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Author Topic: The Movie Moders  (Read 2460 times)

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Captain Winters

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The Movie Moders
« on: 24 Aug 2003, 17:15:21 »
I was just readin up on this thread (http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=9;action=display;threadid=12506) a couple hours ago and I became intrested in something I can now say I'm obssessed with.

We all know how to camera script- some, like me, have been doing it for years! And earlier while I got done playing through a couple missions I was going to review I started up on the avbove thread. Previously I've fooled around with video editors and videos captures, and I thought it wasd would be awsome to create an entire war movie wit something like camstudio or Fraps and somehting like Pinnacle Studio, using Operation Flashpoint engine! It's so possible it's scary!

I can write screenplays, I got ideas, anyone else have em? I think this could be a whole completelky new look and view of OFP!  ;D Any ideas on recording OFP missions to create movies!?

Tanks!  8)

Offline dmakatra

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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #1 on: 24 Aug 2003, 17:54:37 »
I was going to do a movie, but I didn't got a good screencam program so I blew it.



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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #2 on: 24 Aug 2003, 18:56:46 »


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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #3 on: 24 Aug 2003, 20:26:29 »
I'm writing a script for my squad's promo film, and I intend to make it using Fraps, Adobe Premiere and/or lots of beer and hard drugs. If you want to start making films, I'd recommend making something that's about thirty seconds long. Make a couple of thirty-second films, and you've got the skills to make a one-minute film, and so on until you're making a three-hour epic  ;) Also, don't be too overambitious, there's nothing more depressing than trying to make something that's too advanced for you, just like it's irritating watching an amateur film that's trying to be so much more.

Good luck!  :)

Captain Winters

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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #4 on: 24 Aug 2003, 20:46:00 »
I've been doin it for two years  :o  ::)

Tanks!  8)


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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #5 on: 24 Aug 2003, 21:04:43 »
it wud b so good if u cud make a decent interesting movie wit OFP, think of the possiblities :).


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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #6 on: 25 Aug 2003, 00:35:35 »
check out www.theavonlady.org, she has a few good ofp movies...i havent seen any....but apparently they're good!

Offline dmakatra

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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #7 on: 25 Aug 2003, 08:27:11 »
A friend of mine runs this project(LCD's in so it oughta be good :P)which is a film. I was invited to the crew but I turned down since those allready in the crew was a LOT better than me :P . I think it's something like www.thereddot.tk or something like that.


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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #8 on: 25 Aug 2003, 17:24:13 »
hey that would be kool, if anybody wants to do it, im in!!! lol


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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #9 on: 25 Aug 2003, 23:39:39 »
its not www.thereddot.tk, unfortunately? can ne1 give me the address i wana c this!

Captain Winters

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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #10 on: 26 Aug 2003, 00:05:24 »
Yea, I once started something liek this up, http://www.realityfactory.ca/tmmweb, but it never really got started on it!  :(

Tanks!   8)


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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #11 on: 02 Sep 2003, 04:57:21 »
Max_Killer_Payne and myself started something similar to this a while ago, but it seems that it's gone down the tubes because of school and the like. It was half movie, half missions, but I think it would work much better as a movie. But I've used fraps, and it's so fucken slow it's not funny. Is there anything out there that can do it, but not fudge my computer to caveman speed?

Offline SEAL84

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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #12 on: 19 Jan 2004, 19:03:43 »
I was looking through my old stomping grounds (this section of the boards :P) and came across this...I believe Radiosilence and I have something that would fit the bill perfectly.

That is of course if you're still interested, Winters ;)

SEAL84, Official Old Thread Kicker

Offline dmakatra

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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #13 on: 20 Jan 2004, 07:23:17 »
Why dig up an old september thread? Let the dead rest in peace. :P

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Captain Winters

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Re:The Movie Moders
« Reply #14 on: 23 Jan 2004, 01:43:44 »
Sure, whats the idea? The idea aint dead  :P

tanks! 8)