Okay, hey the deal.
Well, my mission was to have a M113 unit, a squad, an M1Abrahms platoon, and the player's squad to all move down a valley into the FUP.
I created the waypoints into the FUP and in each activation line, wrote
squadname_in_FUP = 1.
Then I created a trigger and in the condition box entered:
squadname_in_FUP == 1 for each of the four squads.
I finally synced all the waypoints in the FUP to the trigger so the squads wouldn't attack until eveyone was there.
Finally I tested the game, and my squad was the last to arrive. We set off the trigger, but the other squads didn't continue on to their Seek & Destry waypoints.
I checked the trigger, waypoints, the whole nine yards, and it was all perfect. The trigger was set to Switch, and everything was typed in as should be.
I even created a much simpler mission to test the trigger and see if it was just a human error, but the trigger didn't work in that mission either.
So, I have quite a large problem here, and I can't seem to fix it... Can anyone help? :help: