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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #240 on: 26 Sep 2004, 13:06:42 »
Thanks THobson, this sort of beta report is music to a mission designer's ears.   I'm particularly pleased that the likes section is bigger than the dislikes.

I am treating this not as a change the flag and get away mission, rather I am treating it as a kill all the enemy mission - oh and change the flag along the way.  The design allows for this.
You are exactly right.   I spent many, many hours thinking about how to make this more difficult without just adding loads more enemy.     It is actually, as you say, a "clear the map" mission, but disguised as something else.    It is very very hard just to go and do the objectives - Sneaker did manage it but he was fortunate, especially in capturing an Abrams at the old base itself.  (Although of course it took great skill to effect the capture.)   I can't make that impossible but it is now harder to do.

I enjoyed booby trapping the old base and mining every road when I found some mines, it remains to be seen if any of that will payoff, even if it doesn't it felt like a realistic thing to do.
Seems perfectly realistic to me.    Certainly worth a try.    If you catch anything it will probably be around the base.

The randomness of the reinforcements has a very realistic feel.
It's just guard waypoints.   Nothing more than that, although obviously with many hours of playtesting to get the right groups in the in the right place.    Shows how sophisticated they are.

The use of reinforcements is forcing me to use tactics that for me are unusual in OFP but that feel very realistic, hit and run away (and it doesn't need to be a big hit either).
This is one of the nicest aspects of the mission.   Here we are, playing a game three years old, and experienced players are having to invent new tactics.   How cool is that?

I really like having a mission where I can take the long view.  I plan to wear them down over however long it takes.
The scale was a surprise.    It was not my intent to build a vast mission, it just turned out that you need to to make a fun unimpossible mission.     The problem - from the mission designer's perspective - is that human players have a memory.     They can remember how they got killed, go back to a retry and deal with the threat.   Once you know exactly where the enemy are its easy.     After many experiments I discovered that the only way to make the mission I wanted to make was to have it enormously random.    (You can make a genuinely impossible mission with a fixed position, but that is no fun.)

In-game weapon availability .  This could be a challenge.  There are a lot of ammo crates and a lot of AA soldiers.  The former seem bog standard with no added weapons, so keeping my guys rearmed with HK mags will be a problem I will have to deal with at some point.  The latter put me off using the Chinook, but also provide ammo to take down the enemy choppers when I get to where I want to do that.
It is not my intention to deprive you of ammo:  I'll add HKs to the crates if needs be.   There are three groups of blackops you can steal from:  a small one at the execution barn; one patrolling the road on motorbikes; and one hidden in a wood somewhere who get switched into a guard waypoint on some event, I can't remember what.     There are HKs and mags (and bizons and Uzis) in the ammo lorry at the civvies, and bizons at the spetz natz camp and execution barn on the hilltop.

The large number of AA loons is more to give you weapons to shoot down the enemy choppers rather than to prevent use of the Chinook.    Do you think there are too many?

The size - it is like having a whole campaign in one mission, with no one tell you what to do next.
I know, it's great.

The unforgiving and random nature of the start.
I'm very pleased by your comments here.   This is exactly what I was trying to achieve:  sufficiently difficult that frankly some players would never get past it, but actually it's perfectly possible - although frustrating - to get out with everybody alive.    Somebody complaining about it - having done it - is precisely what I was trying to do, so I'm happy even if you're not.   ;D    In fact you can often get out with two or three men down:  I die about 1 time in 3 I think.   Making the actual attacks fairly random, yet keeping the difficulty level about the same each time, proved very hard and I admit it's not as consistent as I'd like it to be.    It's true you pretty much have to be sober, which I admit is not a strength of the mission.   ::)

The game assumes I am going up the hill a bit too soon for me.  In my progress around the base of the hill checking forests and the like for hidden enemy I kept getting the hint message telling me I had another save available - and then the mist cleared!  
Both the save and the mist clearing are triggered (with random delays) by a simple group leader present trigger around the hill.      The exact area of the trigger has been changed many times.   I'll look at it again with a view to making it slightly tighter around the hill.   The intention is that the mist starts to clear once you start to go up, not just when you are skirmishing around the edge.    The problem is that the trigger can't be too small otherwise the mist can't clear fast enough.    It took hours of testing to get the mist clearing speed right - it actually happens in three phases.    If you just use 0 setFog 200 or whatever it clears too fast at the start (you can actually see it receding) and too slow later on.

