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Author Topic: How to Make Config.cpp?  (Read 2297 times)

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David Shipley

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How to Make Config.cpp?
« on: 26 Feb 2004, 17:21:38 »

I was wondering: how do you make a config.cpp file? A modder, by the name of Eric Fisher, says he'll edit the game for me (so officers will wear helmets instead of caps) if I give him the latest version of the game's config file in .cpp format; he's been out of it for a while, so he can't do it for himself.

I would love to have all officers in the game wear helmets instead of hats, since I'm kind of a realism-freak.

So, how would I come about a new config.cpp file for Operation Flashpoint 1.92+? I don't really know anything about mods, so I'm at a loss, here.

Maybe someone can send me their config.cpp file? I need it for the latest version of Operation Flashpoint; the latest official patch, not the beta ones. Could anyone be so kind as to help a poor guy out? :-)

My E-mail: davidshipley@planetavp.com.

Oh, and if someone was willing to send me a config file already edited with officers wearing helmets instead of caps, that would mean the world to me. :-) I'd be willing to pay them back with a favor of my own, maybe.

I'm not sure if this'll entice anyone, but maybe I could post about your mod in an off-topic news post on my site, www.PlanetAvP.com? We receive upwards of tens of thousands of visitors a day (we're part of GameSpy), and while it is about Aliens vs. Predator, I'm sure there'll be some interested in Operation Flashpoint. Like I am. ;-)

Thanks in advance,
David Shipley
« Last Edit: 26 Feb 2004, 18:47:53 by David Shipley »

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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #1 on: 26 Feb 2004, 17:44:59 »
snYpir wrote a tute about config.cpp, though I don't know if it would help with this question.  In the Editors Depot somewhere.  

However, I'm not sure there is much point in making the adjustment in question:   AFAIK an officer is just a soldier in a cap rather than a helmet.  If you change it to a helmet you've just got a soldier, which is pretty much straying into reinventing the wheel territory.    Why not just use a regular soldier and arm him like an officer?
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

David Shipley

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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #2 on: 26 Feb 2004, 18:44:17 »

Thanks, but that tutorial is a little too advanced for me. :-\

No, this is done so officers in every mission look like regular soldiers (like they do in real-life), including the official campaign. This is not for a single mission to have an officer with a helmet on. I'm not a mission-maker.

You see, there's lots of infantry missions out there where you play the role of an officer. Me, being the realism freak that I am, would like to have all the officers in all those missions wear helmets instead of caps.

This can be done through an edited config.cpp file.

You know what's really odd? Someone actually already did do something similar, but with a config.cpp file for the INQ weapons mod. Which is TWENTY megabytes big - way out of my league.

Here it is, if any of you are interested (and have the INQ mod already installed): http://www.planetavp.com/config.rar. Just download that and any officers anywhere will wear kevlar over nylon.

The problem? The INQ download is too big and I never liked that mod much, anyway.

Is there somebody out there who can just E-mail me a clean, unedited config.cpp file? I need to send it to Fisher, who'll edit it for me so all officers' headgear are helmets instead of caps/berets.

Or maybe someone can take the role of Fisher, here? Come on; help a poor guy out. :-)

Thanks again,
David Shipley
« Last Edit: 26 Feb 2004, 18:47:21 by David Shipley »

David Shipley

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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #3 on: 26 Feb 2004, 23:26:45 »
See, here's the E-mail I got from Fisher:

"You have to track down the unedited decoded v1.92+ config.cpp and we can make changes from there.  It's been a while and I've been out of it."

Is there anyone here who can help me find what he's looking for, please? This is very important to me.

I promise, if this works out, I'll put the new config file up for download for anyone who, like me, like their officers realistic and with helmets on their noggins. ;-)



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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #4 on: 27 Feb 2004, 00:55:59 »
 Well here's the info I dug up from my copy of the commented config files..

as far as I could tell...  the only difference.. well cosmetically at least,

 is in the model used for Officer versus the Infantryman

 West Infantry: model="MC vojakW2";
 West Officer:    model = "mc vojakwo2.p3d";

this is found in the CfgVehicles.hpp file if you do a find (ctrl+f) and look for Officer, the West one should be the first one that comes up..

now you should be able to  just swap those lines making the officers now use the infantrymans models on your version of the game..


David Shipley

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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #5 on: 27 Feb 2004, 01:56:37 »

Yeah, that's probably the change Fisher was talking about! :-)

But I need a config.cpp file to make the change. :-(

Could you send me your config.cpp file, please, sir?


That is what you're saying, right? Because I tried searching for a 'CfgVehicles.hpp' file in my OFP folder; I found nothing.

Could someone just send me a file that'll solve all my problems? (LOL.)


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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #6 on: 27 Feb 2004, 02:45:39 »
 I think the cfgVehicles is found inside the config.bin, but I'm not positive ..  I've never opened/decrypted a .bin file so I cant just open mine to look...

anyone know what opens .bin files?

David Shipley

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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #7 on: 27 Feb 2004, 02:49:39 »
You can't update the config file while it's in .BIN format and not .CPP, I think. That's why I was looking for a config.cpp file: that can be edited without the game screwing up.


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Re:How to Make Config.cpp?
« Reply #8 on: 27 Feb 2004, 23:03:20 »
 If I'm not too mistaken I think that if you decompile the config.bin you can edit and then recompile ...

that's how the Mods like FDF and CSLA did a total conversion.. you have a mod folder with an edited config.bin inside of it.. which changes a whole lot of things in their case.. but in your case it would just be the officer thing..

I was just thiking about it again now and you could probably just make a config.cpp and turn it into a .pbo file.. toss it into your addons folder and then you'd have a custom officer.. but this wouldn't solve your problems as far as playing the campaign or anyone else's mission..

If you want to change the officers around I'm fairly certain that you'll have to alter that config.bin file or if not that one .. another one inside your flashpoint directory.  

You can edit just about anything really.. so long as you do it correctly then you won't run into problems..   ;D

I just don't know what program(s) I'd need to get to find out for myself whether or not the cfgvehicles.hpp does indeed lie inside the config.bin

once I knew that for sure I could tell you how to edit it yourself..