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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 69760 times)

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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #300 on: 02 Oct 2004, 16:13:17 »
"There are 1 enemy loons remaining".

I sent 2 guys in the hospital BMP back to the civilian village.  I thought it would be neat - and easier, to finish them all off using the chopper as an elevated and mobile gun platform.  When they got in the chopper I got the bad news.  I should have rearmed and refueled the chopper when I was there.

I did blow the satchel charges just for the hell of it - 12 of them!  Nowhere in the base would have been safe.  Pity about the 'feature' that prevented me doing this when it mattered.  I would have felt really smug, mined both entrances and booby trapped the base hours ago and now the mines have killed 4 armour units, and the satchel charges would have taken out a whole infantry squad.

So there we were guarding the Old Base 2x Abrams and 1 x BMP2.  Nothing happend for a long time.  Being in tanks we were mostly moving around the outside of the base.  It occured to me that perhaps we all had to be in the base so I got all the vehicles to move in and - end of mission (should I choose to).  I didn't choose to.  14 Loons left.  To be told they were most likely to be in the ring road - or however you described it - was very daunting.  Only 14 in that enormous area.
Because I had read some of the posts I reailised I had to go to the top of the hill.  I think in the final mission you perhaps should give a stronger clue about where they will head for.  You might also want to check whether the trigger for completing the mission is too restrictive about us all having to be in the base.  The briefing only said - secure the base - and what could be more secure than being guarded by 3 armoured units?

So another convoy 2xAbrams 1xBMP2 up to the top of The Hill.  It is quite a slow journey.  I have only been able get up on the western side.  The top was alive with snipers.  Shot 2 or 3 and ran over about 10.  Now "There are 1 enemy loons remaining".  Two points:
- Perhaps a different phrase when it is down to 1 :)
- Where the hell is he!  Finding him is proving quite tedious.

You asked about killing LAW soldiers.  I rarely see where they have fired from so unless I am with another tank they are usually able to get a second shot off - if they can see me for dust that is!  Best to keep well away.  The AT and AA soldiers will shoot from longer range and I do have more luck spotting them for that reason.  Will the AI not rearm and reload if there are ammo crates about?  If so the AA and AT soldiers can - eventually - have more than one shot.

OK, back to the hunt for the "1 enemy loons" - more reflections later.

EDIT:  Oh yes - still no casualties.

« Last Edit: 03 Oct 2004, 21:03:09 by THobson »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #301 on: 02 Oct 2004, 16:31:10 »
I think it would be a mistake to get rid of any of the armour.
The armour in general is staying.   The only question is about the Abrams in what I call the "medium" armour group.   If it goes it will be replaced by a Bradley, but as I say I think it's probably staying.  

At the moment, the fact that there is armour about forces you to be extremely careful.
Exactly.  Armour adds diversity and fun.  

The AI are just a bunch of cissies at times.
Yep, they sure are.    

If I was unable to locate him quickly enough.........I ran..........got repaired and came back.
This supports my view that LAW soldiers with multiple rockets are more dangerous than AT soldiers with one.

"There are 1 enemy loons remaining".

I sent 2 guys in the hospital BMP back to the civilian village.  I thought it would be neat - and easier, to finish them all off using the chopper as an elevated and mobile gun platform.  When they got in the chopper I got the bad news.  I should have rearmed and refueled the chooper when I was there.
The chopper will fly and has enough gas for a one way trip to anywhere on the island.   Dunno if it will fly with an AI pilot though, I must check that.    There is ammo, repair and some fuel at the civvy village, but you have to fly over to the barrels which is an interesting little challenge in the fog.  (But not too hard.)

I did blow the satchel charges just for the hell of it - 12 of them!
Cool!  I did something similar in a mission I played the other day.   I shudder to think how far the scudlaunchers flew.

I got all the vehicles to move in and - end of mission (should I choose to).  
I'll slacken the area a little and reword the Briefing.

14 Loons left.  To be told they were most likely to be in the ring road - or however you described it - was very daunting.  Only 14 in that enormous area.
This is supposed to be helpful:  the idea is to point out that you don't have to clear the whole island, just the heart of the mission area.   Which is still, I admit, a pretty large patch.

