I think I know what you mean. You're using the move command to send a group/unit to a point. When he gets there, you move him to the next point. Almost like waypoints but all scripted (I think that's what you mean
I've done a lot of that and I like to use 15-20 meters with the distance command. I've seen it where the unit will get close and stop but not be within 10 or so meters from the destination.
One thing I like to do is use a "timeout". Sometimes units will get into combat and the original move command will be superseded. They never get to where they are supposed to go and the script never continues.
groupname move destination
?(time - _to)>300:goto "move1"
?(leader groupname) distance destination > 20:goto "wait"
You can change the 300 (5 minutes) to whatever is suitable. I like to use this for groups that are doing random searches. If, for some reason, it takes longer than 5 minutes to get there (combat most likely), the group gets issued the move command again.
Well, that's a bunch of stuff you probably didn't need