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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #15 on: 09 Sep 2003, 20:03:54 »
Some people might be offended by that Drozdov.

Please keep things as non-political as possible per the Admin's request.   ;)

That is interesting about the bamboo cages though.  What did they keep the prisoners in then? (That is, if LCD wants to use that idea)

But yeah, LCD, I'd say it would be cool to be reinforced by people in the village.  I'd back you up if you made the mission with POW's   ;)  


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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #16 on: 09 Sep 2003, 22:43:27 »
@ droz

tanks 4 da advice ;)

just dont get dat political ;) i know dat da americans got deir own... (not allowed on forums) ;) ::) but no need 2 post it in dat offensive wayz (u can post it in som oder wayz ;D like... "as much as i know (and i got prety good sources of info) dat da Vietnamese didnt use bamboo cages" and den 2 make ur point complete b4 da important ppl u can just send me IM bout da U.S propaganda - cuz i dont care unlike da mods n admins  ;)  ;D nd all da realy important ppl (me n u ;)) will know wat u realy wanna know  ;D  :o  ::))

bout wat cpt said - u realy didint miss nythin important ;)

@ asmo

bout da cages thingy - ma guess in huts or somin - as much as i know cages arent usualy used 4 ppl (nd wasnt bamboo somwat breakable ???)

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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #17 on: 09 Sep 2003, 23:12:36 »
It just irritates me that just because they had them like that in some film (which one was it by the way?) that everyone thinks this actually happened. It didn't. No question about it. I think the director guy may have admitted it but I'm not sure.

I think it's derogatory to the Vietnamese to suggest they did, which is why I got a bit angry. I feel a tad strongly about what happened in Vietnam. And I assume they kept prisoners in cells like everyone else did. I don't think bamboo cages would be their default choice...

Anyway, back to LCDs mission.

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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #18 on: 11 Sep 2003, 14:48:28 »
OK LCD, here we go.

What we are talking about is one mission that exists in two forms:  one from the East side and one from the West.     The two versions will differ slightly - that is inevitable given the constraints of the AI and clearly the Briefings and Intros will be different - but things like bases and the movement of AI groups will be essentially the same.     In each version the player unit of the other version will be played by an AI unit.

First, the East version.    You are a VC special ops loon.    You are briefed in a VC village/base along with your squad.     Your task is to leave the squad and move to a road:  there you will observe a US convoy that is expected.   You will not attack it.      Meanwhile, your second in command (who is a spec op like you) will lead the rest of the squad (who are a bunch of FNGs, which is why they can't come with you on the recce) to a jungle RV, where they will find a small ammo dump with a couple of guards.     Having observed the convoy, you will move to the RV and rejoin the squad.

The convoy moves into a US held village base.    It arrived empty and is due to load up and take supplies somewhere.    While it is loading you move back to the road.    In due course you ambush and destroy it.     You are then ordered to attack and destroy the US base before making your way home.     Obviously there will be resistance throughout the mission.

So that's that.   All standard stuff.    Now for the West version.

You are a special ops loon of Vietnamese origin who has been infiltrated into the VC as an FNG.   (Fucking New Guy)     You find yourself part of a VC squad briefed to destroy a convoy.   Your objective is to prevent the destruction of the convoy and find and destroy the VC jungle ammo dump.     The mission will be so arranged so that you do not have the opportunity of dropping the East "player" unit before he recces the road:  obviously his waypoints will take him to the road, the RV and back to the road where his satchels will destroy the convoy and you will have failed.     So you'll have to catch him later.    You'll need to kill the rest of the squad too.    Having saved the convoy  and destroyed the RV ammo dump and wiped out your own squad your final objective will be to infiltrate the US base without killing anyone and reporting to the Intelligence Officer.    As a VC loon you will obviously be shot at by the any Americans who see you.     If you shoot any VC and are detected in so doing the other VC will shoot at you too.    There will need to be some nifty scripting with addRating to make this work.      It goes without saying that if you shoot an American you lose the mission.    Equally it goes without saying that if the VC squad is even half strength when it attacks the convoy it destroys it easily.

