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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #225 on: 17 Sep 2004, 22:33:33 »
Yeah planck indeed. Although it didnt seem like a fast method, since i was prone for most of the time on the hill, sneaking about as best i could. then Dying and Doing it again :p

But i have to take my hat off to you - 26 hours is some time! How did you split it up if you dont mind me asking!

I still have a company to deal with and you only have a section  :-\

Oh by the way, i watched the Outro properly. First time i pressed escape at a certain point, as i tought that was it. :P
If id only waited another 5 seconds last time i woulda seen the Saltire raised :)!

« Last Edit: 17 Sep 2004, 22:49:01 by Sneaker »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #226 on: 17 Sep 2004, 22:41:03 »
It took me 26 hrs and 35 mins......mostly because I crawled all over that hill taking out the snipers.

I don't have any section left to kill, I managed to get every single american soldier.  The island is clear of americans in other words.

What Macguba meant was...... when I cleared the base, there were only 8 americans left to deal witjh........I think.  I carried on and dealt with them also.

I didn't of course play the mission in 26 straight hours......I did use 2 saves I think.........or was it 3.....hmmm.  I just carried on the next day from the previous saves.

« Last Edit: 17 Sep 2004, 22:42:20 by Planck »
I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #227 on: 19 Sep 2004, 08:13:38 »
This is a continuation of my story of the Mission Un-impossible that I posted a couple days ago. (see page 15)
After a short but well needed break from the game I chose to load my last saved game -which was at the ruined village with the russian equip and others. When I chose to extract last time All main objectives were comlplete and 104 yanks remained, in a time of just over 2 hours.
However, at my last save game which is where i am contunining from, the time passed is roughly 1hr 50 onwards. - the main objectives are comlpete - the difference being i hanvn't visited the old spetz camp or the main base again as i did before i chose to extract last time. - so there are yet more americans still to kill!

So if you spent a week reading my last post then you might like this too lol
Im afraid its even more story and less review based than the last post.

May contain things about certain areas or events within the mission so if you dont want to know then dont read!
You have been warned!

[Once again I apologise about length if you choose to read it.

On loading, all main objectives were met so I chose continue. All my squad have been killed, but ive been joined a a civilian sympathiser and a spetz from another squad. New objective - eliminate all american forces! Enemy count - 118!
Ok so I knew that the north was relitivly clear from earlier, so I chose to begin my search south of the hill. I rearmed and got spetz to heal, get more mags and civvie to take a dragunov. I took the chopper and landed just east of the Ammo and repair truck zone trying to conceal the big mofo of a chinook in the trees. On getting out there was no enemy immediately obvious. There was a dead enemy machine gunner nearby who id ran over earlier but that was it. I began my search on the woods to the east. Nothing was found, so I backtracked and went to the woods to the west. On stalking through, I spotted a stationary enemy squad. Spetz was with me about 20 m back while civ was on edge of woods to cover us if we needed to retreat. We were both armed silent, and took out about half the squad in a few seconds, otehrs tried to run away, most didn't make it.
I waited a few mins - eventually the squads law soldier came on our left flank on his tod. He never made it another 5m. I waited another few mins until I was happy it was clear. Then ordered the squad to regroup east of the woods, to overlooking the ammo area, hoping the enemy squad whos machine gunner I ran over there would return. No squad came , but instead a jeep. It turned onto the road paralel to us.
The 3 of us opened fire. After this I waited some more. Nothing. Turned to the North and got a position to look towards the hill. Using my binos I expected a few snipers. What I got was 2 snipers I could see, and a squad. I squapped weapons with civ, giving me the dragunov - then set a couple of satchels I was carrying on the woods behind me (I learned from this mission - you cant be to careful when it comes to watching your ass.) I took out the sniper, I think about a KM+ away. Neither the other sniper or the squad seemed to react. I then took out the other sniper, before turning on the squad, still a good distance away.
 As I was sniping the squad , some rounds landed nearby. Observing, it was from a machine gunner left of the squad. In fact, it was a second squad , now on their way through bushes towards me but still some way off, so I continued firing to eliminate the first squad. I did a 360 sweep. To my left, on the northern  edge of the woods behind me, I could see 3 guys heading this way. I took out their sniper, then lost sight of the rest. I ordered spetz to cover that side and then turned back to the second squad. That's when I noticed, there was now a third squad in front of me moving to my right only 100m away, between me and the second. I opened fire along with the other 2 members of my squad. Concentrating and switching targets whenever anyone stopped or turned our way, 1 or 2 managed to escape to the right into trees from the third squad. By now though the second squad was decimated. I turned to the trees to my front right scanning for targets. Then I got a fright as I heard an m16 burst close by.
Within two seconds I'd turned, seeing as I did that spetz was dead, then observed that there was a fourth squad in sight - in broad daylight - less than 20 metres away , blew my satchels, and shot the man closest to us before an American body landed right in front of me from the explosion.
Id lost another man, a third of my firepower, but had taken out over 4 squads in the process. I swapped the dragunov for spetz's bizon,  and took civ and flanked right a bit, then came in from the east to the big depression south of the hill, hoping to find the remainder of the third if any had survived, and hoping another squad id seen there on a previous recce would still be there. Sneaking in , instead I found 2 MG jeeps, and took out their crews. I placed a satchel at each and one inbetween , all on a 10 minute timer, hoping if anyone came to investigate, they would die. I chose to exfil from the same area the same way I came in, knowing it to be safe - aha but it wasn't!.
 2 enemy soldiers came on top of us less than 5 metres away, they were silently dispatched. Then another 2 came. Déjà vu anyone? Luckily it must have been the remnants of a squad from earlier, or the others fell back.
I did a quick scan. Holy crap! There was a squad to the north, stationary overlooking where id just been! 75 m away! I cant believe I missed seeing them as I sneaked in and out, but lucky I was being slow and stealthy cause they obviously hadn't spotted us. - it must have been the squad i was expecting to be down the hill a bit, but then you never know with this mission!
I got into a better firing position and got civ to do the same. I think we took out about 6 or 7 of them, then fell back. I was on my way back to the ammocrates/repair truck area, when I spotted another enemy squad. This was the squad in the position id been waiting too ambush earlier! They must have got bored of whatever they were doing and came back. I got civ to pick the dragunov back up and I picked up m21 from a nearby dead sniper.
We got in position and fired, they tried to bug out, having lost 3 men before they even realised they were under fire. Only one yankee tried to return fire, but his rounds were wide when an M21 round pierced his cranium as he was pulling the trigger. The rest didn't get far.
So far, so good. I did a enemy count. I think it was 60somehing, but a good start in a relativly short space of time. We rearmed, I picked up anotehr satchel in preperation for me next trick. I then did a few hundred metre wide sweep to make sure there wasn't anyone to muck up our take-off (i.e bloody AA soldiers!). During this I found a yank standing on his own, who was killed shortly afterwards. I took off, and headed towards the old spetznatz camp. On the way, right in front of my cockpit I saw the smoke of an AA round whizz past less than 5 or so metres away from left to right. Damn that was close, I swing round and came to the road, then did a 360 and prepared to land. Anotehr AA round exactly the same as before, but travelling up at what seemed like a higher angle. Ths first one missed because of luck or speed, the second because of the fact I was coming in to land fast so it couldn't adjust down. Phawor!

