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Author Topic: Textures problems with Visitor  (Read 824 times)

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Textures problems with Visitor
« on: 07 Nov 2003, 20:33:15 »

I've been making islands with WRPEdit for a while now with great (if very slow) success. I got visitor to speed the process up, and was a happy to see that it automatically generate texture boundaries.

I looks great in Buldozer, but when I load it in OFP the ground textures are missing (ie: the ground is white). How can I get them to load when I make the map?



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Re:Textures problems with Visitor
« Reply #1 on: 12 Nov 2003, 14:02:09 »
I have started a thread with the same problem (I didn't notice this one). I hope someone posts an answer on either one. The only thing I know this far is that the textures from the Visitor tuturial island do show up in the OFP editor, but they are somehow different because they are larger in size (they are also not compatible with textures from Eden.pbo and the other island pbo's.


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Re:Textures problems with Visitor
« Reply #2 on: 13 Nov 2003, 14:37:35 »
I actually found a way around this.

Visitor generates it's own textures instead of using existing ones (like most ppl would using WrpEdit).

So what you need to do is take all the textures generated by Visitor and put them in a pbo (called whatever, it doesn't seem to matter, and you don't seem to need a config.ccp or description.ext file) and stick 'em in your addons folder.

But these textures arent small, so please use MakePBO to make your release PBO, because it will compress the textures. (http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/editing/editools.htm)

Any problems, let me know...

Hope it helps ;D