Many thanks for the comments, keep 'em coming.    The next version (0-64) is ready apart from some new voices by me and the stuff in this post.    Should get it up in a couple of days or so.

« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2004, 13:19:12 by macguba »
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #241 on: 26 Sep 2004, 14:08:07 »
On the ammo:
- I wouldn't make it too easy.  I chose HKs because I thought being occupied by the the Americans I should be able to pick up some mags. and I can - but I notice that the Black Ops I have killed so far mostly (only?) have UZIs.  That is fine,  it is just another thing to manage.
- same comment on the AA soldiers.  I did not bring any AA with me, assuming that I would find some there, and I have.  I don't think there is too much.  In fact now the mist is clearing  am trying to remember where the nearest ones are so I can take out the chopper.

I like the way the chopper heads for where the action is.  Is this just standard WP stuff or are you moving a waypoint?

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #242 on: 26 Sep 2004, 19:11:18 »
Uzis?   Some of them have XMSs I know, I didn't think any had Uzis.    I'll check all this (it's not exactly a tough job  ::)) - it is part of the design parameters that ammo should not a big issue so it's important.   I'm not too bothered if ammo for obsure weapon is hard to come by but the standards - HK, bizon, G36, Steyr, etc. - shouldn't be difficult.

I'll leave the AA loons has they are.    If you keep low and fast there isn't usually a probablem going where you like as long as its outside the ring road.

There are two choppers, one always present and the other on a probability.   One is on guard and one on S&D but I can't remember which way round.   No lines of code on the choppers apart from refueling routines.    chopper setWPPos getPos player would not be allowed anyway:  if you permit that sort of thing making an un-impossible mission is too easy.      (There are a couple of setWPPos commands later on I think, but they are to set positions under set circumstances and it just saves switch triggers and waypoints which helps with the lag.)
« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2004, 19:13:38 by macguba »
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #243 on: 27 Sep 2004, 11:41:25 »
Black Ops on the motor bikes had UZIs - well at least one did.  Ammo is now no problem.  I will explain later when I get home.  I can't remember having so much fun.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #244 on: 27 Sep 2004, 12:15:38 »
I got some time earlier than I thought

So I completed my round trip of the newly marked locations.  Got a few more enemies along the way and one of my guys sighted the Abrams but it vanished into the mist.  Arriving back where I started the mist was now less intense and I saw that I had taken out more of the loons than I had first thought.  I had already killed the crew of a 5ton truck so I got all my guys in it and went back to the civilian village and put drivers in the vehicles there.  So we had a convoy of the 5ton truck, the ammo truck, the repair truck the hospital UAZ and the BMP heading north across country protected from the chopper by the mist.

There is a forest just south of the ‘The Hill' and south east of the hidden ammo etc in the depression.  I parked the vehicles along the west side of the forest and mined the approach to them.  At the NW corner of the forest is terrific place.  The land is raised, has some trees as cover, overlooks valleys to the west (including the depression with the ammo) and east, and has a full view of the south face of The Hill.  Nobody can approach without being seen except from the forest.  I got my guys into position here and scattered a few satchel charges all over it.  I won't go into the tortuous detail but lets just say that once we started shooting the infantry kept coming - and dieing. They just could not get close, and of course with groups on guard all I have to do is stay here and they will all come my way eventually.  One of my guys took out the cobra, then I heard what I had been waiting for - one of my guys had seen the Abrams.  We all then run into the forest, move west and rearm at the truck.  After a time the place where we had been was covered in enemy infantry, the Abrams was there as well.  The satchel charges dealt with the infantry.  The Abrams was just too far away, but with no infantry to protect it, it was a simple task to crawl up and put a satchel charge next to it.  I have tried practicing not quite killing an Abrams with a satchel charge and could never seem to do it.  But it worked this time.  Crew got out and got shot, the Amrams is badly damaged but not dead.  I had my repair truck just round the corner ;D

So I feel the tide turning.  I have been skulking about chipping away at them and running at any sign of strong resistance but steadily I am making progress.  I did real damage from the firing point at the NW corner of the forest and with my newly repaired and rearmed Abrams I now ready to go at them (except I think I heard another chopper).