I got out and left civ at the chopper. I went to take take care of the squad near the spetz camp ( I knew they were there from my last game, i.e I visted there before quitting) but when I got to the area, I noticed they were on the move and active. This is all I needed. A pitched fight in the middle of the woods! I took out one 2 of them. I heard explosions. As u turned I realised it was from the satcehls I placed in the depression earlier. When I turned back the enemy squad had seemed to dissapear. Oh shit, I thought. Crawling through I saw one of them and injured him before he went prone. Then I took a single M16 or XM round to the arms. I couldn't see where from. I moved to behind a tree, but took a second round, this time in my legs. I decided I should bug out, but as I was crawling to the edge I spotted who I thought was shooting at me. I turned and fired. He fired at the same time. We both died.
FOR ****'s SAKE.. r
After doing the stuff again (taking out squads etc - unfortunatly Spetz had died again! -  but this time from a sniper I forgot to take out before the fighting started) and evntually getting back in the chinook near the ammo/repair truck, I made sure I flew the long way round, anti clockwise to come in without the least fuss top the spetz camp. No AA this time. I got the the squad in the woods, and placed a satchel right in the middle of them, then fell back and blew it up. I was a bit too close still when somehow 1 of them spotted me and they went prone - I touched off, taking the whole squad out. I was alive, but had blood on my arms and I couldn't walk. Luckily the BMP ambulance was nearby. I got back in the chopper and flew back to civvie village to rearm. I decided while I was there to take the BMP, in order to scour the hill-side of remaining snipers. I came in from the west where I knew it was relitvly clear and where it wasn't so steep. Took out a couple snipers on the way up.
Eventually got to the hill top, turned towards the base and bombarded it with High Explosiv shells. Some more dead yankees there now. I also used most of the HE at the trees which had warning markers ronud it since I was too afraid of going in myself.
 I was going to then use the BMP in a downward spiral, to find snipers or run over their bushes, but a word of warning - don't let the AI drive on the edge of a hill - not even for a second! .we went speeding down the northern side, (You know how tanks can get speeding downhill :p )I saw through the sights after going past we just missed running over a squad. When we got to the bottom and slowed down I turned the turret and took them out. It turned out to be only a few guys , but since we were going down so fast, the LAW and AA dude didn't get a chance to take a shot at us lmao. After this I took the BMP back to civvie base to Re-arm it. On the way there, we ran into three yankees in almost the same spot id ran into a squad when I came this way in the jeep. The advantage of the BMP however was that they were all dead within seconds.
When I got there, I did an enemy count. Only 32 Americans left. I decided to use my last save (that you get for continuing) at this point. I decided to take the chopper to the top of the hill along with civ to see what we could see. Not a lot!. On the way round I took out a few snipers but couldn't see anything else. By this point wed been fighting quite a while, so civ decided to take a leek in the outhouse near the top of the hill, as he didn't want to piss into the wind at that altitude, especially if it resulted in him staining his own land. (leek.jpg)
We got back into the chopper and took it to the west village where the medi tent bit is, the only area id not really sweeped properly yet. I got out, and left civvie there, while I did a foot search of all the surrounding land…and all the the woods… Nothing. The only intresting thing was a piece of barbed wire that seemed out of place between two of the large wooded areas. So I continued.. on foot.. now on the south side… circling round to west of the LZ , then eventually deciding that I hadnt found anything, so I aint gonna keep running!. Civ came to pick me up in the chopper, and I got back in as pilot. I did a circle of the hill hoping my gunner would take out any remaining snipers. He only saw one (well actually I saw him, but he shot him). Ah well. After another pass I landed back on the top of the hill.
During a sweep to the north, west,  and southid taken out 5 snipers. 3 of them from less than 5m away with my trusty Glock 17S and the other 2 with a 5.56 round to the head via a G36. Then as i was overlooking the south of this damn hill I spotted movement in the depression where the jeep mg's were. I had a G36 at the time but it didn't take long to fing a dead yankee sniper with an unused Rifle. I lost the squad for a while, but eventually picked it up again , this time pretty close. I waited for them to turn their back briefly then took them out (there was only about 4 or 5 of them). Around the same area I spotted a sole G36 soldier (mabye that squad was his rescue party). I then went to the west, and found another 2 snipers. I took a enemy count. 20 Loons remaining. Where the fuck are they? There cant be 20 more snipers. I assumed there was anotehr couple of squads hiding somewhere. I was on my back to the top of the hills so that I could take the chopper for another search when I ran into yet another sniper. Except this one was moving towards the top of the hill. 1 second after I spotted him, Civ came on the radio. "6 o'clock, sniper , 50" - oh crap , enemy at the chinook! - it wasn't the same sniper as I was just about to take out. I got to the top, just as I did, I saw civ take out the sniper with his g36, who was on his way towards him.