I think in the final mission you perhaps should give a stronger clue about where they will head for.
You're probably right.   Combined with the remark above a little rewording is probably required.   However, when you think about it, it is obvious - there is nowhere else they could converge on.

Perhaps a different phrase when it is down to 1
You are of course right, but given the lag problems I'm not going to have another trigger just for that.

- Where the hell is he!  Finding him is proving quite tedious.
Just wait.    He gets an order to head up the Hill every few seconds.    He could be coming from a long way off, and you know how much trouble they can have climbing the Hill.  Alternatively he may be hiding in a bush 50 yards away, too scared to fire in spite of his allowFleeing 0 command.    He has also been healed so he is not crawling.

they are usually able to get a second shot off - if they can see me for dust that is!  
Thank you chaps, you have answered my question - my gut feel is the same as yours.

will the AI not rearm and reload if there are ammo crates about?  If so the AA and AT soldiers can - eventually - have more than one shot.
In theory yes I think so, but they are pretty crap at it.

Oh yes - still no casualties.
Are you saying the mission is too easy?  ;D

The mission will end where-ever your squad are btw, they don't have to be at the top of the hill or in the base.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 17:17:51 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #302 on: 02 Oct 2004, 17:14:46 »
  • I've changed the wording of the hint from "There are X loons remaining" to

"Enemy loons alive - X"

Any better suggestions appreciated.

  • The Chinook will fly with an AI crew, though they report status red, no ammo, no fuel.   But we know they generally report "no Y" before they actually and finally run out of Y.
  • The East present ending trigger has been relaxed slightly and the second objective has been reworded from "Take your squad to the Old Base and secure it." to:-

"Secure the area around the Old Base and occupy it with your squad."

  • "Clear the map" Objective now says

Clear the map of the remaining West soldiers.  (Read the notes the civilians gave you.)

rather than that stuff about "most will be within the ring road."  The hints the civvies gave you already already say to get your squad inside the Base and also to go up the hill at the end, but I've reworded it to make it less depressing.

New version coming today or tomorrow.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 17:15:10 by macguba »
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #303 on: 02 Oct 2004, 17:51:48 »
Better would be to use this in the activation field of your trigger:

if (count thislist==1) then{hint "There is 1 enemy loon remaining."}else{hint format ["There are %1 enemy loons remaining.", count thislist]}; newCount = false

It would stay true to your original intent.

OK so I have spent about 1 hour waiting for this last loon to turn up.  I even got everybody out of their vehicles and had them running around like nice little targets.  I checked in the loo (nice touch by the way) and in the barn.  I thought maybe he was stuck in one of the support vehicles I told you about.  So down I went in the BMP and blasted them to bits - still no luck.  Back up to the top.  

Ridiculous I know, but I even starting going round the bodies on the top of the hill giving them the coup de grace with my pistol in case any were pretending to be dead!

I told you a beta test by me is the kiss of death for a mission!

I guess he is stuck somewhere.  I had a problem like this with my mission - Defensive Strike.  I dealt with it by having a script run at the relevant time that every few seconds checks the distance of each loon from a given marker, and if they had not moved more than a specified amount I setPos-ed them somewhere where they needed to be - but out of sight so the player will not notice.

I saved it after the Old Base was captured - I may go back and try again from there.  I would hate to come all this way and not finish.  It may be sufficiently random that he doesn't get stuck this time.
The Chinook will fly with an AI crew, though they report status red, no ammo, no fuel.  But we know they generally report "no Y" before they actually and finally run out of Y.
Bugger.  I believed them.  I should have just told them to fly.  I did check it out first in a little missionette to see if the AI would fly.  I was struggling to see how I could get them to land once they were up in the air - but Disembark works

The hints the civvies gave you already already say to get your squad inside the Base and also to go up the hill at the end,
I forgot all about that.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 18:37:09 by THobson »

Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #304 on: 02 Oct 2004, 18:22:56 »
Sorry for the multiple posts, I do edit them as well but if I do that when you are reading them you may not notice.