Still no casualties, my objective is to complete this mission with all my squad intact.

I love this mission, but as I said I hate the beginning.

The jeeps with machines guns are neat.  Kill the crew and others get in to replace them - scripted or just normal AI?

« Last Edit: 27 Sep 2004, 22:29:04 by THobson »

Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #245 on: 27 Sep 2004, 22:26:26 »
I sat in the tank at the flat area at Dj55 and killed a few more soldiers (I was wrong about hearing another chopper), the whole area is now littered with bodies all around - most from before I got the tank.  In a way it felt easier then - that Abrams is a LAW magnet.  No more infantry have turned up for a while now.  I have a few plans for the next step (up or around?  with the BMP or without? - no question it will be with the Abrams) - but unfortunately they will have to wait.  I may not get much chance to have more time on it before the weekend.  

Paradoxically, having such a strong tank in the mission might have made it easier.  It was certainly spooky having an Abrams running around and knowing how many shots it would take to kill with the LAWs etc., but no other tank could survive a satchel charge so well and so be amenable to capture.  Still, what do I know - I have not got to the end yet!
« Last Edit: 27 Sep 2004, 22:34:15 by THobson »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #246 on: 27 Sep 2004, 23:32:56 »
You were right about the Uzis, (not that I doubted you) I'd forgotten that blackops with handguns get Uzis.

So we had a convoy of the 5ton truck, the ammo truck, the repair truck the hospital UAZ and the BMP heading north across country protected from the chopper by the mist.
Ah yes, happy days ... I remember making convoys like that.

At the NW corner of the forest is terrific place.  The land is raised, has some trees as cover, overlooks valleys to the west (including the depression with the ammo) and east, and has a full view of the south face of The Hill.  Nobody can approach without being seen except from the forest.
I did the exact same thing once ... I'd forgotten about that.   It's a good spot.

I have tried practicing not quite killing an Abrams with a satchel charge and could never seem to do it.  But it worked this time.  
I have now investigated this thoroughly and the trick is to put it to the side - front or back doesn't work.

but steadily I am making progress.
You are.

Still no casualties, my objective is to complete this mission with all my squad intact.
Don't get too greedy - this mission has a knack of biting you in the bum when you do.

I love this mission, but as I said I hate the beginning.
All the best relationships are love-hate.  ;D

The jeeps with machines guns are neat.  Kill the crew and others get in to replace them - scripted or just normal AI?
Normal AI.    They start off with some loons in cargo (everybody on probs of course) so the cargo loons get assigned to gunner/driver positions if required.   I'm really pleased with the jeep/mgs:  I spend months trying to make a mission with you playing them but it didn't work.    You just die a lot.    I was halfway through making this and suddenly thought "Hmmm, if you die a lot while playing them they might be fun to shoot" and they are.     But if you don't hit them fast they are deadly.

In a way it felt easier then - that Abrams is a LAW magnet.
Just as well it can take a few.  ::)

Paradoxically, having such a strong tank in the mission might have made it easier.  
It does.    I'll be very interested to hear about your experiences:  at the moment I'm minded to take it out.    I have just redone it so that it has better support, but with the plan you just used that support would not have caused you any trouble.

Thanks for the detailed comments - looking forward to the next installment....
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #247 on: 28 Sep 2004, 08:07:04 »
I have now investigated this thoroughly and the trick is to put it to the side - front or back doesn't work
I did it by accident, well actually I was keeping the tank between me and where I thought there were some loons

Still no casualties, my objective is to complete this mission with all my squad intact.
Don't get too greedy - this mission has a knack of biting you in the bum when you do.
I can be very patient and tenatious.

Paradoxically, having such a strong tank in the mission might have made it easier.  
It does.    I'll be very interested to hear about your experiences:  at the moment I'm minded to take it out.    I have just redone it so that it has better support, but with the plan you just used that support would not have caused you any trouble.
I was really pleased with the plan, it was just a case making some luck.  I have been thinking about what would make the mission more difficult - but the problem is it needs to be a balance.  Having the mist clear later would have been a problem for my way of doing it - but it would make other ways easier.  Having an Abrams running around in the mist is a real issue, but it can be captured.  One thought occured to me - how about a script that sets the fuel and ammo to 0 when the crew abandon the vehicle, it would make it harder to bring it back into operation and is not too much of a cheat.  I actually think killing the tank at that point would also be quite justified.