I wasn't sure what was going on, but I knew one thing -  the americans were pissed!. They wanted either us dead on their chopper back. Or both! Enemy count said 18. I placed a satchel at the top underneath the chopper fearing the worst and then took civ for a sweep to the east. We took out another sniper on his way towards us. When we turned back and moved back towards the chopper, a yankee machine gunner had just arrived at the flag area. This was getting serious!. I blew my satchel sending the chopper about 15 metres and the solder to everon. At that set up a defensive point in the ruins where the sofa is. I was on one corner - Civ was on the other. I only had to wait a few seconds before the first enemy came into view. He was taken down, then someone to the left. Then civ started giving contacts, 3 oclock, 50. We were in the ruins and the americans seemed to be throwing everything they had left at us. This, once again was intense!!!
Defending my corner, I turn round to check noone had sneaked up behind me, then turn round again to see a half squad of soldiers emerge. I go prone, taking a round from an XM as I do, another couple landing above me before I get the chance to fire back. Im now prone, injured and scareed.
I go back to kneeing to reduce my profile and risk of getting shot from the diagonal. I watch my side(s) and civ watches his. I turn to see someone in the process of throwing a hand grenade. Everone who plays flashpoint knows those moments. You have about half a second to react. I sprinted out of the ruins towards him. I didn't even stop to shoot, just dived down prone, and in that moment the hand grenade landed behind me. When I got out, the wall must have shielded me, cause I was ok. I was now prone right in front of him. He took a burst of fire to the chest. I ran back to the ruins to see civ shooting another american as he came into line of sight. He was reloading his pistol as I got back into position. Crazy.
As I did, a few more americans were in view. I took out one, then moved front right to the window. I took out another. Some bullets landed behind me. I didn't see where they were from, but civ seemed to take care of him. I stood back up, yankee had gone. Mabye to regroup.
By this point I felt like I was at the 2nd chopper in blackhawk down. There may be only 15 or 20 americans, but it felt like more when you were holed up last stand alamo style and they come every which way. I reloaded my magazine yet again. I was on fully automatic.
More shooting, more contacts.
Eventually,after a brief respite (about 10 seconds), i heard breathing behind me. As I turned I realised it was more than one guy, but where I was I couldn't get an angle. I turned back to the main gap. A sniper had just appeared out of nowhere. I was staring down the barrel of his sniper rifle. I pulled the trigger just in time. If id waited another nanosecond id probably have been dead. I was reloading, when a blackop appeared at the door. If hed turned to shoot, again id probably been dead. I was having a lot of close calls in these little ruins. No, he was facing to my right, and instead of shooting me he placed a satchel. Him being within the process of standing back up I poured lead into him. I then heard the recognisable sound of a (another) satchel being placed behind the wall to my rear right. I quickly turned and moved to get a fireing angle but he was already gone into the bushes. Civ took a shot at him, but had to reload after the first.
This was somehting knew to me! (satchel.jpg , satchel2.jpg)
Id never in my entire OFP gaming had an enemy AI soldier dynamically place explosive like that in order to break a strong point even if it was just some ruins. For a split second I thought it was great that the AI had done something like that.
Then I realised that if he was running away, it might explode at any second, invariably killing us. Thos sly American bastards!
I used my radio and did an enemy count. Only 3 left. I decided therefore to take my chances outside rather than mabye getting blown up. I order civ out to the east. I was planning to give chase to the blackop. Before I did I picked up a HK checked the immediate perimiter, seemed clear, but I spotted where the second blackop had placed his satchel. As I started to run east I ran into a  - but he was facing the other way, blisfully unaware of what was about to happen to him. I took his sniper rifle and continued on. When I got to the edge, the blackop was already down the the ridge below - I suppose if he was smart enough to blow them he woulda done it by now - but a couple of M21 rounds in the back made sure he never did.
I then did a radio check again. Just to make sure… - yup 1 loon remaining.
I decided it would be prudent to be careful, not wanting to get shot by the last guy! I ordered civ back into the ruins, then I started crawling to the west. I quickly spotted the familiar bushy head of a sniper -  - FOR GODS SAKE THAT'S A LOT OF SNIPERS! - mabye ironic he was the last guy. I sneaked up behind him and pulled out my Glock. He went prone, but didn't turn around. It seemed as if he knew what was coming to him… he was the last American.

