There is a Silenced version of the AK47 is circulation however it is not legal in the states as are 93% silenced weapons in 43 states , the modified AK47 doesnt really drop pff too much from its parent , it weights 4600 g's(without Magazine) has a firing rande of 1350 m (wich is only 150 less then origanal) and rate of fire of 480 rds per minute wich is the only considerable drop seeing how it orgianally is 600+ pending modifactions. It was first introduced in Bosnia in 1983 but grew out of circulation soon after , it came back on the market in the early 90's thanks to RUSSIA, however i might usefull to note that that this modifaction cannot be changed meaning the silncer is nto interchangeable it is built on and stays on. Now on the surfice you might ask why wouldnt such a lethal weapon be more pronouned(as i did) well it simple its so fucking big
all the extra weight is in the front wich off balnces it , and its an extra 7 inches long making it damn near 3 and a half feet long , wich makes for a big bulky weapon