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Author Topic: RUNWAY PROBLEMS FOR NEW ISLAND.....  (Read 1054 times)

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« on: 26 Dec 2003, 04:48:59 »
Ok, I have built the island, and have the runways and all that foofie stuff, and have a good working config file, but my problem lies in the AI being able to use the runways.  I have used the filewriter, and have also done it by hand, as far as getting the co-ordinates, but as of yet have had no luck  
Here is what I have tried to date:

 ilsPostition[] = {9525.0,8997.9,0}; // TOUCHDOWN  
 ilsDirection[] = {0,0.08,1};  // SOUTH, landing point is at north end of runway
 ilsTaxiIn[] =  
  9525.0,6625.0,0.0 // HALT POINT , where the plane should stop after landing, far southern end of the runway
  9554.9,6625.1,0.0 // POINT 0, turns onto taxiway
  9537.6,6628.0,0.0 // POINT 1, follows taxiway around turn
  9575.0,6706.4,0.0 // POINT 2, progresses up the taxiway (NORTH) towards centerpoint of taxiway
  9575.0,7158.9,0.0 // POINT 3
  9575.0,7314.4,0.0 // POINT 4
  9575.0,7730.0,0.0 // CENTER OF TAXIWAY
 ilsTaxiOff[] =  
  9525.0,7730.0,0.0 // CENTER OF TAXIWAY
  9575.0,7799.7,0.0 // POINT 5, first point heading north along taxiway towards runway (NORTH)
  9575.0,7951.8,0.0 // POINT 6
  9575.0,8404.6,0.0 // POINT 7
  9575.0,8807.4,0.0 // POINT 8 , follows turn in taxiway towards runway
  9573.1,8973.3,0.0 // POINT 9 , enters onto runway
  9555.0,8975.0,0.0 // POINT 10 , follows the next few points for alignment for takeoff, heading SOUTH
  9525.0,8964.2,0.0 // POINT 11
  9525.0,8941.2,0.0 // POINT 12
  9525.0,8907.4,0.0 // POINT 13
  9525.0,8865.8,0.0 // POINT 14 , ready for takeoff
Now, just to clarfiy everything, the runways are to be landed on from North to South, and the takeoff is is in the same direction.  
TOUCHDOWN represents where I want the Planes to first make contact with the runway when landing
HALT represents the final stopping point of the plane before taxiing off the runway, and it is near an intersection to the taxiway
POINT 0 THRU CENTER represents the waypoints for the plane to turn onto the taxiway from the runway, and follow the taxiway to the approximate center. (CENTER POINT)
In the TaxiOff section:
The waypoints start at the same center of taxiway, then follow taxiway north, around the curve to get on the runway, then have 4 points on the runway to allow for lining up for takeoff.
I have made the runways rather long to accomodate the C-130 addon, as well as leave plenty of room for ppl that cant land on shorter runways.  in other words, these runways are 2 times longer than the ones on Nogova.  
At any rate, the error I get from OFP is that 0 is before 9 or something like that, and it wont start.  I removed all but the ilsPosition and ilsDirection parts, and redid the pbo, now it works fine.  If the AI will be able to land and takeoff without the removed parts then I wont mess with it.  But if I need those 2 parts for the AI to find their way..then I need help.

Now this is what the filewriter from Marksman(?) came up with, and when I use this config in the pbo, I dont get an error, but When I test the runways using Landing Auto pilot, the planes shoots off towards the SW of nowhere land, even tho my runway is on the EAST side of my island.  So I try an AI in a plane, telling him to land.....he just disappears towards Cleveland.  I put an empty plane on the runway, already pointing in the correct direction for takeoff (SOUTH), tell an AI pilot to get in.  He does, he starts down runway, eventually drifting off runway till he hits a building and explodes.  See the problems?

      ilsPostition[] = {9525.0,8997.9,0.0};
      ilsDirection[] = {0,0.08,1};

The filewriter simply put all the values in the same line, which has caused the '9' before 0 error to stop, but it still wont work......dear god I need help.  This is the only thing keeping this island from final release, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Offline Planck

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« Reply #1 on: 26 Dec 2003, 05:06:02 »
I'll have a look at this for you......see what I can see.

However, one thing........

ilsTaxiIn..............is for taking off
ilsTaxioff.............is for landing.

Try swapping them around.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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« Reply #2 on: 26 Dec 2003, 08:28:01 »
class CfgWorlds {
   class DefaultWorld {};
   class Intro : DefaultWorld {};
   class Disciples_Isle : Intro {
      description = "Disciples Isle";
      icon = "\Disciples_Isle\Disciples_Isle.paa";
      worldName = "\Disciples_Isle\Disciples_Isle.wrp";
      ilsPostition[] = {9525.0,8997.9,0.0};
      ilsDirection[] = {0,0.08,1};
      ilsTaxiIn[] =
           "9575.0","7730.0", // CENTER OF TAXIWAY  
           "9575.0","7799.7", // POINT 5  
           "9575.0","7951.8", // POINT 6  
           "9575.0","8404.6", // POINT 7  
           "9575.0","8807.4", // POINT 8  
           "9573.1","8973.3", // POINT 9  
           "9555.0","8975.0", // POINT 10  
           "9525.0","8964.2", // POINT 11  
           "9525.0","8941.2", // POINT 12  
           "9525.0","8907.4", // POINT 13  
           "9525.0","8865.8" // POINT 14
       ilsTaxiOff[] =  
           "9525.0","6625.0", // HALT POINT  
            "9554.9","6625.1", // POINT 0  
           "9573.6","6628.0", // POINT 1  
            "9575.0","6706.4", // POINT 2  
            "9575.0","7158.9", // POINT 3  
            "9575.0","7314.4", // POINT 4  
            "9575.0","7730.0" // CENTER OF TAXIWAY  

Now I have this, but problems are still the same.  Thanks Planck, hope you or som,eone can figure this mess out.

