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Author Topic: Morale Script  (Read 454 times)

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Offline dmakatra

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Morale Script
« on: 06 Oct 2003, 17:26:30 »
This is my VERY primitive Morale/Arrest script for NPD Deluxe Edition(read more: http://www.thetom.co.uk/freehosting/gameer/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=6). I will improve it as soon as I get it to work ::) . Any help appriciated.

Code: [Select]
_badman = _this select 0


_badman setcaptive false

_morale = random 100 + 30

; Morale Negative
? handshit _badman : goto "handsup"
_damage = getdammage _badman
_damage = _damage * 2
_morale = _morale - _damage
; Morale Boosts
? handshit player : _morale = _morale + 3
_damagep = getdammage player
_damagep = _damagep * 2
_morale = _morale + _damage
? _morale < 1 : goto "handsup"
goto "loop"

_badman switchmove "FXWomanSur"
_badman setcaptive true
_morale2 = _morale2 + (player distance _badman)
_morale2 > 1000 : goto "startover"
goto "handsup"

I don't get any errors or anything it just wont work! Anyone know what's wrong with it? Cheers!

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Morale Script
« Reply #1 on: 06 Oct 2003, 17:30:09 »
Sorry m8s, double post. I'll lock this one.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: