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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 69233 times)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #180 on: 19 Aug 2004, 19:45:22 »
Grab  the new version (0-61) here.[/b]

Change list from 0-60:

Fixed cutscene starting bug
Fixed extra loon joining bug
Brought static objects in Intro into line with Mission
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Offline The_Mark

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #181 on: 19 Aug 2004, 20:11:56 »
But there's not much I can do about Planck's technique

Well, you can't do anything about OFP AI, which doesn't spot you if lie under a spruce.. They won't notice you even if they hit the dirt right next to you (Happened to me at the hilltop, one of them crawled under the same tree - well I killed him and them, strangely enough, his buddy shot me through his body :-\)

Anyways, I find the pass uphill from the CWC scud site to near the toilet mch too easy. I've only seen one sniper on the route. Use the route and you have no trouble reaching the hilltop (I assume after this post it won't be so easy ;D). And besides, the only trees on the top are quite near the end of the route, so you can just crawl up there and start sanitizing the top.

And I figured the cause of my intro bug - it was caused by an addon error. Nothing to do with the mission, just my OFP. Some old, deleted addon still screws with my flash. Damn.
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #182 on: 21 Aug 2004, 00:49:48 »
oops....that was....interesting...

Maybe because I was running ECP the lag made this happen...but here goes..

I started out fine, a little more difficult now with ECP (laggg), and immediately dropped down to find a good field of fire.
My squaddies started shooting at the MG jeeps (I started at teh base...hmm..), and so I naturally had to keep off the infantry.

I finally reached a lull and ventured outside, and saw 3 squads heading straigh for me and my squadmates.  They, funny enough, ran right past me and the squad (lag prolly).  Anyways, I start running up the hill, but I hear those annoying bumping sounds, like if you were in a BMP and ran into another.  The sounds are endless, and I cant figure out what is happening, but...
As it turns out, the chopper had crashed but not died into two bradleys, who therein carried it straight down the hill, and ran into the patrolling M1A1's, so I am lookin down from the hill and see this humungous heap of tanks, and every once in a while see the chopper blade poke out.

I think the chopper saw me, because the next thing I saw was the top Bradley go flying, and die, and an M1 and the other bradley explode.  The chopper was gone, and the last M1 was badly injured, so they jumped out in time to get blown towards me by the tank exploding....

I was laughing my azz off when I got a nice warm piece of lead in the head by a sniper....

Just thought I might share some lag stories from the unimpossible mission...more coming.
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2004, 00:50:50 by AnarCHy »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #183 on: 21 Aug 2004, 09:00:09 »
sry but the review gonna b lil late... have som political stuff 2day... and assumin i wont get arrested or shot ill beta it wen im back :P ;D

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #184 on: 21 Aug 2004, 10:48:39 »
Bah! I dont need this mission to prove Im better than LCD. Alpha Pink is comming for you LCD! ;)

I'll test it when I get time, maybe, but only on sundays between 12-3. :P

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #185 on: 21 Aug 2004, 15:14:12 »
bah it CTD while i was securing the base  :-X  :'( (not really but i dont have taam right now so more on dis l8erz ;) :P)

so ill review wat i did wen im back home

and full review somtaam l8rz :P

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Offline LCD

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #186 on: 21 Aug 2004, 18:45:43 »
ok heres the review (4 wen it cted)

intro : ok

breifing : put a mision finshers list in the notes part 4 the ppl who were brave enuff 2 test it as beta testers ;) :P (or dont that just somin i wanted lol.... mebe put the statistics 4 the champion... so when u give it 2 reviewing ask ppl 2 send u if they pass it nd we open som championship in the cartel or somin else ? lol)

arming : i armed my men like that :-
1 (me) : g36 2 RPG 1 scatchel
2 : sniper rifle 3 scatchel
3 : bizon 3 RPG
4 : bizon 3 scatchels
5 : bizon 3 RPG
6 : bizon 3 scatchels
7 : G36 3 scatchels
8 : bizon 3 RPG

what i planed 2 do
assign the ppl w/ silenced weapons as red team and reg weaps as green team... and have them used each 1 wen i need him (green wen need firepower, red wen need tealth)

