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Author Topic: WW2 Normandy Map  (Read 4350 times)

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WW2 Normandy Map
« on: 07 Sep 2002, 16:51:04 »
Could someone please make a Normandy map including the beaches and most important of all the inland. You could use the new resistance buildings becuase they look like the ones from france.  ;)

I know Jakerod started it but quit becuase it was too hard. So please make one. It would be nice for the new WW2 units made by the WW2 team to be used there. You could make seaborne landings to airborne paradrops in that map.  ;D

Thank you  :)

Offline Garcia

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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #1 on: 07 Sep 2002, 19:35:00 »
umm, I think it's a few ppl working on it...I DL the terrain of Omaha and the inland...
And I don't think that was the map Jakerod was working on...
And, Invasion 1944 is making one, I guess, for their mod.



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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #2 on: 08 Sep 2002, 04:03:44 »
The first one i was ever gonna make was a normandy one of just the inland area... It was basically just a square of land with hills in it... after finishing Grid A,1 it go boring so i quit.

Offline trinec

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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #3 on: 08 Sep 2002, 07:57:58 »
i would make it but i cant find any 30m dems of normandy but if I had em i would


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #4 on: 10 Sep 2002, 19:03:16 »
I am currently working on this for a mod...and as far as I can tell there are no 30m DEMs for that area...that are available to the public anyway ;) The best I could find were 1km...hardly useful me thinks. All in all though i can't quite see the fuss. It's not a complex bit of coastline when you look at it in detail. Easy to see why the landing was such a cock-up hehehehe.


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #5 on: 12 Sep 2002, 11:02:17 »
TAke a look at :
and BNT Omaha ..... ;D
...And tell me what you think about..
my Omaha Map is from Pointe du Hoc to all Omaha Beach. I whant to make it as real as possible, but it take time....So to do it i'm looking for historic et detailled Map of this country, i've got some but i need others...  And i'm looking for new WWII model, not vehicles or units but houses and objects...


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #6 on: 14 Sep 2002, 03:36:39 »
Hmm, had to get Babelfish out for that page. Looks good, can't wait for that one! Hope it doesn't go the same way as Jakerod's though!


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #7 on: 14 Sep 2002, 04:32:48 »
Same here... i try to do so much but i cant finish it... maybe i just make some real small island.


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #8 on: 15 Sep 2002, 09:31:25 »
WRP Editing is very hard.


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #9 on: 20 Sep 2002, 01:49:07 »
So, when can we expect a beta or something to be released?


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #10 on: 24 Sep 2002, 15:01:14 »
Thank for your msg...
I can't say a date of release now, cause i dont know how many time it will take, and as i told you, i need some other stuf...
But actualy i've done all the vierville town and beach part Charly and Dog, especialy Dog one. I've also mad ea part of Pointe du Hoc. I'm curently working on road to St LAurent and St LAurent Town.....


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #11 on: 24 Sep 2002, 23:26:34 »
Salut BNT

Maybe my Road Calculator can help you to design exact straight roads : http://free.corefusion.net/Free/wrpfr/home.nsf/9d430f0cfebe621cc1256c0a00397252/$FILE/RoadCalc.zip

Hope it helps otherwise just forget it.



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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #12 on: 30 Sep 2002, 07:55:40 »
Ahh, sounds good! Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox the whole lot! And even du-hoc for the rangers.


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #13 on: 01 Oct 2002, 07:21:34 »
Take look my post at the WW2 team ;)


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Re:WW2 Normandy Map
« Reply #14 on: 02 Oct 2002, 14:34:16 »
hello Pertti !
I saw your work (omaha beach) not realy easy to make it, no ?...
I'm also working on a Omaha Beach Map, did you saw my work ? I've try to change some building texture to add some stuff but it take time. I've done a Vierville sign, and a house with ''SUZE'' writing on (like in save private ryan...) I hope Marcel or someone else will made others WWII building like shop, destroyed houses etc....
I dont know if we are alone making these great WWII maps.
Good luck for your job, see you later on forum