Looking at your piece of config one or two things spring to mind.
First you have included a third value in the ilsPosition array, this is fine, but the third value is supposed to be the height that the runway is at.
Check the height, although this may not make a lot of difference to whether it works or not, you never know.
Secondly ilsTaxiIn + the array should all be on one line, otherwise it doesnt work right.
The same goes for ilsTaxiOff
Lastly, your runway appears to run from East to West.
In my experience I have never really got the AI to land East-West or indeed West-East.
Occasionally I have successfully got them to land North to South.
The easiest option is South to North (Default).
This almost always seems to work.
This is the way your lines should look in the config.cpp:
Hope this helps.