and the script to go with it. Put it in the same ofp/user/yourname/missionsfolder as the sqm-file.
For those that donÂ't want to d/l it, it looks like this:; BAS - Mist script - by TJ march 2003-edited by Cliff october 2003
;execute with name of gamelogic at the centre of area for mist
; eg, [<objectname>,delay between waves, number of waves, speed of waves, target of waves] exec "mist.sqs"
; ? benchmark <3500:exit
;Mist duration time (in seconds)
_object = _this select 0
_delay = _this select 1
_lifeTime = _this select 2
_vel = _this select 3
_shore = _this select 4
_lifeTicks = _lifeTime / _delay
_lifeTick = _lifeTicks
_count =0
_dir = getdir _shore
_velx = _vel *sin _dir
_vely = _vel *cos _dir
drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 1, 20 +(random 20), [0,0,-0.9], [_vely,_velx,0], random 5, 1.275, 1, 0,[ 3,1],[[0.35,0.4,0.4,0.2],[0.65,0.7,0.8,0.4]], [0,1], 0.001, 0, "", "",_object ]
_count = _count +1
?_count <20:goto "Begin"
_lifeTick = _lifeTick - 1
?_lifeTick > 0 : goto "loop"
ThatÂ's it, so far. Lots of stuff to fiddle with.