A very minor picky point of detail.  If you are in a vehicle at the top of The Hill and you follow the road from the flag it will send you down a very steep slope.  Slightly to the left is a more managable slope where it realy ought to lead.

I am afraid I am one of those people that cannot help spotting continuity problems in films.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 18:23:52 by THobson »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #305 on: 02 Oct 2004, 18:23:03 »
I just checked back over the changes list and the version you are playing still has the old triggers for sending loons up the hill, which did do this occasionally.     I would recommend a using cheat savegame and running all over the area on 4x to find him.    Fix the chopper and put a couple of loons it in to fly around too.  It's more than possible he is a passenger in a vehicle somewhere, the support group vehicles are particularly annoying on this point.     And please accept my apologies, I know how annoything this is.   The new version is much more robust, though it doesn't have that setpos trick.  I might try and add that in.  

I didn't know you could do the if then thing in a trigger, that's perfect.

Edit:  yes we're both posting so much I check back over your posts in case.   Multiple posts are fine because it does help avoid confusion.

The road is annoying:  I did try to change it once but I couldn't find any road pieces that were curved enough to avoid the steep slope.    It looks better with the road than without, so I left it in and hoped nobody would notice.   However, as you say, the attention to detail is mostly OK so this stands out more than it should.  I'll have another go.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 18:27:06 by macguba »
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #306 on: 02 Oct 2004, 18:35:45 »
Mac:  I have been editing and adding posts while you were too.  A quick scan back might be worth it to see if you missed anything.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 18:37:32 by THobson »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #307 on: 02 Oct 2004, 20:05:09 »
Wilco.  As it happened I think I had everything anyway.

I fixed the bloody road.    That's been one of the problems with this mission, it just keeps getting better which means I have to go back and improve other things which used to be ok, but are no longer good enough.    When I first re-posted it a couple of months ago my intention was to check for bugs, bung on an intro and that was it.... but it's all got a bit out of hand.   ::)
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Offline Planck

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #308 on: 02 Oct 2004, 20:40:59 »
Crikey, every time I visit this thread I have a whole novelette to read.

Never mind, its interesting enough.

@ THobson

I bet your one remaining loon is a sniper and he is somewhere on the hillside hiding under a tree or in a bush.  Probably making his way up to the top, only stopping when it gets busy with your guys trundling about.

« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 20:41:41 by Planck »
I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #309 on: 02 Oct 2004, 22:24:15 »
If only!  I have had guys standing doing nothing on the top of the hill for ages while I was well away.  Tell you what.  I will leave it run all night without doing anything and see what state things are in in the morning.

I went back to my save just at the point where I could choose to continue or not.  I chose to continue.  I got the repair truck into the base and repaired the fuel truck.  Me and another guy drove them down to the civilian village.  Repaired and re-fuelled the chopper.  Flew back up to the old base.  Re-armed the chopper and got 2 AI guys in one as gunner one as pilot and got them to fly over the top of The Hill.  And a real waste of time that was.  The chopper did not fly over the top of The Hill.  It chose to fly around it quite some distance below the summit!

So 2xAbrams back to the top of The Hill.  Eventually got back to the dreaded "There are 1 enemy loons remaining". Got one tank to disembark and stand around the summit and I took the other tank to all the vehicles I knew of and blasted them all even the dead ones.  I looked in the editor to see where the support trucks had started in case one was stuck there - there wasn't one.  Back to the road block and shot all the vehicles there.  Game time it is 19:30 and dark so I gave up.

I want to write a fair summary of what I felt about the mission but am not in a frame of mind to do that just yet.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 22:27:39 by THobson »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #310 on: 02 Oct 2004, 22:31:55 »
It does sound like there is a loon stuck somewhere.    :( :-[ I've found the best way to find the last guy is just to take my whole squad on foot and just trawl up and down the gridlines on the map on 4x.    You've won, this is a technical problem (and its a beta test) so using a cheat save isn't cheating.

