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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 69234 times)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #150 on: 29 Jul 2004, 23:15:54 »
I've come up with an excellent tactic for the beginning of the mission.............JUST LEG IT!!!

I did that and thw hole of my squad survived  ;D up until the point where we met the bradleys, stupidly i crwled up2 and placed a satchel charge. That took care of the bradley and the whole of my squad.  :-[ .

I was left to dash into the forest under a hail of bullets. I decided i mite as well make the lng journey dwn to see the civvies. After a lng trip i reached them, nice cutscene and voices  ;D .

After all that running the civilian Nikolai thought a nice welcome present wud not be fried kipper but instead a bullet in my head  >:(  :'( Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn u Nikolai!!!!!!

I'll keep u informed ( revenge must be taken on Nikolai)


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #151 on: 29 Jul 2004, 23:26:48 »

Lol  ;D yes sometimes that's a brilliant tactic and sometimes you run straight into one of the attacking groups and get wiped out.  ::)     I know the range of angles they can come in from (they are all on placement radii) and know where the gaps are, but you'll have to work them out.  8)    That's partly why there are so many starting positions.

Nicolai doesn't usually shoot you, you must have got a huge negative score for zapping your own squad.    
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Offline Artak

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #152 on: 30 Jul 2004, 23:14:50 »
Oi! A lot going on in this thread! Gone for a few days and already there's like 50 posts more.  :o

- Artak, when you met the Bradleys at the roadblock on the way back, did you notice any dismounts?    

- Did you feel the civvies were worth the trip only once, or would you go back there on each attempt?   Or not worth the trip at all?   What changes would you like to see for that bit, apart from better sound quality in the cutscene obviously.  ::)   (And ammo for the chopper.)

I didn't notice anyone jumping out of the bradleys. Though there might have been some infantry.. can't say for sure because I was panicing. Definitely not three whole squads though.

I felt the civvies were actually worth the trip, but it might be just me. I could imagine going straight for the hill, but I like to play everything I can get out of a mission. Hehee, yes the huffing and puffing mic sound effect was really creepy  ;D otherwise the cutscene was excellent. Showed good taste in humor and women.
I wouldn't want to see any ammo for the chopper actually. It's fine as it is. Maybe even attach a fuel leak script to the chopper. Give it 2-3 minutes of air time.
Maybe, in addition to the resistance (civ) sniper joining your squad, you could have five resistance (civ) soldiers created to some woods near the hill and have them follow your squad to the hill. Or whatever. A little spice here and there.
Not all is lost.

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #153 on: 31 Jul 2004, 00:18:22 »
Thanks m8.   There's only one squad in the Brads, and sometimes its only about 4 loons, so you can miss it even if its there.

I think I might invest in a better mic .... that was the best I could get with my very limited sound editing skills.   ;D   Good enough for government work.

In the new version the old chopper has been replaced with a damaged Chinook which you have to repair with the repair truck (which was there anyway).     Fuel leak is a good idea, I might add that.

If you feel extra extra loons would be the best thing to make the civvy trip more worthwhile I might add a downed pilot or lost soldier, who joins your squad as you leave the civvies.    I'm not going to change the cutscene so it has to be consistent with that.

This mission is nearly finished now.    All I really need is for somebody to fight their way through - probably using cheats - to check the Base Objective and that both the endings work ok.   (You get a choice of endings:   go short for a dull but worthy cutscene, or long for the easter egg.)      If you want to use the cheat, unpbo the mission and look at the start of the init.sqs.    Remove the ; to activate one or both scripts.
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #154 on: 03 Aug 2004, 21:35:26 »
Hi there, dnt mean to be an arse but ive been trying to understand the logiccam.sqs in ur .pbo and cant figure it out, was there a tutorial for it cos i cant seem to find it in the editors depot. Ive searched under blanco and there aint nething there  :-\  :'( .



Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #155 on: 04 Aug 2004, 00:32:12 »
I had a feeling Blanco sent it to me direct.     There were some instructions ... too big to post here.    Let me ask Blanco if he can submit it to the Ed Depot.

It's not trivial to make it work so you're not being an arse.    
« Last Edit: 04 Aug 2004, 00:35:58 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #156 on: 04 Aug 2004, 17:57:32 »
Yes, I did.

The post about Logiccam is HERE, but all links are down atm. My host has deleted his site by accident.
I'll send him an email to host it again.
You're not an arse at all ,Gooner , without the instructions it's very difficult to understand :)

I see what I can do and submit it to the editor depot.
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #157 on: 04 Aug 2004, 20:20:57 »
Thanks alot Blanco  ;D ,

It was just the main script i was confused about but i shud be able to figure it out cos ive been looking at Mac's intro.sqs and seen wot he's dun. All i'll need to do is just play around with the numbers i think.

From what i saw in Mac's intro, this logic cam stuff looks very good, definetely wanna use it.

Wud be good to see those links working and to see a tute in the ed depot but there's no rush, well i kinda understand it now but i'll ask in the editing section of the forum.