BTW..............how necessary is it to have the runways setup in the island config?

Offline Planck

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« Reply #3 on: 26 Dec 2003, 20:31:26 »
Well I can't verify your figures for the positions but,I redid the part you posted, find it below.

The ilsTaxiIn and ilsTaxiOff statements MUST, as far as I know, be all on ONE line, there must be no spaces between the figures at all.

Copy and Paste the part below and see if it works or not.

class CfgWorlds
   class DefaultWorld {};
   class Intro : DefaultWorld {};
   class Disciples_Isle : Intro
      description = "Disciples Isle";
      icon = "\Disciples_Isle\Disciples_Isle.paa";
      worldName = "\Disciples_Isle\Disciples_Isle.wrp";
      ilsPostition[] = {9525.0,8997.9,0.0};
      ilsDirection[] ={0,0.08,1};

Do not try to 'tidy it up'......each statement must be all on one line.
Maybe Tabs are allowed, I am not sure, but I always leave them on their own line, with no spaces or tabs.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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« Reply #4 on: 26 Dec 2003, 22:46:04 »
Planck, thanks bro, but guess what?   I had a noobish spelling error in my ilsPosition, lol, you have it too from the paste.  (POSTITION)  Anyway, thanks for the help bro, and I have posted below what I am using now, and the planes do it just the way I intended them too.  The points being on separate lines seems to have absolutley NO AFFECT on anything.
                                               {PASTED FROM PMC WRPTOOL FORUM}
Scud, much thanks bro for a great heads up on my mispelling.  ThaT definitleY fixed the "heading towards Cleveland" problem I was having.  I fixed the spelling, and was checking over how i made the config vs how the manual states how to do it.  The manual is confusing in the way it jumps around regarding the way each part should be set up (IMHO) No skate to you guys, without that manual I would still be trying to put my first tree on the island.  
I also found an interesting little thing regarding the way the plane lands.  The manual states that the center of the airfield isnt that important, but i noticed that when my planes would land, they would begin to drift towards the point i had declared as center for my Taxi in, usually hitting something and exploding.  Not good for a landing.  So I experimented with the numbers, and came up with the following:
  ilsPosition[] = {9525.0,8997.9,0.0};  
  ilsDirection[] = {0,0.08,1};
  ilsTaxiIn[] =  
   "9575.0","7730.0", // CENTER OF TAXIWAY  
   "9575.0","7799.7", // POINT 5  
   "9575.0","7951.8", // POINT 6  
   "9575.0","8404.6", // POINT 7  
   "9575.0","8807.4", // POINT 8  
   "9573.1","8973.3", // POINT 9  
   "9555.0","8975.0", // POINT 10  
   "9525.0","8964.2", // POINT 11  
   "9525.0","8941.2", // POINT 12  
   "9525.0","8907.4", // POINT 13  
   "9525.0","8865.8" // POINT 14
   ilsTaxiOff[] =    
"9525.0","7730.0",  // CENTEr OF RUNWAY
  "9525.0","6625.0", // HALT POINT  
    "9554.9","6625.1", // POINT 0  
   "9573.6","6628.0", // POINT 1  
  "9575.0","6706.4", // POINT 2  
    "9575.0","7158.9", // POINT 3  
  "9575.0","7314.4", // POINT 4  
    "9575.0","7730.0" // CENTER OF TAXIWAY  
Now for the ilsTaxiIn(which is starting from the center point of the TAXIWAY heading to runway for takeoff) I left it just the same as before.
The ilsTaxiOff (which is what I want the plane to do AFTER it has touched down at my initial ilsPosition point) I inserted a CENTER OF RUNWAY point.  So now when the plane touches down at the initial point, it no longer "drifts" towards the TAXIWAY centerpoint, instead it goes to the next available point, which is the center of the runway.  From there it looks for the next point in the ilsTaxiOff, which is the first point in the series of points that will lead it from the runway, along the taxiway, back to the center of the taxiway.  
Anyway, what I have posted here works perfectly!!!!!!!!
The planes touchdown where i want them to, they continue along the runway, turn off onto the taxiway, move to the center of taxiway point and wait for a few secs, then continue along taxiway to get back on the runway, they get on runway, line up, take off.  BEAUTIFUL!!!!
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Offline Planck

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« Reply #5 on: 26 Dec 2003, 23:41:55 »
Glad you got it working finally.

As for the spelling mistake, I think I need new glasses anyway, I missed it. But then I wasn't looking at that bit anyway.

The quotes might be what makes the difference between keeping it all on one line or not, I'm not sure.  I will have to experiment.


I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.