Now comes the time when I need help designing new, exotic and vengeful ways to execute our groups whipping boy... Duo.
Now background on Duo. Duo is the simple most lunatic person you will ever encounter on the internet. His sayings resemble those of a 3 year old, he can be tempted like Judas and is generally piss taken from all sides. He absorbs this like no other. Nothing we seem to do diminishes his will to come back and annoy us, nor take our lashings of abuse in return.
Now the Duo trap:
The Duo trap is just that, a trap for Duo. It comprises of 2 parts
1. The bait. This must be some item that simply Duo cannot help but interact with. Upon him finding it, he will simply run to it and use it. Busses, bikes, AA guns we have just taken down, BMPs we dont need, unarmed clowncopters, anything that he simply cannot resist. This leads to 2.
2. The exectution (of Duo). This must be dramatic and have engaged in some futile, impossible attempt to save or prolong his life. An example can be found at (not driven by Duo) where we rigged a bus "Speed" style. Once he went over 70, a bomb armed, when he went under 65, the bus was conclusivly destroyed, him included.
Now, what I need of you....
More ideas for semi hillarious ways of bringing his nieve person to a grizly death while providing maximum giggles for the rest of us. I can assure you he outright deserves this torture.
Heres some chatlog of how Chomps described a Duo trap if you dont get it and one idea:
[17:14:38] <Heners> Chomps
[17:14:48] <Chomps> Heners
[17:14:49] <Heners> I need you to summise the basic theory of a Duo Trap
[17:15:00] <Heners> How would you generally describe a Duo Trap?
[17:15:16] <Chomps> well there are two main parts
[17:15:20] <Chomps> 1. The bait
[17:15:28] <Chomps> 2. The execution (of Duo)
[17:15:29] <Heners> ok
[17:15:40] <Heners> 1. Bait, something too tempting not to be fucked with
[17:15:41] <Chomps> the bait is something that duo cannot resist
[17:15:47] <Chomps> precisely
[17:15:59] <Chomps> execution should be dramatic
[17:16:10] <Chomps> the next duotrap i have planned
[17:16:14] <Chomps> now dont tell duo about this
[17:16:21] <Chomps> is have some girls standing outside a church
[17:16:27] <shep> [pedro the lion - big trucks] [;0]
[17:16:29] <Chomps> but as soon as you approach them
[17:16:38] <Heners> hello AK47s
[17:16:41] <Chomps> they take out handguns and shoot you
[17:16:54] <Heners> better still
[17:17:02] <Heners> Have some girls there
[17:17:07] <Heners> But when you apparoach them
[17:17:16] <Heners> They die horribly and russian paras take their place
[17:17:23] <Chomps> or
[17:17:24] <Chomps> they explode