Just a note to all ppl trying to download this mission: It will not work pressing the open button, you need download it completley. Maybe you should put that in your first post Sui?
OK... Here we go. This beta can be quite strange since I'm going to tab in and out of the game like a fool and writing my german homework in notepad all the time.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiice! 2 things though: The Chinook looks a bit fuzzy and the shadow for the pic is a bit wrong. Even with those minor problems this is one of the nicest overviews I've seen so far.
None? Boooooo!
Very good. Better than Facile Ground's if you ask me. Facile Ground had a briefing where you was all fuzzy in the head when clicking on links. You didn't knew what you had read and not read. I especially liked the formation description. I can't wait until the ltn is dead! ;D
But if you ask me, MG gunners should be close to me in formation as well as the grenadiers. Also, I think you should add 2 more LAW ammo, you get them anyhow in the ammo crates later and it's just unnessesary to play around with the AIs radio-action commands. And BTW, where the f*ck is my M21?! ;D
Have you even touched the skill bar? All my soldiers are veterans.
Haha! Lol, good one! First I thought you had accidently used titlecut instead of titletext. Anyway, of we go! Nice idea with the formation yellow dot, but I think you should be given the choice of turning it off in the radio. And what about adding Vektorbosons chopper dust script at the landing? I love the drop command!
Russian contacts that close to base? Forget it. They wouldn't come that close in daylight.
Is there a way to change the direction of the markers depending on the direction the squad is moving/looking?
60 meters? You can say 62.751245 meters instead. Use round numbers. 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, etc.
For being squads that can hinder the US army tanks they are in very small groups. 2 man squads? You oughta be kiddn. That's no AT squad, that's a patrol. And I don't think anyone would have engaged in a firefight between a 2-man vs. a platoon, make em run away, hide, attack&flee tactics.
I would like to see a radio option showing the statistics of the other squads. Basics stuff like men left but perhaps also some more advanced stuff like number of units they have killed, if anyone has runned out of ammo, if someone is wounded, if a guy is wounded, who is wounded, and if a guy is dead, who is dead, etc.
I'm no millitary genius but if I am 2nd in command shouldn't I be in the HQ squad?
A fortified outpost? Take it down? If you're going to follow the realism in the mission so far the guy who said that would actually say "What should we do, HQ?". Of course this will not effect the rest of the mission since HQ hears this message but it's a minor detail I would like to see fixed.
Nice. This sounds like a lot of fun. But I would like to see a small dialog between Papa Bear and HQ squad and see if we should take it down or not. Also, Charlie squad started to move before the order was given.
Oh there was the outpost! I thought it was straight ahead to the west but nope. Maybe you should add something in the radio message like "Look to the south!" or something.
I've been spotted. Ah man! That's great. Engage! Bam! Bam! Yay! We beated them. My squad did nuthin, good ol' Charlie Squad, you can always trust him. But don't give AI handguns, they can't handle them.
Ah maen! F**k Charlie squad! They were too slow... :-\ Anyway, back to formation!
Uh... Don't the russians react when their OP gets blown away? I was expecting a counter attack of some sort... does that do anything?
I'm getting close... but the marsch there was boring. Nothing happend after the OP, could you at least add some music or a hind flying over ones head or something? Perhaps something like the mine clearing in Facile Ground? Maybe a conversation between the squads or the ppl in my squad? That's one of the areas where most missions fall. The conversations and the social side. That's why I love Devilchasers Nightwatch. (LOL! OFPECs auto censor is strange. ;D The real name of the mission is N-i-g-h-t-w-a-t-c-h)
The squads kept firing like maniacs on the tower. Don't know why.
Wait. The fire at the M2 on top of that tower. You know how the AI handles empty M2's, you have to setcaptive the M2 after it's man is nailed.
I'm sorry but then it gets all laggy(it's my computer, I guarantee it). I'll see if I can make it later when I got more patience. But you really have to fix that M2 bug, all my men is firing at it. This is a great mission so far. I liked Facile Ground but I didn't think it would deserve 10/10 since it wasn't groundbreaking. It was just a combined arms assault with some extra spice in it. However, this IS groundbreaking with the command engine and all. Keep up the good work.
Oh, and if you need voice samples; Sign me up!
:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: