This was only a test for a much larger script, of which I don't even know the full details..
Each side will have 10 (or more) Radio Comamnds availible to them.
These commands would include things like calling in air support, transports, reinforcements, and a whole bunch of other crap. You're basic stuff.
(Yeah, I know the CoC can already do this, but I still wanna see what I can make of it. Helps ya learn the script lanugague, ya know?)
Since BOTH sides will have their entire radio sets full (with commands that are supposed to be for only their side), I can't use NULL to hide the radio comamnd.
In the non-working version, there are two Radio triggers for each location. (Alpha, Bravo, etc..) Each with "This AND Side player==<whatever>" in their condition lines. When the triggers are executed, they set 'wcommand=<alpha, bravo, etc...>" for west, or 'ecommand=<alpha, bravo, etc...>" for east. It works all fine and dandy in SINGLE PLAYER... but when you play it in Multiplayer, with players on both sides, when ONE side executes a Radio Trigger, the trigger is also executed for the OTHER side, but only on the computers of players of that Side.
That's very confusing. Let me produce an example mission & script.
If you need to see it happen in multiplay, I can be availible at odd-and-ends times to demonstrate.
In the example mission and script, there are sepreate Radio Triggers for East and West, a single man on the East and West sides, and a Civilian named "Talker." Whenever an East man uses a radio command, Talker types, in globalchat, "East command# recieved", and same for the west.
The anomoly I'm trying to fix is that when an EAST soldier uses a radio command, the East soldier sees: "East command# recieved", AND the West soldier sees: "West command# recieved", even though he never pressed a radio command. This works both ways, for east or west.
I hope that clears things up.