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Author Topic: O2 Issues - Not able to load files?  (Read 896 times)

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O2 Issues - Not able to load files?
« on: 02 Sep 2003, 02:56:00 »
Hey gang.. I'm having some serious issues with O2..

I just want to load in an existing model into the viewer to look at it.

I have unpacked just about every PBO I have, both those that come with the game and addon's that others have made..  To no avail.. I get an error every time.

It just says; Unable to load file. Load error.

I have o2 running fine and the buldozer viewer is running in a window in the background just fine.

Why can I not load in an existing file?  

I understand that the original ones are encrypted so that we can't load them, but why can't I load any of the user made addon's I have?

My ultimate goal here is to use Lightwave to create my models and convert them to P3D.. I just need to get O2 to work so that I can make thsi happen..



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Re:O2 Issues - Not able to load files?
« Reply #1 on: 02 Sep 2003, 08:04:10 »
Okay after playing with it a bit.. I was able to load one of the addon's that I have downloaded..

but most wont load.. not sure why?


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Re:O2 Issues - Not able to load files?
« Reply #2 on: 02 Sep 2003, 08:22:22 »
Okay after doing some reading.. (lots of reading)..

Evidently files that are "Binarized" are forever lost when it comes to editing.  Once you use that utility on them, they can't be loaded into Oxygen.

Does this sound about right?


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Re:O2 Issues - Not able to load files?
« Reply #3 on: 02 Sep 2003, 11:57:27 »
Yup.. O2 can only handle MLOD files... and the ingame files and the binarized ones are ODOL.... however there are 0.36 demo files which are MLOD... and earlier O2 made addons (before Binarize) are also MLOD..


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Re:O2 Issues - Not able to load files?
« Reply #4 on: 02 Sep 2003, 21:16:07 »