Write the conclusion when you are in a good mood.   You had a bad time at the start and a bad time at the finish but a good time in the middle.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 22:36:09 by macguba »
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #311 on: 02 Oct 2004, 22:33:44 »
Another point of detail.  When I went back to the civilian village to repair and refuel the chopper the civilian that had been rotating in the pool of blood when I first visited had moved to near the hospital tent, and he had stopped rotating.  If the civilians cannot behave you might want to get rid of them after their cut scene, or keep repositioning them.

Is there a pattern to where you normally find the last guy?

A thought - only a bit of a cheat.  When they are down to about 10 or so, kill all the ones outside a given radius and those that seem not to be moving.  Though I still think setPos might be better.
« Last Edit: 02 Oct 2004, 22:37:49 by THobson »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #312 on: 02 Oct 2004, 22:44:48 »
I've never seen him move.    He has an animation now, which keeps him stationery.   I should really heal him, since there is now a hospital nearby, but the blood really adds to the atmosphere.   Perhaps I'll try standing him up, healed, and just leave the blood on the ground.

The only pattern to the wretched last loon is that it is usually vehicle related.   Which makes it hard to find because he could be anywhere (even outside the ring road) but easy to find  because you are only looking for a vehicle rather than a loon.    Once I found him trapped in a building in the village on the east side of the hill with the hospital and police jeep.  

The version I'm trying to post at the moment (the wretched site updater thing isn't working) has a much better script for the ending than the triggers you have.    It doesn't have setpos, though it will in due course.
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #313 on: 03 Oct 2004, 11:27:55 »
I have given a detailed commentary of what I was doing as I played the mission so here are my overall reflections, with a few points I forgot along the way.

Overall it is a mixture of:
- stunning use of weather, enemy disposition, etc. and fantastic attention to detail; and
- tongue in cheek humour.  Two points stand out for me.  The overview picture which is certainly un-impossible and the "smoke me a kipper" reference to Red Dwarf.  

In other words it is just good fun and a perfect antidote to anyone wanting to take things too seriously.  People not familiar with Red Dwarf might think the dialogue a bit naf - but who cares?

The start - it is only just getting light, there is a dark red dawn and it is foggy.  This is absolutely perfect, any earlier it would be too dark, any later and you would miss the effect - and the fog utterly transforms the atmosphere giving a very closed, claustrophobic feel.

A point on timing:  does the Intro have the same conditions?  The Intro feels lighter than the mission - I can see stars at the start of the mission, but I don't recall seeing them in the Intro for example.

Moving around in the fog is an incredible experience, the shapes of enemy soldiers materialise as you get close, and you do need to get close to see them, buildings and whole villages just appear out of the mist.  I did most of the early part of the mission on my belly and am now on first name terms with every blade of grass in south/central Kolgujev.  Wonderfully atmospheric and realistic.  There are only two things missing from the experience and you can do nothing about them: the cold damp feeling that you get in fog, and the deadening effect fog gives to sounds.  The fact that I noticed their absence shows how much of everything else was right.  The fog lifts very realistically - except that the final bit when the player starts going up The Hill clears perhaps a shade too quickly?

Anyway, for the early part of the mission I certainly felt like the underdog, I was greatly outnumbered and every time I started to do something about that more enemy turned up, in random ways.  I have looked in the editor at how you got the loons to leave their Bradley at always (for me) the wrong time and place, but for them of course it is exactly right.  Very neat, and very realistic.  Do they get back in if they fail to make contact with you?

The one thing that is predictable about the enemy and that is if they know where you are, you can be certain they will be there soon.  So if you have gone - but left behind a few satchel charges (I used 9 in the trap south of The Hill), then you can start making real improvements to the odds.

Once I captured the Abrams the game changed.  It was still fun, but I lost that gut tightening feeling of being hunted, instead I was now the hunter, the only question was how to go about it.  By circling The Hill at an appropriate distance I was able to deal with most of the infantry.  The trick is not to get too close.  But what a transformation it was going from crawling up close in the fog, killing a few with a silenced weapon and then clearing off, to putting HEAT into the middle of an unsuspecting group at long range and then switching to the machine gun to deal with any survivors.   So it was fun and I enjoyed it but on balance the change, for me, was a deterioration.  I agree that the Abrams should stay.  It is spooky knowing it is out there in the fog somewhere.  Capturing it cannot be made impossible without cheating a bit, but is there anyway the loons can change their tactics once you have it?  Like for example going to HOLD STEALTH or something, or maybe another chopper turns up?