(Here is an example of where the missions will be different.   Obviously in each version the composition of the convoy will be the same, but in one version the loons in it will be high quality, and in the other they will be low quality.   There may also be one or two extra guards in one version, but the vehicles must be identical.)

The beauty of this is of course that LCD gets to play West without having to don an American uniform. ;D

I'm afraid I'll have to decline your kind invitation to create the West part though, I'm struggling to find time to finish my own missions.     Of course I'll be happy to help with ideas, voices, beta testing etc.

« Last Edit: 11 Sep 2003, 14:52:06 by macguba »
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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #19 on: 11 Sep 2003, 15:21:18 »

now ull make me make more mision :P

of course da storyline gonna b changed alot :P but here u give me anoder stry - jsut lemme tel u how da last mision ended

u nd da remins of ur squad (if dere were som ::)) run away from U.S base after da americans started 2 drop napalms  :o cuz dey were loosin - after som taam helis were sent 2 chase u (or mebe move suplies around ? i donno - dat was just in da outro ;D) nd u drop 1 of em down

so wat i was thikin is 2 make ur way 2 ur base (or som meetin point) nd den da men u meet (oder VC n NVA) tel u bout da convoy - but wat i realy wanted 2 do w/ dis - is realy hit n run mision (w/ oder squad commanders orderin hold fire commands - so dey say open fire - den 60 secs of heavy fire den every1 just run away -  nd while da convoy stops 2 reorginize u get ur next attack after u finish da convoy - u attack a villge- wat do u think ? (but we can send da player 4 recce mision @ da start - but w/o scatchel charges 2 blow em up)

bout da covert U.S mision - like ur idea (getin 2 play w/o U.S uniform  :o  8)  ;)) i think ill make dis 1 2 - based on da events in da oder mision (nd makin sure da event of traitor happens in ur mision - itll surly get da player by suprise 1st taam  ;)

but i stil wanna make da U.S side mision (wich raises da mision count 2 3  :o)dat goes somin like dat (1 of 2 options)

1) player as crashed man from da choper dat crashed in da outro  ;) - avoid ppl nd go 2 evac point - get colected nd join da convoy - were u get attacked by som hit n run VC (w/ random succes chances 4 da covert us operator) den u go 2 defend da village

2) rescue squad - dats sent 2 save da pilot frpom da evac point szo u start w/ heli nd need 2 land fast n clear da evac point nd den collect him n join da covoy w/ him - from dere on it continues like da 1st option

i agree dat da units moves shud b almost da same  ;)

I'm afraid I'll have to decline your kind invitation to create the West part though, I'm struggling to find time to finish my own missions.  

no way :P

heres ma plan

*evil grin

i stil got 1 mision 2 finish (nd i need beta testin - its da mision in ma sig line) nd u have ur mision 2 finish - n u dont start ny new 1s so we den start 2 work on dat mision :P


did i forget 2 reply 2 nythin ?

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Offline macguba

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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #20 on: 11 Sep 2003, 23:08:12 »
lol let me tell you that finishing my two outstanding missions is so far off that the only thing I'll be planning afterwards is my funeral.

I didn't appreciate that this had to follow on from the last mission.   What you're suggesting sounds pretty good - it's your mission, my ideas are just being thrown into the melting pot to help inspire you.      The more I think about the covert US operator the more I like it, I'm almost beginning to wish I'd kept that one to myself .... lol no you can have it, I'll never make a mission with it anyway unless its the one we're talking about.