Thanks for the detailed comments - looking forward to the next installment....
No problem, I'll be back

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #248 on: 28 Sep 2004, 13:26:49 »
I have moved the mist clearing trigger back a little:  previously it was extended to make the mist clear earlier, but as you say its always a balance.   Whatever I do somebody will find a way to defeat my intentions ... which is of course the idea.

The mission is now so big that's its sometimes hard to remember that it's not a proper mission, it's just a technical exercise in mission design.     Scripting damage to the tank (or ammo loss etc) is not allowed by my self imposed design rules.     Even starting the tank with less ammo or health than normal wouldn't be permitted.   I have been very strickt with myself.   I agonised for a long time over whether init line commands to keep snipers in place were allowed:  in the end I decided that was acceptable.  If I don't want you to capture the tank I should have made a better job of designing the mission so that you can't.

I have failed twice on my original intent:   the mission is too big for my old computer, so I couldn't have made it at all.   But my old comp was crap, so that's not such a big deal.   Also, the mission has been beaten, and it was my original intent that nobody would actually beat it.  

However, if people are going to devote 30 hours to playing it (even Sneaker actually spent about 18 hours playing it) I think that counts.    And of course it must be the case that the mission CAN be beaten, and having somebody beat it is the best way to prove that.   The underlying idea was trying to discover where the edge is, and I have done that.    There is no edge, really.    You can make it as hard as you like, somebody will figure out a way to beat it.    (Unless it really is impossible, rather than Un-impossible.)

Best of all, it has turned out to be MUCH more fun than I ever could have hoped, so overall I regard the exercise as a resounding success.

Oh yes, and any ideas you have for making it more difficult would be greatly appreciated.   :)

Edit:  I might script the tank so that it doesn't stay still for very long.     Actually I can virtually do that with waypoints .... that would be allowed.   Waypoints and switch triggers I can use freely.

« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2004, 13:30:04 by macguba »
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #249 on: 28 Sep 2004, 17:59:40 »
I understand it is an exercise in design - which as a pity, because it is a damn good mission and if you would relax your own rules it would be great.

Just because BIS did not include something in their AI is no reason not to make improvements.  You could implement standing orders to all tank crews are to destroy their vehicle if they have to abandon them.  Absolutely nothing wrong with that.  You could be really nasty and put a delay of several minutes on the explosion - that would be getting a bit unfair, but - I would argue - pretty realistic!

I agree a doMove getpos player would not be in the spirit of this - or any other well designed mission.  But a domove to the most recent friendly casualty would be absolutely fine, in fact I thought that is what you were doing with the chopper.  The fact that the AI was doing itself is all credit to BIS.

As you say, to make it impossible is easy.  If you make it fair then it will always be beatable somehow.  But it depends on what you mean by beat the mission.  Some missions are easy if you throw away your squad.  As I said before I am determined to get my whole squad out intact.  That is a rule I set myself (not just in this mission but in all of them) and I will keep trying different tactics until I do it.

30 hours on it?  I am not timing myself but at my rate of progress I expect it will take all of that and more.  So what?  I enjoy being in the mission and steadily turning the tide, not through luck but through tactics.

I will keep thinking about how to make it more difficult - but of course that may open up a possibility for other tactics to work better. :)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #250 on: 28 Sep 2004, 19:36:47 »
and if you would relax your own rules it would be great.
Do you just mean the start, or are there other things as well?

You could implement standing orders to all tank crews are to destroy their vehicle if they have to abandon them.
Hmm.... that is the sort of thing which I suppose could be allowable.    Not keen though.     My latest plan for the Abrams is to somehow detect when it gets to the place it was called to by its guard waypoint, and then switch it into a S&D waypoint on that spot.    That would certainly be allowable and would keep the tank moving, thus making it much harder to capture.    However, I'm fairly confident that can't be done, so I'm trying to think of workarounds.   All suggestions welcome.

So what?
Exactly.   No time limit is one of the design parameters.

« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2004, 19:37:26 by macguba »
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Offline THobson

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #251 on: 28 Sep 2004, 22:29:25 »
somehow detect when it gets to the place it was called to by its guard waypoint
I don't know how to do that, because I don't know how to detect where the guard waypoint would send it.  What you might do though is to have a marker somewhere/anywhere and every few seconds check the tank's distance from it.  If the change in distance between two consecutive checks is less than some threshold then switch trigger it to an S&D waypoint that you move to its current location.  A loop of every 5 seconds or so would not significantly impact lag either, just a thought.  You would need to be a bit careful with the interval and the threshold - tanks can move very slowly when going up hill

Bugger! If it works and you do that to the infantry as well then my tactic of luring them into a booby trap would be less reliable.  On balance though I think this would create a more realistic behaviour for units on guard.  Currently they just get to where you were, and if you are gone they just stand around.  Switching to S&D would seem more realistic.
« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2004, 23:04:59 by THobson »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #252 on: 28 Sep 2004, 22:35:50 »
Do you just mean the start, or are there other things as well?
Well yes I do mean the start.  As it currently stands it will put me off playing again.  I have no problem with having to deal with something difficult immediately the game starts.  I would just like the outcome to be more dependent on me than on the throw of a dice.

I also had in mind the behaviour of the tank.  Destroying a vehicle that is being abandoned seems like good practice and just because BIS did not implement it then I see no reason why you should not.  I think the switch to S&D when the tank is stationary would also represent good, realistic behaviour.  If it were me I would implement both the switch to S&D and the destruction of abandoned vehicles (the last one randomly to represent less than perfect perfomance of the crew under pressure)

Edit: also I would not agonise over whether the snipers were to stay put.  They would really be ordered to do so - just beacuse BIS AI does not do that naturally should not be a bar to what you do.

The main thing is to be realistic and not cheat, no side should get knowledge of the other side that they could not reasonably have - otherwise script away to make it realsitic - is this heresy to you?
« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2004, 23:07:03 by THobson »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #253 on: 28 Sep 2004, 22:37:32 »
As I said before I am determined to get my whole squad out intact.  That is a rule I set myself (not just in this mission but in all of them) and I will keep trying different tactics until I do it.
Apologies for the pomposity of the above statement.  I have excuses but nothing really worth saying
« Last Edit: 28 Sep 2004, 23:23:37 by THobson »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #254 on: 28 Sep 2004, 23:24:42 »
Lol I didn't think it was pompous:  I practiced the same thing myself in the whole of the Resistance campaign once I figured out that it mattered.    Now I tend either to take that view or use them as decoys, depending on mood and circumstance.

The snipers and one or two others did get a bucketload of init line commands in the end, for pretty much the reason you state.   The AI engine is designed for open play rather than specific start conditions and the command were provided to allow you to keep loons in place if required, so it seemed wrong not to use them.

Using scripts but not to allow one side information or advantage that it could not have is pretty much what I've done.    It was never my intention not to use scripts at all and in fact at the last count the mission folder included 45 .sqs files and 2 .sqf's, which is hardly consistent with no scripting.  ::)

My intent for the start is that it should be:

  • a complete nightmare for the first half dozen times you attempt the mission
  • sufficiently hard that a few players will give up at that point

And once you know what you're doing it should be:

  • extremely difficult - but possible - to get away with your whole squad intact
  • tricky but perfectly possible to survive yourself and get away with only a few casualties*
  • relatively straightforward to get away yourself with most of your squad dead
  • random in terms of the opposition's axes (and type, to some extent) but reasonably consistent in terms of difficulty
  • sufficiently random that, even once you are familiar with the locations, you never really get a firm grasp on what happens at all of them
  • not a barrier to replaying the mission once you have been well into it once

*You get up to two replacements at the civvies for precisely this reason.    The first replacement is not conditional because, originally, I never thought anybody would ever get there without casualties.  

I would be very pleased to hear your thoughts on which of these have been accomplished and which have failed.    Do you think your determination to get through without casualties makes you view the start more harshly than I do?

Obviously everybody else is welcome to comment as well.    I am obviously concerned that somebody might be put off another attempt by the start, although I can see how that could be hard to square with deliberately making it really, really tough.   ;D
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