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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #158 on: 05 Aug 2004, 16:22:04 »
It's up again :


It's pretty big for a demomission (4mb), it contains custom music
I wanted to show you many examples so you got something to start with and the music... well the music makes it less boring for me too...

It's not easybecause you have to deal with lots of numbers... but hey nothing is really easy in OFP and I'm sure when you see those lovely camera angles,... you will give it a try.

I'll submit it to the editor depot later today.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #159 on: 05 Aug 2004, 17:08:47 »
Cheers, downloading now  ;D .

Offline Blanco

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #160 on: 06 Aug 2004, 21:59:05 »
logiccam is pending now.

Search or search or search before you ask.

Offline Planck

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #161 on: 09 Aug 2004, 20:38:03 »
OK Macguba.

I have at long last completed your mission.

With the 0-56 version I got as far as changing the flag and clearing the troops in the old base from the hill with an M21.

I did more or less the same with this version (0-59).

I armed all with bizons and a few RPG's and satchels.

I visited the civilians first, repaired the chopper, but couldn't find any fuel for it, so left it alone.  I noticed the barrels but they were too far away from the chopper to refuel from.

I left my men in the village and went and cleared the roadblock.  I then used the 5t truck for transport to the hill, I also took the BMP.  On the way to the hill, we stopped off at the area near where the bikes were and cleared a lot of troops from there and also another 5t truck and some jeeps.  We left the BMP and truck there and continued north on foot

I left my guys somewhere safe (The old spetz camp in the forest), made my way carefully up the hill taking out any troops and snipers I came across.
Once at the top, I started taking everyone out, little by little, until there was nobody left.  Then I went and changed the flag.

By this time more troops had arrived on the hill, so I took them all out, and any others that decided to make the climb. Then a bunch of black ops arrived and I proceeded to take them out too.
Whilst I was doing this, there was an almighty explosion from somewhere far off, it was still loud though.  I just shrugged my shoulders and carried on

Once it got quiet again I then crawled carefully all over the hillside looking for any snipers.  I found lots of them and continued round the hill till I had cleared what I could find.  This took a long time and when I had finished I knuckled down and picked off the troops in the old base from the hillside.  Whilst doing this I noticed the cobra had crashed into the old base taking out a ural, ural fuel, fuel station, all ammo crates, and a couple of buildings.  This explains the large explosion earlier.

I also noticed a Bradley lying on its side about 100m from the base.  Either it got caught in the explosion or one of the Abrams had collided with it and knocked it over.  I suspect the latter.  It was undamaged, so might prove useful later.
Alas, by this time night was falling ( yes it took this long).  I made my way to the ammo dump north of the hill, took out 2 jeeps in the area then mined the road because I had observed some bradleys patrolling the area.

I hunkered down and awaited results.  First victim was an Abrams, the crew evacuated and I killed them.  Next came 3 Bradleys to investigate, two of them fell victim to mines and the crews didn't fare much better once they got out.  The third stationed itself a little further north down an incline, this one I just LAWed.

So that was 4 bradleys accounted for and 1 Abram.  I got one of my guys to find a jeep and go fetch a repair truck.  Once he got back I repaired the Abrams, then left it there.
I made my way to the base and LAWed the 2 remaining bradleys.  I also gave the remaining Abrams 3 LAWs and it was badly damaged.

I got 3 of my men to crew the repaired Abrams and told them to attack the damaged one.  Meantime 2 repair trucks had arrived at the damaged Abrams, presumable to repair it.  I shot the drivers.  My Abrams arrived and took care of the remaining one.

So the base was mine, but there must still be troops about, so I got the Abrams, and used it to dunt the Bradley that was lying on its side.  I got it upright and got 3 more of my men to crew it.  I then got both vehicles to cruise around the base area looking for survivors.
They found a bunch of enemy troops and killed them.......MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Yes and No.......I had an option to carry on and clear the map of the remaining 8 loons.
And I just knew they had to all be snipers.

Suffice to say that they were all found on, or crawling up, the hill........MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.......FINALLY.

Nice Easter Egg btw.

I tried both endings, they both worked fine.  The count for remaining troops was exactly right....it WAS 8 left.

One or two little things, which may or may not have anything to do with the mission, it might just be game quirks.

1/   If I selected all my men and asked them to 'Report Status', more often than not they would all respond, except '8'.  He needed his own private invitation before he responded.

2/   My men would report every single contact they came across, even ones they couldn't possibly see ( there was a hill in the way after all), BUT, my character would very very rarely report any contacts. I could be staring them in the face and he would not report them or their positions to the men.

I really enjoyed this mission, I took my time with it, that is why it took me so long to complete.  I was careful and methodical and didn't try to rush anything. ( that and the fact I am half deaf and blind anyway ).  I still have 3 radio saves left too.....do I get another easter egg?

Debriefing attached

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #162 on: 10 Aug 2004, 12:43:43 »
Holy Shit!

