Hey, I finally registered here after about three months of dealing with OFP.
I've made tons of missions until now but they weren't for real. No scripts or such.
Now I decided to get serious. I'm making a mission where the player commands a company/platoon/whatever on an assault to Dourdan and then La Trinite.
I am using snYpe's "Operation Axe-point" as a template for description.ext and the STRM thingamabob... also the intro sqt/sqz/sqm or the other thingy that intros you ,..... er..
I'd like to know if snYpir would let me use his missions files ('cept the scripts) to use as a template for my mission, "Operation Awakening".
I have about 50 MB of tuts, from people like Lusty to snype to MrBigBadwhatevear.
However when I take a look at some of Axe-point's scripts I oftenly quit because... well... I look at somthin like:
;This is a very simple thing to do....
and then....
_toto = _this select 0
_mama = _this select 1
_rgt = (getPos_) select 3
_peepx (getPos_ count _maniac) select 4
_peepY (getPos_ count _nst6) select 5
_peepz (getPos_ count _totoflies) select 6
_camy ActorSelect_ getPos count _oyz select 7
_camz ActorDance _theboogiewoogiedance
actor GetPos (aP AND mommy AND toto)
? actor = Pos_Kansas : toto ow ow
I understand how to make a basic script like
_msg = _this select 0
_type = _this select 1
_time = _this select 2
Titletext (_msg, _type, _time)
and many other things, but then looking at description.ext and STRM and TOOT and sqm sqs tot moanos yes do sarge axe helçllo fesh bakedd cookies and select 2435 and get pos yzt 247, 2934, 23
and i just get plain scared at what it takes... then I think of going to ofpec and ask for help, but since the general rule is see the tuts I'm thinkin "noone willl help me"
but, if someone wants to help, if snypir isn't anymore in france?....
PS: I have ver 1.46 and i'd like to keep it please