The globals would stay in the scripts.
As for dynamic gotos, it's for the AI script I'm writing. I had posted a thread about it asking how it would perform when completed. It's a big state machine that orders the unit somewhere, and then pauses until the unit goes there or does whatever it needs to do. The problem is if something happens along the way--specifically, the unit gets killed. The script would lose coherency because the units respawn.
Rather than write the code for handling a respawn over and over and over again in the state machine, I would want to go to that common code first. If the unit wasn't killed, then it would go to whatever it was just assigned and just execute that code.
What I'm thinking of writing now is a calling a function for the common code. For testing if the unit died, I think I need a script that just waits to see if the unit was killed. I can't trust the AI script to handle it right because it delays for many seconds at points. During that delay, the unit could have died and respawned. According to the script logic, the unit was alive before the delay, and it was alive after the delay, so all is well. I'd need the global variable to notify it that it had died in the interim.