You're right, you'd have to lose the recce run.  (Not that it matters)    And I like the hit and run idea.    I don't like attacking villages, we've all attacked too many villages.    If there is going to be a village attack create your own village and make it a little strange and unusual, just for variety.
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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #21 on: 12 Sep 2003, 01:49:29 »
lol let me tell you that finishing my two outstanding missions is so far off that the only thing I'll be planning afterwards is my funeral

so its misions not in beta testin ?  :o kool waitin 2 beta em :P

now i need 2 find som1 else 2 do it (i know how dis 1 goes - ill end up doin it maself  ::))

The more I think about the covert US operator the more I like it, I'm almost beginning to wish I'd kept that one to myself ....

its 2 late :P



I'll never make a mission with it anyway unless its the one we're talking about.

of course u wont - u stil got dat 2 outstandin misions :P (nd ur funeral ::))

I don't like attacking villages, we've all attacked too many villages.    If there is going to be a village attack create your own village and make it a little strange and unusual, just for variety.

rofl - how meny timez did u c misions were u played VC attackin U.S ucupied village ? :P - dere surly b som suprises ;) - in all ma misions til now everythin had somin unusual in it ;) (mebe som of da vilegers wil run hom nd take som guns out of deir hidden places 2 help u ?  8))

@ every1 - i need help w/ disconvoy thingy  ;D

4 da convoy 2 b suitable 4 hit n run it shud b bigerdan usual (i think) also dat m gonna put 2-3 squads attackin (stil donno)

so how meny squads (2 or more) nd how meny vehicles (nd soldiers) in wat organizition shud dey b ?

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Offline macguba

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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #22 on: 15 Sep 2003, 16:19:31 »
I'd like to see a real convoy with a real ambush.

That is, the convoy is preceded by a recce team 1 or 2 klicks ahead.      Just ahead and just behind the convoy are more recce (say jeep w/ MG).     Behind the convoy is a truck with soldiers who can come round behind the ambushers and take them in the rear.    The convoy itself is topped and tailed by the main escort.

The ambushers have suggested to them a good place, where they can set up an L shaped kill zone:   where the road turns a sharp corner for instance.   There should also be good spots for putting OPs to spot up and down the road.

It doesn't all have to be too big:  the attackers need the equivalent of about 2 squads plus a two OP outliers.    The convoy has maybe a total of 3 recce jeeps and 3 trucks/APCs, each with one squad aboard.     This makes the escort look like 1 platoon, which is organisationally believable for an important convory.    The size of the convoy itself doesn't really matter, but you'd need at least 4 trucks to make the escort look sensible and probably 8 would be better.

And yes, the two outstanding missions are the ones I had in the beta forum, Regina and Impossible.  They are both sort of finished but need all the boring stuff like speech (which I am learning) and intros.
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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #23 on: 15 Sep 2003, 17:43:21 »
Okay, I 'kinda' (kinda means on purpose) knicked some ideas from VietCong (brilliant game  ;D can't get out of the bloody tunnels though!). Do a mission where, there is a known VC shipping route and the player must patrol along it, and engage enemy along the way, you could similate punji stake traps and grenades, and maybe implment that really cool sound effect from VietCong where an explosion goes off near you, your ears ring. But any way, and once you have patrolled you go into a Montgyuard village (Indeginious tribes people in Vietnam) and give the grain and ask them to join you, you find a wounded Montgyuard and he leads you too his village. The village then comes under heavy VC assault and you must fend them off and then you call for evac.

The mission could take up a coupla of missions though, like chapters.

Oh and I'd like to help, I need a decent mission to get me motivated.
« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2003, 17:46:52 by max_killer_payne »

Offline LCD

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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #24 on: 15 Sep 2003, 22:35:39 »
tanks macca ;D

it would take ya lot of time 2 do da speech thingy ?  :o  :-X

@ maxy

tanks 4 da idea - but i wanna keep ma storyline in dis 1 (urs gets realy off it :P)

as 4 da help thingy - read da storyline up dere - n tel me if u think u can do it - nd 4 me 2 decide send me som example mision (watever u want - but make it good :P) w/ intro n outro - nd everythin workin (nd plz makeit more n 20 mins mision w/ som style things ;) ;D)

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #25 on: 16 Sep 2003, 20:03:00 »
So its a VC mission though?
« Last Edit: 16 Sep 2003, 20:03:37 by max_killer_payne »

Offline LCD

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Re:Morning on fire
« Reply #26 on: 16 Sep 2003, 20:05:26 »
did u read somin of da above @ all ? ::)

its both+


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