1Download the I44 v1.2 demo. There is a PzKpfw VI in there, unfortunately it's painted in desert camouflage (very odd since both the germans and the allies withdrew from north africa way before the Tiger was even produced...)
2No, but
www.google.com should land you tons of pictures.
3Don't think it is possible to give damage to specific areas through scripting, try playing around with setDammage and see what happens.
4Not sure what you mean here. You're using switch/playMove and the unit won't stay down?
If you do not need the units anymore in the mission, or if you don't need them to move after this, use
unitname disableAI "move"If you do need the soldiers after this, but it is not necessary to show the soldiers getting up, just deleteVehicle the ones you disabled the AI on, and createUnit/setPos other AI in as replacement.