here's an idea for a mission that might surprise you even though you made it. put in the briefing that you just liberated a town and you guys are resting. you alone as squad leader have moved just up the road to do some recon on a noise you thought you heard. you told your men to maintain a defense there in the town. it could have been a tank or a truck. the mission starts and you're up the road, no cover, no concealment, theres a tank coming down the road really fast. you get just enough time and space to outrun the tank back to the town, become leaderr of your men, then order them won't work. I don't think you can ever really surprise yourself, but you can challenge yourself and hope that everytime you are capable of defeating that challenge. not unless this were ghost recon. in that game the enemy is created at random positions on the map enabling you to get a new experience every time. if ofp2 had that you'd bet set.