All objectives complete. Time for extraction….

Sorry as always about long length]

All I can say is im glad that was over (in a good way) . I planned my route etc in order to cover areas that I had not covered during the initial objectives, and it seemed to work well.  
It took quite a long time to locate snipers etc - and I obviously missed a lot at too (hence at the ending!)
And used the BMP as a firebase for a short time aswell which worked once id cleared most of the squads (i.e laws) - my only regret is that if id known about repair truck etc at the civvie village before I went there, I wouldt have satcheled the knackered abrams I used at the base, and then it woulda been easy(ier).

I have to nit pick at the fact that once I got down to a lower number i.e 30-40 it was really hard to find people (I spent ages looking in some places and found no-one). However that said when the number got ever lower, about 20 they seemed to converge on us - which was good. I would have liked if that happened a bit earlier though. Some other points were good. Like when the squads seemed to be still working together when I attacked the one on the south hill side (i.e reinforments coming to me)

My style had switched from completely silent on the earlier objectives to a mixture or silent and sniping in order to meet this last objective. I used the Chopper to get about mostly, and the BMP for a short while. Nearer to the end I was using a G36 (and of course my trusty silenced pistol) for since I wasn't sure of what to expect. The ending was good. Once again I was sitting there shitting it hoping I could survive not this time in attack but in defence! - Intensity at its best. I spent ages searching for nothing - but that's not something to complain about its just part of the map. - the deal you make when you attempt a challenge like this. Although I didn't search to the north because of the danger markers - mabye that's where the blighters were hiding?

This time it took me from about 7PM yesterday till 3AM this morning, so about an hour less devoted the the cleanup than as all the other objectives the other day.
However actual mission time was now 5hr 24 min (total)
- that's an extra 3 hours 20 mins
- compared to 2hrs 6mins before (or about 1hr50 if i ended as soon as the Civ cutscense was over) more than an hour longer than for all the other objectives. This was due to the combination of ambushing and patrolling etc.
(obviously i died less aswell, once near the start during an initial recce and the time i described above, and once when i got sniped while searching (but that was after my final save so wasnt so bad with only 32 yanks left)

Once again thanks for the great map.

Ive never seen the satchel thing though. Was that scripted or just a consequence of unusual circimstances letting the AI do its thang?  (and would it have blown)

If you read you would have seen that i found a couple of jeeps at the depression ( i cant remember whats there, a UAZ and ammo crates i think) to the south of the hill. One of them worked the other didnt once when i checked after killed its occupants. I take it the other one wasnt patrolling etc because the otehr was disabled (mabye it was in the same group/leader - but wouldnt they get out on foot?)

Oh and that was one fine easter egg! Thanks!