mision :
@ the start i told green 2 hold fire and told em all 2 stop after 2 sec a squad run into us and we shot em... ;D and then accidently used my 1st aid kit (OFP action menu aint that good :P)
and then i (alon) started going 2 the hill... on my way i heard that the spotted M2A2 so i run back blowed 2 of em (didnt move very fast) and 3 blowed the last 1 (and himself... my 1st casualty)
so i left em there and moved to the hill (running on X4) while i got there i think they blowed jeep w/ MG and and some truck (now all on open fire) i run into a black op and he didnt fire on me (prooly a X4 bug cuz i moved just behind him) so i continued crawled 2 him n shot him... next i started going uphill... i think that from the north side (not sure cuz u never give us GPS even tho i alwayz ask :P and cuz i made som strange turns there) and i killed on my way up somin like 3 squads and a sniper from the tower and earned my 1st save (didnt use it yet) so i continue and clear the area and save... and killed ::) so i retried and started runnin like crazy nd the sec sniper missed me :P ;D i turn kill him nd thesoldier that was aiming @ me... and i change the flag... and go into that building that acts as ammo stash clear it (1 soldier laying nd not shoting :P) and take a g36 (till now i fought w/ MP5 from the BO and M16 that i took wen i run outta ammo).... at this point 2 of my units die... and they fight off another truck w/ soldiers... now i begin climbin down hill every cm have a sniper and there were three squads.... after dying twice i clear the area use another save point and discover i was goin downhill on the southside ::)  :-X so st00pid me climbs uphill again kill another soldier that i discover there (he prooly run away or somin) and start goin down the other way after rearming my g36  ;D :gunman: on my way down i take.... 2-3 snipers (not sure ;D) and grab 1 of their sniper rifles shot half of a squad pattroling there and get my G36 and shot the rest ;) ;D and start going down again... on my way down i shot another squad (their really slow @ reacting) and take a law instead of my RPG (that i already shot killin a squad on the hill) so now i have 2 G36mags, 3 LAWs, 1 scatchel.... i get a position somwere and take a look and fdo the thing that was the mistake of the day 4 me  :-X i saw a M2A2 standing alone so i think "heres a lil wanderin M2A2 i shud shot it" and shot it... and suddenly outta somwere M1A1 comes out nd from the other side somin like 2-3 M1A1 and 2-3 M2A2 (i didnt stay there enuff 2 count i just hide :P)  now what i did is 2 kill som soldiers that came lookin 4 me w/ the G36 and takin a m16 shotin a mag n killin another 3 soldiers so i run quick and took a sniper rifle and returned 2 my hiding i nthe meantaam (was really mean) the tanks started searchin 4 me so i waited somin like 5 mins on X4 till they relaxed 1 M1A1 parked near me so i used the scatchel on it and the rest came back 2 look 4 me... so i killed 1 M2A2 but the rest didnt give up yet  :'( so i started usin my sniper rifle killed like 5 ppl w/ 1 mag and suddenly what did i c ? a group of black ops walkin around on safe ::) so i shot 1... and then suddenly it bcame 4:30 and i had 2 go ;D so i  alt-tab and it CTDed (not that bad actually cuz i still had them tanks 2 kill nd i started runnin outta ideas ::))

thats all folks ;)

so conclusion

1) im bit rusty in playin OFP
2) make the first aid kit apear only after im injured... and state i have only 1 :P
3) black ops walkin on safe is good 4 the player no good 4 the mision ::)
4) al em tanks r immposible :P ;D

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Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #187 on: 22 Aug 2004, 14:59:16 »
Many thanks everybody for playing.   :)

@The_Mark - There are in fact several snipers on/covering that route, but one of the features of this mission is that almost everybody is on probablity of presence.    Next time you play it it won't be so easy.    Also, when you get a bit of good luck like that, you normally pay for it later.   ;D   It isn't a bad route though - all routes are much the same for opposition, but there are substantial differences for things like ease of ground and the cover available when you get to the top.

I always keep away from dead bodies - weird things like that happen to you, plus the game gets confused as to whether you want to fire or pick up a grenade.     The AI are all on very high skill .... but a prone spetz natz under a tree in the semi-dark is virtually invisible.

Sorry to hear about your addon troubles, but glad to know the Intro is ok.

@AnarCHy - LMAO.  :D :D :D  That image of a chopper shooting at you while trapped between two Bradleys .... Sorry about the lag ... I've been through the mission several times with a fine tooth comb and taken out all I can, played with setViewDistance and everything, but its just a big mission.  :(    I wanted to make an impossible mission with just a few enemy units but it turned out to be ... well, impossible.