Talking about loon behaviour, at the end the snipers on the top of The Hill seemed oblivious to the three armoured vehicles that kept running them over (that was the only way I could get most of them - gun elevation is a real problem for a tank with a target at short range.)

The openness of the mission is fantastic.  It is possible to do things that seem like a good idea and don't pay off for several hours - if at all, or not do them and just battle through.  Mines and satchel charges can be real mission winners.  For example your nasty surprise at the Old Base that can be neutralised with a bit of intuition and forward thinking.  On reflection I regret not scattering satchel charges all over the summit of The Hill when I was there changing the flag.  That would have been in keeping with my approach to all the rest of the mission - I think I just got lazy when I got the tank, I didn't even look to see if there were any satchel charges around.

There are a lot of ammo crates that were mostly useless to me.  I had HKs and the crates had no HK mags.  (I know you have changed this)  I used the crates to get mines, satchel charges and the occasional LAW but that was it.  The key for me was the ammo truck at the civilian village.

What I really like are missions where the use of the brain is as important as the use of the trigger finger.  This mission certainly has that.

On the stuck loon at the end:  Well that is what beta testing is for.  He really is stuck somewhere.  I got all my guys to disembark their vehicles so as not to exhaust their fuel (that would have been a bit embarrassing for the two in the chopper) and left it run over night.  My squad are all still there this morning and "There are 1 enemy loons remaining" still.  I am playing version 6.3 which I think is still the latest uploaded and I suppose I am a bit surprised that a ‘feature' like that has survived so long.

Will I play this mission again?  I believe so - but not for a while.  When I do I will now always mine and booby trap the Old Base and I will always try to make use of the raised piece of ground south of The Hill I described in my earlier post that has such a wonderful (almost) all round view and I will always seek ways to lure the loons in to booby traps.  (I actually found that piece of raised ground by accident, I had the same plan and was heading off somewhere else when I noticed it). The question is, will you change the mission to prevent or neutralise any of these tactics, or will you take the view that so long as what the loons are doing is realistic these are perfectly acceptable and reasonable things to do?

If I think of anything else I will let you know.

Oh - almost forgot.  This is without doubt the best mission I have ever played.

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #314 on: 03 Oct 2004, 12:13:13 »
Overall it is a mixture of:
- stunning use of weather, enemy disposition, etc. and fantastic attention to detail; and
- tongue in cheek humour.
Why thank 'ee koidly maaster.
People not familiar with Red Dwarf might think the dialogue a bit naf - but who cares?
Certainly not me.   The smart player will figure out that something that naf has to be a quotation.

This is absolutely perfect, any earlier it would be too dark, any later and you would miss the effect
Lots of trial and error, that was.

A point on timing:  does the Intro have the same conditions?  The Intro feels lighter than the mission
The Intro is actually few minutes later I think, and the level of fog varies considerably throughout it.    This was necessary to enable you to see what was going on, while still keeping the atmosphere.    If I really liked doing cutscenes (as opposed to hating it) I would completely redo the intro, using the original timing and fog and shooting everything very very close up to increase the feeling of an oppressive atmostphere.

There are only two things missing from the experience and you can do nothing about them: the cold damp feeling that you get in fog, and the deadening effect fog gives to sounds.  
I've felt the damp.   The sounds are never dead though, you're right, which is a shame.

The fog lifts very realistically - except that the final bit when the player starts going up The Hill clears perhaps a shade too quickly?
The fog lift is a three stage process - if you just use setFog 0 its too rapid at the start and too slow at the end.    Although there is some random element, its all automatic - once the life starts it keeps going till its clear.   You can't really see it at the start, but it is possibly too quick as you say:    I was aiming for the fastest speed that you wouldn't notice, in the hope that you wouldn't notice that the fog had gone, continue to play as if it was still there and get shot.  