« Last Edit: 20 Sep 2004, 05:23:18 by Sneaker »

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #228 on: 19 Sep 2004, 11:52:28 »
Sneaker that's fantastic, thank you.   Nobody has played this section in this way before (Planck only had 8 yanks left) so its all good stuff.

On loading, all main objectives were met so I chose continue. All my squad have been killed, but ive been joined a a civilian sympathiser and a spetz from another squad. New objective - eliminate all american forces! Enemy count - 118!
A nice little summary.   :)

No squad came , but instead a jeep. It turned onto the road paralel to us.
Probably the remaining vehicle of a road patrol.

The 3 of us opened fire. After this I waited some more. Nothing.
If you're quick about taking out an enemy group they never actually detect you.  Consequently no Guard group is sent to help them.   If you have a good ambush position it can sometimes be advantageous to let one of them live long enough to figure out what's going on ... risky though!

then set a couple of satchels I was carrying on the woods behind me (I learned from this mission - you cant be to careful when it comes to watching your ass.)
I never thought of that, good idea:   I'll put it in the hints and tips the civvies give you.

then observed that there was a fourth squad in sight
This is the dilemma of being spotted.   You no longer have to look for trouble .... it looks for you.    By this stage there are a lot of groups on Guard waypoints.

- in broad daylight - less than 20 metres away , blew my satchels, and shot the man closest to us before an American body landed right in front of me from the explosion.

On the way, right in front of my cockpit I saw the smoke of an AA round whizz past less than 5 or so metres away from left to right. d**n that was close, I swing round and came to the road, then did a 360 and prepared to land. Anotehr AA round exactly the same as before, but travelling up at what seemed like a higher angle. Ths first one missed because of luck or speed, the second because of the fact I was coming in to land fast so it couldn't adjust down. Phawor!
Lol I know what you mean.   I had four miss in about five seconds once, it was surprisingly exhilarating.   Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh.

We both died.
:(  Bad luck.    The disadvantage of having so many Amis left is that you are a bit thin on savegames.

I decided while I was there to take the BMP, in order to scour the hill-side of remaining snipers.
The BMP was originally placed as a trap - you get in it and the chopper whacks you.    It's only once the remaining enemy get to less than, say, 50 that it's any good to you and it is ideal for clearing snipers since they can't hurt you.    Virtually every squad has a possibility of a LAW or AT loon so it's not risk free though.

Eventually got to the hill top, turned towards the base and bombarded it with High Explosiv shells.
Lol I've never done that, it would be fun.

I also used most of the HE at the trees which had warning markers ronud it since I was too afraid of going in myself.
Lol that didn't do any good .... it's a minefield.    You were right not to go in though, you would almost certainly have been killed or injured.    There are markers around another wood to the NW of the base but its actually safe.    This news is actually buried in the hints and tips you got from the civvies.

so civ decided to take a leek in the outhouse near the top of the hill, as he didn't want to stain his own land. (leek.jpg)

Nothing. The only intresting thing was a piece of barbed wire that seemed out of place between two of the large wooded areas.
It's on the map, nothing to do with me.   Does look a bit odd.

I wasn't sure what was going on, but I knew one thing -  the americans were pissed!.

We were in the ruins and the americans seemed to be throwing everything they had left at us. This, once again was intense!!!

I turn to see someone in the process of throwing a hand grenade. Everone who plays flashpoint knows those moments. You have about half a second to react. I sprinted out of the ruins towards him. I didn't even stop to shoot,
We certainly do know these moments.   You usually don't have time to shoot till after the wretched thing has gone off.

A sniper had just appeared out of nowhere.
The sightlines are very difficult in that area:  people have tendancy to appear and disappear as if by magic.    The shape of the ground changes a quite a lot depending on your terrain detail too.

This was somehting knew to me! (satchel.jpg , satchel2.jpg)
Id never in my entire OFP gaming had an enemy AI soldier dynamically place explosive like that in order to break a strong point even if it was just some ruins.
Neither have I, that's fantastic.  It's the game itself, nothing to do with me.

Lol yes there are.    It feels like about half but in fact only about 15% of the enemy are snipers.   This is partly deliberate to make it harder - snipers are both harder for AI to detect and better at detecting than ordinary loons - and partly just a consequence of the size of The Hill.    It's a big area so to cover it properly needs a lot of snipers.    Most enemy squads include a possible sniper.  (All on prob of presence of course.)

Sorry as always about long length
No, its good.  :)
All I can say is im glad that was over (in a good way).
Lol I know what you mean.

I wouldn't have satcheled the knackered abrams I used at the base, and then it woulda been easy(ier).
It's good that you did ... the extended bit of the mission would be a bit pointless if you have an Abrams with a driver and a hidden repair truck.    There is no serious opposition so, apart from the endrush in the ruins it just would have been a tedious clearing up exercise.

