I can't understand you MattE... :-\
If you were talking about 3Dmodeling or Advanced Scripting (I'm used to deal with both) then I would understand your hesitation...
However, we're talking about putting an image into OFP! It takes, lets say... 5 minutes of your whole life?
It's easy, you'll see:
Pick your image into a graphics editor - PhotoShop, PaintShopPro, FireWorks, whatever - and resize it (if required) into a 2nx2n size image (in other words, a 128x64 px picture, for example or 256x256 px, etc...). Save it as JPEG (.jpg) and put it into your OFP edited mission folder (\OFP\Users\Missions\MyMission.Intro).
After this, create a file called "description.ext". Go to the link I've posted in the top and copy a part of the description.ext file. Custom the settings of that file, personalize the picture settings, etc...
Then open OFP, load your mission (MyMission.Intro) and call the resource in the init field of the player unit: cutrsc ["MyPic","PLAIN"].
This way, you'll be able to see the image on the screen... Then keep exploring OFP's capabilities in order to achieve better results. Anymore doubts, post them at the
Editing/Scripting: Sound & Cutscenes Board.
Good Luck!
...and here's a sample of the Description.ext:
class RscPicture
type =0;
idc = -1;
style =48;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = "tahomaB24";
size = 0;
class RscTitles
class MyPic
name = "MattE's Pic";
duration = 5;
idd = -1;
movingEnable = 0;
class MattePic: RscPicture
x=0; y=0; w=1; h=1;
x and y are the coordinates of the Pic's positioning on screen.
w and h are, respectivelly, the width and height of the pic.
If you place a trigger on the map, and open the "Effects" section, you'll find your pic (MattE's Pic) in the tittles section \ resources at the end of the list.