@LCD - glad to hear you weren't arrested.   :)   Sad to hear about the CTD:  >:(  I have not sufficient technical knowledge to comment by I get "freezeup" crashes regularly when I alt-tab.     Blackops on safe,  :o that's not good .... ah yes, they are a motorbike patrol.    They must have lost the bikes and started walking.   I'll need to look at that again.

Happy to hear my little Bradley trap worked.    ;D   If you see one Bradley alone he always has an Abrams nearby - they are in the same group but its amazing how often the second vehicle is hidden by trees.     There are a maximum of 3 Abrams (in two groups) in the mission:  they are not really supposed to appear all together so you were unlucky.  I've moved one of them slightly so its less likely it will happen again.      However that is the sort of thing that is meant to happen if you go direct start-hill-base.  :P

You're right about the first aid kit:  its a recent addition in that form and needs some control or information around it.   I thought I might just get away with it but obviously not.

And you have to remember that I've been working on this for a while:  and everytime you beta test it it gets harder.   ;D 8)     You did bloody well to get up and down the hill though:  the average player can, after a few attempts, change the flag but that's it.

Thanks again everybody, your comments are much appreciated. :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: 22 Aug 2004, 15:21:42 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #188 on: 22 Aug 2004, 19:12:40 »
bah i got up n down 2 the south n the north in da same mision :P  :o  ::)

i also can give u my first aid kit script... didnt test it on resistance tho (somin old from ma 1st misions... tested n workin on 1.46)

gonna give it a try next taam wen i have somin like 4-5 hrs free ;)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #189 on: 24 Aug 2004, 02:17:43 »
Stupid internet....

I got a virus in me comp that wiped out a small file which windows needed to start up wit :(

So I had to clear C: and E:  (two 80GB hard drives :) ) and re-format them both, then install XP again.

Gonna test the mission more tonight when I hae enough time, and me...backside.....asn't hurting so much ;)


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #190 on: 25 Aug 2004, 15:38:23 »
I've been playing this mission once in a while, but the lag is just too much...
My crappy 'ol pc just won't handle this...
So, can't report on anything as I just need to lay down somewhere and wait for the AI to shoot the nme as I can't aim due to the lag :P

Of course if I crank down the vD to minimum along with other graph settings then there's not much lag...
But then you need to be 2 ft. away from a target to recognise it... ::)

What if you went and broke that no scripting ban in your mission and use a thing from CoC called AI on Demand?
Would lose the lag from the mission... Possibly completely...
(Don't know where else you might find AI on Demand other than a beta MP mission, called Bastige Battlefields (by bn880), which can be found somewhere in the Official Forums... )
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #191 on: 25 Aug 2004, 17:39:46 »
@ HateR_Kint - I'm sorry about the lag.  :(    It offends my sense of achievment - I set out to make an un-impossible mission that anybody could play and in that endeavor I have utterly failed.      

If you have the energy you could open it up in the mission editor and delete a lot of the static objects - they are big culprits.   You could also remove the minefield triggers in the woods to the south of the Old Base, and just not go there.    Reduce viewdistance to 500 - it makes a surprising difference to lag even in the fog when you can't see more than 10 feet.    

If I had my time over again I would of course do this very differently, and use scripts and createUnit commands to reduce the lag while keeping it fair.     However I never thought it would get so bad so I stuck to the old rules.   Now it is too late - it's virtually finished and I just want to be rid of the wretched thing.   D'you know I have only one mission in the missions depot?  (Lookout! - play it, its fun.)   And after the amount of time I've spent on mission editing that's pretty depressing.

@AnarCHy - that is very bad luck.  You have my sympathies.

@LCD - I've done a big test on Noname.
« Last Edit: 25 Aug 2004, 17:42:13 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #192 on: 25 Aug 2004, 20:54:19 »
I'm sorry about the lag.
Well, my pc should not lag so much, but I guess it's growing weary on the insides or something ;D
Well, I'll give it another shot/whirl/etc at some point...
(Damn RL responsibilities ruin my OFPing... :P )

D'you know I have only one mission in the missions depot? And after the amount of time I've spent on mission editing that's pretty depressing.
I've been making missions since OFP came out (almost, took a while to learn it...) and I have not one mission in here.. Not even one beta ::)..
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #193 on: 30 Aug 2004, 02:01:29 »
I...must have gotten a spawn bug...???

