If you look at an M16 with mortar, you'll see an animation: First WITH the stuff attached, then you shoot it & it disappears from your gun (Well, huh, ok, sorry it's silly
). It's actually an anim, cause there you have 2 guns, one with it and one without: in the config file, the second one is called "modelspecial" instead of "model": Here is a short screenshot of one of my project, but it actually comes from a guy called "pathfinder":
weaponType = WeaponSlotPrimary;
displayName = ...And so on
So try doing a "double weapon", "Double P3D File"i.e. identical but for the moving part, and you got a pre-firing and post firing difference.
as I'm not working on an automatic weapon, I don't know if you can mix this with "autoreload" and your rate of fire.
But at least it's a way to have a two-pics anim on it.
;D And you CAN have a mortar behaving like a LaserGun of 20.000m range, no prob, just twist the CfgAmmo settings.
:'( Sorry no answer for a Great Reload Magazine that would do it.
I'd love it.