Hiya pal,
Not sure if this has already been done ..I looked at the script snippets section in Editor's depot and saw a Manual Paradrop script (or something) that you might use. But I think it would involve a script that checks for player to be dead and while it waits for him to respawn, it creates a parachute, setpos'es it to chosen location, then u move the unit into the chute.
I tried , but no success yet... It's easy to create an empty parachute in the editor ...set to flying and then use
unitname moveindriver chutename in a trigger and voila your soldier is floating down. But in a
script, I dunno how to do the the
"flying" part, so it doesn't work. There was a post about helicopters spawning in mid-air ...look for that to see if they found a solution, maybe. :-\
Alternatively, you could just have a heli hovering over the spawn point ...use moveincargo on your spawned player...make him eject ...and then unassignvehicle ....he will parachute down.
What I did:
Create a Game Logic and Name it: SL (for spawnlogic)
Create a marker named "Chutes"
@!alive player
Chute1 = "ParachuteC" createVehicle getmarkerpos "Chutes"
Chute1 setPos [(getpos SL select 0),(getPos SL select 1),(getPos SL select 2) + (20)]
@alive player
player moveindriver Chute1
goto "loop"
Anyhow, play around with it ... lemme know if u figure it out.