I started on a group of enemy...it wasn't too fun trying to get back out but...  :-\

Lost me squad and started over.

ok.  Started at the amo dump, but not much I wanted there, so we hid inside it till the two bradleys came rolling around, 2 got off a rocket, took out a bradley, and 2 flew up the hill from a blast by the second bradley :P

3+4 take out the rockets, and both shoot at the same time...stupid ai..

anyways, no more bradleys around, and no tank sounds near, so I start up the hill.  My group mainly dealt with the snipers, and I watched for those stupid naders. (ahh here they come, I thought) nope, it was a regular group but ??? my group gets blown away by a grenade, so I turn around and see  I am cornered with grenaders on one side, and a group walkin around on the other side.  I charge up the hill and hide in a bush, and they eventually dissapate (phew :P) turn around and I find a sniper ramming his gun up my a**!  I got a shot off into him and he did to me, and we killed each other...

not fun!  I didn't save!  (oh wait, maybe that is a good thing)

Ok, restart, and I am at the base.  Nothing was happeneing and so I decided to check it out, I peek around the corner and see the M1A1's and bradleys strolling around, and four/five gruops just standing there. (hmm...mebbe sommat like a tank got in dere way)

I shot off a grenade and got about 6/7 of them and then they came :P stupid timing, because the chopper starts raining it's shells down onto us!  Never done that befoe to me, but oh well. :-/ I start to shoot at the chopper when it comes around for another pass, as my group deals with the infantry. (My specialty :D shooting at the pilots of choppers, and stealing those.)  I got the pilot, so the chopper "lands" (the lag does this sometimes) in the base.  I kill the gunner and tell my squad to stop.  Jump into the pilots seat and turnon manual fire (:) hehe..) and go shooting up the tanks.  Someone has an AA launcher somewhere or a vulcan is around, because the next thing I knew was a bright orange light and the chopper explode... :( I was doing so good too!

's all the same, my squad got taken out as soon as I left...

I was still playing 0-60 but I will play 0-61 now.

Mebbe a script or something that checks whether the chopper pilot/gunner is dead, and automatically revives him? As I know you want to weed out any things that make it easier for people :)

Have you done anything about the fence hopping trick I did playing...0-56? You said ya would ;)

Play more tonight (mebbe, if I have time), becuase this mission is too fun to put away!
« Last Edit: 30 Aug 2004, 02:02:47 by AnarCHy »

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #194 on: 30 Aug 2004, 03:20:03 »
ok played again... not full review yet cuz i played only 1 hr (som of it on X4 so it doesnttell ya shit bout gamin taam ;))

ok here wat i did... again squad is 2 parts.... firepower (1 M21, 2 G36) nd 4 silenced (HKs) and i got me self HK 2... all squad got a mix of scatchels n RPGS (mostly 1 scatchel nd 2 RPGS or the other way around.... xept now we got 2 AT4 launchers wit us ;D)

breifing (last taam i had music rutnd off or somin but now... i think da music os ok but mebe 2 loud :P)

Game :

started on da road on da south of da hill (u prooly know wat i mean ;)).... we killed da squad dat run above us on start easilly nd started holdin fire ;D run away a bit (every1 on prone) nd waited till da M2A2 move away :P dey got bout 100 M from us nd left so we continued till we reached a big stone  :o nd i told ma soldiers 2 hold da stone (da only russian held ston on da island ;)) nd climbed up da hill (plz plz i want GPS its hard 2 navigate in da fog.... nd GPS shud b spec ops standart ;D so after movin in general direction north west i c a sniper (actin blind... i was runnin) nd shot it i fell 2 ground again nd continued crawlin more carfully cuz i assumed im getin close.... suddenly i c a leader runnin towards me... i killed him nd 2 ppl b4 dey detected me... det sent his soldiers panickin around me... all easy kills ;D next thing is anoder group dat i shud easily... here i used ma save went 2 soldier dat had MM1 nd shot all around (alwayz wanted good taam 2 test it... never have dis thingy cant c shit so deres notin 2 aim 4 :P) nd it wiped noder 2 squads nd a sniper :P... so now da base dere pretty much clear... i 1st thing went into da house w/ ammo stash in it on da way i killed a sniper on a tower.... eaily took care of da soldier inside da house (AI suck @ CQB.... put him outside i think) nd captured it den got out started 2 go closer 2 da flag (w/ only 1 HK mag left) saw da head of AI leader nd throw a grenade on him... earsed da rest of da squad w/ half mag... changed da flag (nd finally got a savegame) on my way back 2 my squad i got noder savegame (never got da going uphill savegame... fix dat :P) so now i plan on findin som blackops 4 HK nd takin over da base now w/ full force :P

more after i finish

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