Planck mate that is ... fantastic.   Thank you very, very much, I really appreciate that.   And well done!   You are now the UnImpossible Mission King.   This version is harder than all previous ones so you have done exceptionally well.    I am absolutely thrilled that you completed it, and that it took so long.    This is precisely what I was aiming for, a mission that could be done but would take an extraordinary effort to complete.

I armed all with bizons and a few RPG's and satchels.
Ultimately its a matter of opinion which is best:  for a long time I swore by the old G36 but in the end I think the benefit of the silencers and the extra ammo outweighs the lack of optics and lower power.    As a matter of interest, where did you start?    

I visited the civilians first, repaired the chopper, but couldn't find any fuel for it, so left it alone.  I noticed the barrels but they were too far away from the chopper to refuel from.
The chopper should have had a little fuel.   Did you try to fly it?    

Once at the top, I started taking everyone out, little by little, until there was nobody left.  Then I went and changed the flag.
You make it sound so easy!

Once it got quiet again I then crawled carefully all over the hillside looking for any snipers.  I found lots of them and continued round the hill till I had cleared what I could find.  
This is a good way to deal with them - they are not well protected from behind.    I'll have to do something about that.  ;D

This took a long time and
I can imagine it would...

I noticed the cobra had crashed into the old base taking out a ural, ural fuel, fuel station, all ammo crates, and a couple of buildings.  This explains the large explosion earlier.
The fuel station is wired to blow if it gets damaged, but I don't know why the Cobra should crash.   It's not impossible it was shot down - you get some fabulous blue-on-blues in this mission.

Alas, by this time night was falling
This is the line that impressed me more than anything.   That's what I call patience and persistence.

Meantime 2 repair trucks had arrived at the damaged Abrams, presumable to repair it.  
That little support convoy has been more trouble than you would expect.   However, it's obviously very easy to kill, which is fun, and it has a genius for turning up at THE most inappropriate moment and thereby making you laugh.

So the base was mine
Do you notice/how did you deal with the snipers covering the Base?  

so I got the Abrams, and used it to dunt the Bradley that was lying on its side.
You are a clever boy.  ;D

I got it upright and got 3 more of my men to crew it.  I then got both vehicles to cruise around the base area looking for survivors.
I suppose that's a good way to deal with the snipers....

Nice Easter Egg btw.
Not what you're expecting.   8)

I tried both endings, they both worked fine.  The count for remaining troops was exactly right....it WAS 8 left.
Good, thank you.   On test runs (with innumerable cheats activated) I ususally get a couple of dozen left.   When the numbers fall they get orders to go up the Hill.   I know that vehicles screw up the count but I'm not sure if anything else does... It's never a big deal anyway.    The vehicle crews (its usually the wretched support convoy) get orders to bail out and walk.

1/  If I selected all my men and asked them to 'Report Status', more often than not they would all respond, except '8'.  He needed his own private invitation before he responded.

2/  My men would report every single contact they came across, even ones they couldn't possibly see ( there was a hill in the way after all), BUT, my character would very very rarely report any contacts. I could be staring them in the face and he would not report them or their positions to the men.
I have no idea about either of those.   I can't think of anything in the mission that could cause this, it's certainly not deliberate.    Your loons are very high quality which does seem to give them an extraordinary ability to see through fog, hills, etc.

I really enjoyed this mission

I took my time with it, that is why it took me so long to complete.  I was careful and methodical and didn't try to rush anything.
The only way to get anywhere.    

I still have 3 radio saves left too.....do I get another easter egg?
Bloody hell!  Well you certainly deserve one .... here you go.

26 hrs 35 mins
I'm gobsmacked by the time.      I've never had a score that high, you must have killed virtually every unit in the game yourself.

I have to say Planck I am absolutely chuffed to bits by this.     This mission has taken two years, on and off, and its turned out to be just what I was trying to create.   Plus I'm relieved it all works.    

The latest version has a few minor changes.   I'm planning to make one or two more small changes on the basis of your excellent report, but this is basically the finished version.
« Last Edit: 10 Aug 2004, 13:00:36 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #163 on: 10 Aug 2004, 14:18:51 »
26 hours!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF ive got a long long long long way to go. Still battling away at it, but not getting terribly far  :'( . I'll report back with a better post once i get sumwhere.

Nice link by the way  ;D  ::)  ;) .

« Last Edit: 10 Aug 2004, 14:19:42 by Gooner861 »


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #164 on: 10 Aug 2004, 15:03:21 »
I thought I was doin okay but I stopped playin, this mission is addictive ;D, so I could finish my mission for the competition. Had a nice position on top of the hill after takin the flag and clearing the place... But today I look at the mission and the save on top of the hill is gone! 6 hours down the drain! AHHH >:( :P :P....

I guess I'll grab the new version later and start from scratch... :P :P

Thanks for Planck's link. Made my day.  ;D :-X

EDIT: Holy crap, that thread is 11 pages long, thank you Macguba.
« Last Edit: 10 Aug 2004, 15:16:01 by GuiltyRoachKillar »