I have to nit pick at the fact that once I got down to a lower number i.e 30-40 it was really hard to find people (I spent ages looking in some places and found no-one). However that said when the number got ever lower, about 20 they seemed to converge on us - which was good. I would have liked if that happened a bit earlier though.
You are spot on, they converge on the top of the hill once you get down to about 20.   There are still some problems with that routine though, and I'm glad to hear it worked.   In fact the new version will have a completely new script for this.    It's the vehicles that are the problem.     Interesting to hear that 20 was too few:   I was going to make it less, on the grounds of Planck's report, but given your report I think I'm going to have a rethink.

Some other points were good. Like when the squads seemed to be still working together when I attacked the one on the south hill side (i.e reinforments coming to me)
That's just OFP being a great game.   It's such a complex situation that the mission designer is basically hands off at this point.    The sophistication of the game has taken over and the remaining American loons are in bad way psychologically.     For instance some of the groups you saw moving were probably guard groups on their way to investigate false reports of contact with you.     Occasionally you see spectacular blue-on-blues.    One of things I wanted to do was bring out the best in the game and I think that's happened - for example the blackop placing satchels.

The ending was good.
Good,a mission this long needs a good ending.

Once again I was sitting there sh*tting it hoping I could survive not this time in attack but in defence!
Lol that one was deliberate.   There is a constant interplay in the mission between attack and defence.    Even if you know which you're doing at the time you don't know which it will be in ten minutes.

I spent ages searching for nothing - but that's not something to complain about its just part of the map. - the deal you make when you attempt a challenge like this.
That's why I made it optional.   It could be very frustrating and I didn't want to put the player through that unless he wanted the challenge.    I've done everything I can to restrict the area:   you shouldn't have to look outside the ring road, which is the natural boundary.

Although I didn't search to the north because of the danger markers - mabye that's where the blighters were hiding?
Certainly possible, but there's no reason for them to be there rather than anywhere else.   There are no "hiding" routines.

Once again thanks for the great map.
My pleasure, glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the report.

Ive never seen the satchel thing though. Was that scripted or just a consequence of unusual circimstances letting the AI do its thang?  (and would it have blown)
Natural.  Nothing to do with me.

i found a couple of jeeps at the depression ( i cant remember whats there, a UAZ and ammo crates i think) to the south of the hill.
Ammo and BMP ambulance if you mean the depression to the SSW, UAZ and ammo if you mean the Scud location from near the end of CWC.

One of them worked the other didnt once when i checked after killed its occupants. I take it the other one wasnt patrolling etc because the otehr was disabled (mabye it was in the same group/leader - but wouldnt they get out on foot?)
I've found that too:  the jeep appears undamaged but you can't order your loons into it.   Sometimes you can get in but it won't move.   Don't understand why.   Tthe jeep/mg is not a robust vehicle in programming terms:   it sometimes feels like it's meant for cutscenes and eyecandy rather than as a fully fledged fighting vehicle.    The game has many examples of this sort of thing, it's one of the reasons mission designing can be so frustrating.

Oh and that was one fine easter egg! Thanks!

Thanks again for that, all good stuff and much appreciated.   Email the pics to me, I'd like to see them.

Edit:  ah, just got 'em, thanks.   Nice to see the squad was correct in the Outro again.
« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2004, 12:21:11 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #229 on: 19 Sep 2004, 12:43:39 »
One more for fun.
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Peter haroski

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #230 on: 19 Sep 2004, 15:07:47 »
Sneaker, how long did it take to write that  :D? It took 20 min from me to write text, what was about 1/4 from that ;)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #231 on: 19 Sep 2004, 15:56:21 »
I have to nit pick at the fact that once I got down to a lower number i.e 30-40 it was really hard to find people (I spent ages looking in some places and found no-one). However that said when the number got ever lower, about 20 they seemed to converge on us - which was good. I would have liked if that happened a bit earlier though.

I've been working on a new script for this anyway, which is now thankfully working.    It starts to send the loons up the hill when the number gets down to between 12 and 34:   it partly depends on how many there were when you elected to extend, and is partly random.     In other words if you had 104 like you did, then it will be between 28 and 34.   (There is also a further random element which principally affects the timing of the command.)    If it was say 80 it would be between  22 and 32.   If it was 19 it would be between 12 and 15.   If it's below 11 they start going up straightaway.

I considered having a higher maximum than 34 but decided against it:    15-20 odd was quite intense at the hilltop and this is not supposed to make things harder, just more fun.    40 arriving more or less at once might be a bit too much.

Oh, and something like that is not nit-picking:   IMHO that's a good helpful beta comment.   Just the sort of thing I want.   :)    Comments on this solution are of course welcome:  do you think these numbers are about right?
« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2004, 15:57:37 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #232 on: 20 Sep 2004, 05:12:23 »
@ Peter. Yeah it takes quite a while, can take me a good couple hours sometimes when you include going through all the mistakes etc.

