unitname Fire ["weapon" , "ammo" , "typeofshot"]
example is :
unitname Fire ["M16","Single"]
place it in trigger say east detected by west or just west present,, who ever you want to set off the trigger...... multi shooters can be placed... in same activation field..
unitname Fire ["M16","Single"] ; unitname Fire ["m16".single"] so on
This is the right idea to do it, however it is easier to do it with a script that is activated when an MG Turret fires. I'll submit a a beta version below, and release one that I tested for a while
I would use this on Turrets and not vehicles or units, because of the setvelocity usage. You can specify the number of bullets you want the Turret to fire, before it exits, and waits to be activated again, (_NumBullets = 20).
Something like this:
This AddEventHandler [{fired},{_This exec {SFire.sqs}}]
_Unit = _This Select 0
_Weapon = _This Select 1
_NumBullets = 20
_Unit RemoveAllEventHandlers {fired}
_Unit Fire _Weapon
_Unit setvelocity [(Random 30)-(Random 30),(Random 30)-(Random 30),10]
_NumBullets = (_NumBullets -1)
?_NumBullets < 1 : Goto "Exit"
?Not( Alive _Unit) : Goto "Exit"
Goto "BeginSupressingFire"
_Unit SetVelocity [0,0,0]
_Unit addeventhandler [{fired},{_This exec {SFire.sqs}}]