague.So phuleese if anyone could be so kind as to show me an example of each I would be eternally gratefull. (2)Why is it that with some models if I get in a vehicle I seem to look outwards from inside my skull. I can see my lips ears and glasses floating about in front of me and can I fix this with O2