@ Mac - 118 ;) , 104 was when i ended the mission last time, but 118 was my last save (i.e where i had to continue the mission from to complete it), sorry if i didnt make that clearer - lol not that it makes much difference.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #233 on: 22 Sep 2004, 22:13:17 »
118, 104, pah.    What's a poxy 14 splash targets to an OFP maestro like yourself.     ;D

Now, a question for you all:   I seek opinions.    I have on my hard drive the original version of the Un-Impossible mission.    It was a more or less working mission which in fact I posted for beta testing a long, long time ago.    The thread is on page 23 of this board:  I think the version at the start - it's not been automatically deleted because its so old - is the version I've posted here.    

(I also have what I think is the version from the end of that thread, which is rather harder but in a sense less interesting because it's from a random point in the the middle of the design process, rather than the start.    The current Un-Impossible Mission (0-64 on my hard drive, coming out in a few days) is of course the end of that process.)

I want to give it a very modest amount of smartening up it and offer it to the public.    It could justifiably be submitted to the Missions Depot as a stand alone mission.    (Although the score wouldn't be that great.)   Alternatively, I could include it in the Un-Impossible Mission download as a wee bonus mission.    Whaddya think?     Is it a fun idea to have it included with the main event?

I've attached it so you can look if you want.    This is the earliest version extant of the Impossible Mission, as it then was.     It's not even that hard.  :-[    Bug reports appreciated but beta testing comments not required - this is a take-it-or-leave it job.    

I've just played it for a laugh.   46 mins, 20 kills, 2 casualties.    Actually took about 1hr20.   I used a total of two savegames, one ordinary and one cheat since I didn't want to be there all night.    It's been so long I had no more idea of where the enemy were than you will.

« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2004, 23:43:08 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #234 on: 24 Sep 2004, 08:00:36 »
I've attached it so you can look if you want.    This is the earliest version extant of the Impossible Mission, as it then was.    It's not even that hard.      Bug reports appreciated but beta testing comments not required - this is a take-it-or-leave it job.    

Hm, certainly no where near as polished as the 'main one'. A good wee laugh certainly but nothing special. Mabye some replay value due to the fact it doesnt take centuries to complete however. - as you say wouldnt get a very high score as a stand alone mission. Therefore id polish it up a bit, mabye give it a short outro (something like, "you thought that was hard?...wait till you try...etc") and release it as a warm up to the main event in the same .zip. Its also something they can try if they need a break.

No bugs found. :)  However, will mabye try a couple things later to test the AI.
Slight concern about placement of an MG guy around rock (south east of town) cause he mabye has potential to glitch there - but was a good place to put him as far as ambushing my squad goes :p.

Complete in 19mins, with as many kills. I used the normal savegame when i approached the town. Cant remember how many i AI started with, but only 3 finished.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2004, 14:44:26 by Sneaker »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #235 on: 25 Sep 2004, 10:48:17 »
I have eventually begun to make some (modest) progress.   I started near an Ambulance (BRDM?), got away from there with no casualties - but didn't kill many enemy either.  Went West then South to the civilians.  There is a guy there lying in a pool of blood that just keeps doing 360 degree rotations.  

Neat reference to Red Dwarf (smoked kipper)- will there be more? - I don't suppose you could get a ‘H' on someone's head, arrange for some vindaloo and an out of tune guitar?  Are the accents deliberately 'refined'?  Showing my ignorance but I thought ‘Hallo' was a spelling mistake until I looked it up, I am so used to seeing ‘Hello'.  Others may think the same and not look it up.  I will leave it to others to cover the combat.  I will nit pick the small stuff.

Went north took out some guys by a road junction, three M2A2's turned up and got blown up.  Still no casualties, but from previous tries, clearly a long way to go.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2004, 10:48:32 by THobson »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #236 on: 25 Sep 2004, 13:41:36 »
@Sneaker - thanks for that.    A ggod wee laugh but nothing special I think is very fair.   ;D   I don't consider this an up to standard mission - looking at in the mission editor it is full of poor editing but then it is two years old.    I wouldn't consider releasing it all if it didn't have historical interest.    19 mins is embarrassingly quick from my point of view:  I do have a noticeably harder version and my latest thinking is to do a sort of combined version with some of the poor editing replaced.    As you say, it makes a nice break from the main event.

@THobson - sadly there are no other RD references, although it would be nice.     Yes you started at a BMP ambulance with a BRDM hidden behind it: enough armour for 8, you see.    The spinning man sometimes spins and sometimes doesn't:  he adds to the atmos when he doesn't.   I'll have another crack at stopping the spinning.    

