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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Un-Impossible Mission  (Read 75452 times)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #120 on: 27 Jul 2004, 23:09:44 »
Amazingly I didn't get much lag. Nor did I get close to the flag yet. I figured that takin the flag first meant I had a nice firing platform later for the  base and the over abundance of rockets and weapons at the flag...

What spetz natz camp? If it ends the fog, plz I need to find it. :P

Well I found out I'm only 1/2 up but got up there easily after killing two snipers. Then I realized you had about four squads just sitting on top. My gawd, my guys acted like idiots, they mow down one guy and turn around to find the damn cobra to look at it. Of course, there are about 20 more loons coming at them, so I have to dispatch them... >:( Dumb AI. Eventually, I'll get to the flag and get lucky with these damn squads. My save right now is after killing about 30 ppl on top and there is one more squad + snipers roaming around. I might get the civvis later... :-\

This is one tuff mission Macguba... :P
But fun at times. ;D

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #121 on: 27 Jul 2004, 23:17:38 »
Thanks for giving it another go m8.   The spetz natz camp is in the woods to the west of The Hill:  if you want to know the exact position go to the civvies, after the cutscene you get a whole bunch of markers revealed on your map.    It has nothing to do with the fog - that was just a coincidence.     Its only purpose is as a rearming point for players using Soviet weapons.     Yanks weapon players get lots of dead bodies to use as ammo crates.

Taking the flag gives you no advantage per se in attacking the Base.

In one version I had an extra 12-15 enemy loons around the flag, but I decided that was just silly.   ;D

All the AI in the game have high skill but yes, sometimes they are still verrrry dumb.
« Last Edit: 27 Jul 2004, 23:32:08 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #122 on: 27 Jul 2004, 23:27:55 »
Macguba you have to see the genius in my plan if I can at all take the damn flag and clear part of the hill a little more.

Being up on that hill protects me fro those damn abrams cause the turrets will not go so high. I dunno about the bradelys... :( ;D

The cobra will be finished off immediatly once the flag is down.

When is the fog supposed to leave anyways?

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #123 on: 27 Jul 2004, 23:45:05 »
When you were about halfway up the Hill you got a hint giving you an extra savegame, remember?   The fog had already started to disperse when you got that hint.    It takes about 10 minutes (its randomised) for it to disperse completely.

To help with lag there are also setViewDistance and benchmark commands going on at the same time.   If your benchmark is less than 4200 you'll be left with viewdistance of 850 which is less than you're used to.   (The default is 900 I think.)   If it's more than 4200 your viewdistance will be set to benchmark/5.    Benchmark and viewdistance are measured in the same numbers, so if you had a benchmark of 5000 the script would gradually increase your viewdistance from 850 to 1000.    You can of course override the script by setting your viewdistance manually using your Options menu.    This is all in an effort to evade the lagdemons.

You can't avoid those Abrams for ever I'm afraid ... you'll have to kill them (and the 4-7 Bradleys) in the end.   ;D  The Cobra (sometimes there are two: the second one is the only benchmarked unit in the game) is usually no trouble.    There are lots of AA loons on top of the Hill who will be happy to lend you missiles.  ;)
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #124 on: 28 Jul 2004, 00:27:20 »
Ohh yea I noticed the fog going a bit after acsending the hill some.

I guess I haven't reached the 10 mintues OFP time. Or maybe I need to setviewdistance higher as I cannot tell between viewdis and fog. :P

I'm not avoiding the abrams. ;D Just simply firing down onto them and they can't fire back cause their turrets do not go that high. Bradelys? Pfff, I outfit all my men with laws and CGs and hope they act a little smarter.

I'll try getting the flag soon... :P ::) :)

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #125 on: 28 Jul 2004, 00:35:25 »
Right, thanks to Blunt's advice and a considerable amount of blood, sweat, toil and tears, here is a link to my newest site.   It ain't pretty but it works.   Probably.    v0-57 is there for you, here's the changes list from 0-56 again in case you missed it on the last page.

