Here's a modified version of my script -
; Script By - 8BAll (Adam); E-mail
;guy addeventhandler ["dammaged", {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] exec "BPV.sqs"}]
;What it all means...
;"guy addeventhandler ["dammaged", = add's the eventhandler "dammaged" to the unit "guy"
;_this select 0 = gets the name of the unit that was dammaged.(In this case the unit named "guy"
;_this select 1 = get part of body dammaged
;_this select 2 = get amount of dammage
; Define your variables
_unit = _this select 0
_body = _this select 1
_dammage = _this select 2
;If the bullet hit something other then the chest exit
? _body == "hlava" : exit
;Set dammage to 0
_unit setdammage 0
Still takes one shot to kill him