you can script basic AI stuff like that indeed.
Even add randomness, like:
;; AI decides what to do this time
?(random 1 >= 0.
:goto "airassault"
?(random 1 >= 0.6 AND random 1 < 0.
: goto "ground_assault"
?(random 1 < 0.6 AND random 1 >= 0.4): goto "random_patrol"
and so on
then create the behaviors for each part
_AI domove getmarkerpos "airfield"
_AI getin _plane
now there are various things you could do with that, like have an array of enemies and let him randomly choose one, or let him choose from those that are in air, or just closest known enemy, well lets say the AI wants to go to their base straight away
_AI domove (getmarkerpos "enemybase")
that was rather simplified but I just thought of a quick example, I love using randomness in most of my own scripts so this can be pretty much infinite fun as long as you can figure out things for him to randomly do and make it more and more advanced in the process.
Like why not basing it all on the knowsabout factor, if some other AI has found some enemy tank, but has nothing to fight it then the new AI that perhaps just spawned could get into a tank instead of a jeep, or get into a chopper, OR not get into a chopper if there is a shilka spotted nearby.
Could get pretty fun eventually and end up with the AI being a worthy opponent.
you dont need any waypoints or preplaced info really, just give objects or markers for various positons that are important, like the sectors you must fight over.
so you could just start out with the AI working its way to taking over sectors, then as it gains more info as time goes by about the enemy(you) the AI could alrdy start showing intelligence via various parameters.
for example you could have a variable:
_hostilenum = 0
every enemy AI sees adds +1 to that
you could use that number later on for various effectors on AI making choices.
?(_hostilenum > 5): goto "getmorehelp"
well kinda fell in love with that idea currently myself aswell and perhaps should start doing a sp mode for my own mp mission, could be fun as coop vs AI
Hope you got some good ideas from here however.