Hey that work GREAT!
Uhhmm is there any way to have the General join any group that captures him??( this is a MP Mission). :-\
By the way the Set_Captive Script I was mentioning was a down loaded on this site from the Hostage tut. Just thought you'd like to know
Worked on it some more and modified the script for MP:
_general = _this select 0
_bodyguards = group _general
@count units _bodyguards==2 AND alive _general
titleText["Wahh! We surrender!","PLAIN"]
"_x setunitpos ""UP""" foreach units _bodyguards
"removeallweapons _x" foreach units _bodyguards
"doStop _x" foreach units _bodyguards
"_x setcaptive true" foreach units _bodyguards
@(leader aP) distance _general <5
"[_x] join aP" foreach units _bodyguards
Big key here is
leader ap so anyone in my Group can capture him if I get killed off. Can there be an "
or" for another group called aP2??
Just in case my other MP friends get to him before I do??