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Author Topic: Any one had this strange thing happen to thier model?  (Read 758 times)

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Offline Dig69

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one of the wheels on my plane rotates so that you always see it from the side....  like its being billboarded or something..  

         its a copy of the oposite side. wonder if thats why its doing it.
   if anyone knows why its doing that let me know please

if ya still dont understand what im saying...  when you look at the plane... the left wheel is turned so that its side faces you..... no matter what side of the plane you are standing..  and it will rotate and follow you if you move


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Re:Any one had this strange thing happen to thier model?
« Reply #1 on: 25 Nov 2003, 05:02:02 »

Must say I'm confused.

Let's do it again, shall we ?

Fire up o2, load && select the front view of your airplane.

hit  Alt+S to resize this pane to almost full screen
Zoom (+numkey)in to see the good wheel & the point where the second one goes

lock the x axis by hitting X

select F2, and drag over the component of your wheel. With the F2 "select object mode" you only need to drag over one vertice to select the entire object.
If your wheel consist of a tyre separate from the drum separate from the damper separate from... , select all.

Shift+Hold RMB to duplicate your right wheel. Drag to the Left side.

Hit the button with two vertical triangles on it to reverse your wheel, so it's symetrical to the other.

hit "W" to reverse da reversed new faces - this is probably the problem you're facing-

That's it

If it happens that this WAS your problem.
No, it is your problem, I'm sure.

Don't forget the Czech job: naming wheel, land contact, damper,...
see BRSSEB tutes if you are new to this.


Cheers from PeacePunk.