Hallo is correct:  hello is a modern corruption.   Hallo, a derivative of the old word halloo, was invented shortly after the telephone was invented, to give you something to say when you answered the phone.      The accents are just how we speak I'm afraid... it was a struggle to get the lady to do it all (she only agreed because I threatened to ask somebody else  :o ) and accents were too big an ask.  I'm going to redo my bits anyway because they are so bad.   Many thanks for the comments, keep 'em coming.    

Edit:  I've given that spinning bastard a switchmove to keep him out of trouble.     He looks a bit dead now, but what the hell.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2004, 14:04:27 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #237 on: 25 Sep 2004, 16:14:51 »
Not much to report on the combat side.  Now I have the map I thought I would pay our American friends a visit at the various locations marked in blue - which, if I am not mistaken, seem to cover many of the possible starting locations.
Drop Zone - nothing
Ammo and Repair truck - nothing, but on the way there I took out 5 guys on motorbicycles, 3 guys in a truck and two jeeps with machine guns plus the odd ones and two's soldiers.
Truck - nothing
Filed Hospital and cars - nothing.

I am now at the old base.  One guy dealt with.  I have just mined both entrances to the base and am contemplating scattering a few stachel charges about.

Obviously a long way to go.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #238 on: 25 Sep 2004, 16:28:09 »
The blue locations are indeed the various starting locations.   There is nothing at the DZ.      The others have what they would have if you started there:  the ammo/vehicles etc..   There are patrols along the road and the Base, being special, gets some new troops, but in general there are no enemy at the start positions other than at the start.    

You do have a very long way to go, but it sounds like you are making good progress.    You are the first person to play it in the way it was "intended" to be played.
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #239 on: 26 Sep 2004, 09:38:11 »
Likes and dislikes so far:

- The atmosphere is fantastic, the fog is very effective.  Especially in the early morning, but even later crawling through misty forests, or seeing ruined buildings appear out of the mist later in the day is great.  I expect we will now see a lot of copy-catting of this.
- The openness is great.  Once you are in the mission (more of this later) you can think long term and are not constrained to any one way of doing it.  I am really enjoying this aspect.  I know it comes from reading some of the posts but I am treating this not as a change the flag and get away mission, rather I am treating it as a kill all the enemy mission - oh and change the flag along the way.  The design allows for this.  I enjoyed booby trapping the old base and mining every road when I found some mines, it remains to be seen if any of that will payoff, even if it doesn't it felt like a realistic thing to do.
- The randomness of the reinforcements has a very realistic feel.  I was killed several times dealing with the road block near the civilians.  Reinforcements turned up at unpredictable times and in unpredictable ways.  Once I had the M1A1 and M2A2 combination and once I had 3x M2A2s (other times I died before the armour showed up).  This last one is the one I survived so I know there is at least one Abrams out there but I have not seen it yet on this attempt.
- I do like the accents.  To have used a Russian (or any East European) accents would have kept the perspective of the game in the west (here we are, westerners playing at being foreigners).  To have very clean accents put the perspective very much in the east (this is how we Russians talk amongst ourselves, if you get my meaning?).  In my question in an earlier post on this I had assumed this is what you were doing, I was going to suggest that using some regional accents for the villagers might simulate the regional accents that would be apparent from a Russian point of view.  Eg the villagers talk about the 'Russians' leaving (not 'our soldiers') so they must not be Russian and so would speak Russian with an accent.
- The use of reinforcements is forcing me to use tactics that for me are unusual in OFP but that feel very realistic, hit and run away (and it doesn't need to be a big hit either).  I know there are several campaign missions that script the arrival of enemy reinforcements, but that is just the point, in the campaign missions it is all scripted and predictable - in fact they often tell you it is about to happen and from where.
- I really like having a mission where I can take the long view.  I plan to wear them down over however long it takes.
- In-game weapon availability .  This could be a challenge.  There are a lot of ammo crates and a lot of AA soldiers.  The former seem bog standard with no added weapons, so keeping my guys rearmed with HK mags will be a problem I will have to deal with at some point.  The latter put me off using the Chinook, but also provide ammo to take down the enemy choppers when I get to where I want to do that.  But again I will have to work at it.
- The size - it is like having a whole campaign in one mission, with no one tell you what to do next.

DISLIKES (I realise some of these you have done deliberately - I am just giving you one data point):
- The unforgiving and random nature of the start.  I had MANY retrys before I eventually got in with my squad intact.  It felt a bit like having a great game but having to throw a double six, three times in a row to start.  It felt too random, not much to do with skill.  But of course I may be wrong about this last part, I certainly had more success one morning rather than my usual - evening with a glass or several of wine session. :)
- The game assumes I am going up the hill a bit too soon for me.  In my progress around the base of the hill checking forests and the like for hidden enemy I kept getting the hint message telling me I had another save available - and then the mist cleared!  So I now have to go looking for a sniper rifle before I really wanted to.  Well that is my current plan anyway.
« Last Edit: 26 Sep 2004, 09:38:37 by THobson »