Excuse my ignorance Killswitch, but I didn't bother to read the full thread
But if you need to find out if you're in SP or MP, put the following in your init EH:
?format ["%1",clients]=="scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef":clients=0;publicVaiable "clients"
publicVariable "clients"
In those script that need to know if its SP or MP, you can assume that a second after mission start, the "client" variable will be unequal to 1 in MP. This, together with the "player=player" query, should be enough to find out if you're on a dedi or not!
>That and a command that would return the version of the game
Mhmm didn't try this yet, but probably you can find out the version. Count up a float var from, say, 1.46 to 1.92, and pass it to the requiredVersion command (use "format"). Store the last one that passed the test in a var "theVersion". When the test fails the first time, quit the loop, and "theVersion" should contain the game's version.
Again: I didn't test this, so don't blame me if it doesn't work