Easy peasy lemon squeazy.
Activation: as you like, say vehicle not present
On Activation: 1gone=true
Triggers 2 and 3 similarly
Trigger 4
Condition: 1gone and 2gone and 3gone
On Activation: whatever you like
The secret is variables. When the variables 1gone, 2gone and 3gone are all set to true, trigger 4 will fire.
You don't have to initialise the variables in your init.sqs. However, if the game encouters and expression which includes a variable it hasn't met before it assumes the whole expression is false. Which in this case is fine. However, if you are making something happen when a variable is false, then you will have to define it somewhere before you want it to do its job.
Initialising variables is easy - you just have to define it to be equal to something. In this case, if you wanted to initialise these variables, you would put this in your init.sqs