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Author Topic: Role of medics in OFP vs. real life?  (Read 1278 times)

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Role of medics in OFP vs. real life?
« on: 10 Oct 2003, 16:11:57 »
This might be (and is) obvious, but anyway.

The Question: would it be too boring to rule out medics from a realistic-oriented missons/mods?

OFP medics can cure wounded unit from a state of crawling, and several times that is, right?

In real world if one receives a bullet going through major leg bones, one is not going to walk for several weeks at least.


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Re:Role of medics in OFP vs. real life?
« Reply #1 on: 12 Oct 2003, 07:22:53 »
I think the role of medics should be like this.

If you are wounded in OFP you will die slowly, the medic just prevents you from dying. Do people get what i mean.

i.e. if you are playing a MP map and you get shot in the leg, you should die within lets say 5 minutes (from blood loss or simluar) but if a medic rescues you he will prevent futher injury and he will bandage you up so you will still be crawling around but you won't die :D


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Re:Role of medics in OFP vs. real life?
« Reply #2 on: 12 Oct 2003, 07:54:46 »
In a script I've got, you keep bleeding unless a medic heals you. In the new version, you'll stay damaged, but the bleeding loop will be stopped.


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Re:Role of medics in OFP vs. real life?
« Reply #3 on: 14 Oct 2003, 19:25:31 »
K Ive worked out how to do this:

1stly make a trigger that tells if a unit is damaged
2ndly make this activate a script that makes the man do the dead anims
3rdly make it so if a medica gets xxx close to U he does the healing anim, and U get up
the same as above apart from 3, where if an ambulance gets close to U U are moved in as the guy on the bed in the back

Cpl. Vagabond

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Re:Role of medics in OFP vs. real life?
« Reply #4 on: 17 Oct 2003, 19:47:44 »
I did make a script so that when you were hit the following happens,

1) your hit!!! and you bleed, if your health drops below 70% then you will continually bleed until medic heals you or you die!!!

2) if you drop below 30% health you would fall on the floor and your guy would lye there bleeding until a medic came

but i lost this script a while back