I have looked in the editor at how you got the loons to leave their Bradley at always (for me) the wrong time and place, but for them of course it is exactly right.  Very neat, and very realistic.  Do they get back in if they fail to make contact with you?
There are two Bradley dismount gangs.   One (the lot with the Abrams) is in the same group as the wagons.   They couldn't get out in your version and in anycase the died on a mine.   The other lot, with the dismounts in a seperate group, have a little script to make them dismount when you are detected.   They don't have orders to get back in.    I might try and fix that.

I agree that the Abrams should stay.  It is spooky knowing it is out there in the fog somewhere.  Capturing it cannot be made impossible without cheating a bit, but is there anyway the loons can change their tactics once you have it?  Like for example going to HOLD STEALTH or something, or maybe another chopper turns up?
It's hard because of the design parameters, which I don't wnat to change now having come so far.    Loons changing behaviour or an extra chopper would not be allowed, since it's a scripted reaction to something you've done.    What I  might do is hold back the second chopper, and make it certain rather than on a prob.     The original design focusses too much on making a new attempt fun because I thought it was going to be a much shorter mission - in fact not many people will play it twice.

Talking about loon behaviour, at the end the snipers on the top of The Hill seemed oblivious to the three armoured vehicles that kept running them over
Dumb AI.   They are all very high skill.

The openness of the mission is fantastic.
This has been the real find of this process.   I made a very open mission because my experiments with difficulty showed that if you create something fixed, it doesn't take long for a human player to figure out how to get round it.   So I had to create a mission with nothing fixed, and it turns out the result is really fun.

It is possible to do things that seem like a good idea and don't pay off for several hours
And you can't say that about many missions.  ::)

There are a lot of ammo crates that were mostly useless to me.  I had HKs and the crates had no HK mags.  (I know you have changed this)  I used the crates to get mines, satchel charges and the occasional LAW but that was it.  The key for me was the ammo truck at the civilian village.
It turned out that the HK was the only major ammo type not spread copiously about the map.   This has indeed been changed.     Most players will use G36, bizon or HK but I wanted to allow for all playing styles.   The ultimate prize goes to whoever completes it with a kozlice.   The ammo truck is a present from the mission designer to the player.   You have a huge amount of ground to cover and a lot of loons to shoot, so you need some encouragement.    You could create your own ammo truck, by loading stuff from crates into a vehicle, but this saves you the trouble.  

What I really like are missions where the use of the brain is as important as the use of the trigger finger.  This mission certainly has that.

On the stuck loon at the end .... I suppose I am a bit surprised that a ‘feature' like that has survived so long.
I'm really sorry about that.   It has been tested many, many times and it is pretty rare, you have been unlucky again.    If you can post the savegame somewhere I'll play it and find him for you.   The version I can't post because the bloody website isn't working has a much better script for the ending, and the version I'm working on now will include your setpos trick.   You have been playing the latest published version.

Will I play this mission again?  I believe so - but not for a while.  
I hope you do.   Wait for the finished article anyway.

The question is, will you change the mission to prevent or neutralise any of these tactics,
No, I can't.    If I have vehicles, somebody will place mines and satchels.   I long ago realised that the most perfectly difficult mission has no vehicles at all, but I kept them in for variety and fun.   (f you are really clever and lucky you can capture a Cobra:  that's partly why there so many AA loons.  I'm not trying to stop you flying the Chinook all over the place, that's an unfortunate side effect.)

As for using ground to ambush the enemy, well there really is nothing I can, or would want, to do about that.   Except near the Base of course, where I have added extensions and minefields to slow you down.   The map as a whole is too big to do taht everywhere, and in any case there is no processing capacity left for more objects.

If I think of anything else I will let you know.
When you get to see it, I would appreciate comments on the Outro.

Oh - almost forgot.  This is without doubt the best mission I have ever played.
Thank you! :thumbsup:   Glad you enjoyed it.

Many thanks for all your comments.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your reports and they have been extremely helpful.    Greatly appreciated.    I have been very fortunate in having many excellent beta testers for this mission over the last two years, including people like EX-GRUNT who you haven't even heard of.

« Last Edit: 03 Oct 2004, 12:25:44 by macguba »
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play