Removed/streamlined some triggers
Removed many static objects
Added setViewDistance commands to help with fog and lag
Improved fog removal script

Moved start position of enemy repair group
Moved waypoint of guard jeep/mg group
Added more hints & tips
Changed morphine from radio to action menu
Fixed Bradley dismount group bug

Rewrote Notes section of Briefing

The main difference is that this version is much lower lag.    (It occurs to me GRK that 0-56 doesn't have all that funky setViewDistance stuff I've just been talking about.   The fog disappears fractionally faster than 10 mins, but not much.)     Coming soon in 0-58 will be new Overview text and something done about the chopper near the civvies.  
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #126 on: 28 Jul 2004, 00:35:29 »
I finally got to the flag!  Haha.  Even though it's only me armed with a bizon, clips running out.  I don't know how your supposed to get to the flag, but I grabbed a jeep, and started ramming the fence.  It didn't collapse, so I tried to use a little OFP engine help.  I just started driving into the fence pressing left and right, and before i knew it, I had the jeep propped up on a fence post, fully in the air.  Lol, I wish I had a screen cap. program.  Than I ejected from the jeep and got the flag.

As I started down the other side, thinking about how good I was, I noticed a group of soldiers down the hill. (Now I got a G36).  I fire prematurely and that alerts them.  So I get out of sight and move for another angle.  As I stand up to shoot my first victim, he stands up first, and while simultaneously rising, he fires a shot right through my skull.  Like that movie "Sniper" when the dude gets shot through the scope, that was me.  Well I forgot to save after I got the flag, so I gotta kill all those troops again.

All in all, the replay factor MAKES this mission.  I think you said that was your intention, but I can't remember.  Plus all that reverse psych you pull on us, making us want to beat it.  I must say, I'm stuck wanting to beat it now.


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #127 on: 28 Jul 2004, 00:43:08 »
I'm stayin with 0-56 until I beat it, I don't wanna reload and have to do all that stuff again... ;D

Blunt, there was a gate thing they talked about before or don't use a jeep, just run at the fence at 4X and you blow past it or  through it with ease. :)

Rest assured that I'll grab the latest version once I complete the 056 version. This is actually a fun mission if you get going and the replay value is amazing, although that is why the mission is so good. Replay value makes 75% of it. Everything else was good but didn't fit together well. I know its an exercise in misssion making but.... :-\ :P

PS: Macguba and you yelled at my mission cause I had to many goons running about.... :D
Here's my revenge.... ;D
And yours for having your mission kill me 500 times... ;D

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #128 on: 28 Jul 2004, 00:45:40 »
I finally got to the flag!
Well done that man!  :thumbsup:

You're supposed to get through the fence by going to the north end, where the fences are different, and you get a yellow action to open the "gate".   However I can see how that would be easy to miss in all the excitment.     The jeep way sounds more fun though.   ;D

Thanks for the tripod tip btw, I've got a basic site up which hopefully means that everybody can get 0-57, the lower lag version.

Yes, it is supposed to have the "just one more go" factor.     There is a little easter egg (don't get overexcited) if you make it to the bitter end.     However, you've only done the easy bit.    I've got up the Hill once or twice myself, but I've never got down it again. :P

PS: Macguba and you yelled at my mission cause I had to many goons running about....

 ;D   ;D

I can smile at comments like that because you will NEVER beat the Un-Impossible Mission.   8) :P ::) ;)  
« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004, 00:50:45 by macguba »
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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #129 on: 28 Jul 2004, 03:04:25 »
Haha, I'm in the base.  But there's still 100 dudes, and they're all coming right for me!  Did you use an ai knowledge sharing script for this?  It seems like once one sees me they all do.

Anyway, from the hill, I made my way down the northern side, encountered some troops, but not many.  Gotta keep an eye out for snipers though.  I crossed the road, and headed east towards the base, then approached the base from the north.  Yikes.

After trying to kill some tanks with my 2 rpgs and getting killed myself, I decided stealth was the key, so I snuck into the base and used a savegame.  This is where I'm stuck now.  I think I got all the infantry within the perimeter of the base once, but there was tons of squads enclosing, not to mention the tanks, of which I killed none.

Well, instead of working on my own mission tonight, I'm gonna be playing this, lol.  Good job.  I was totally immersed last time I played.  I wouldn't take a step without a good observation of my surroundings, and I probably would've pointed my mouse at somebody and clicked had they walked into my room at the time.  I'm gonna have to DePBO this beast and have a look at some of your techniques.

By the way, what's a good, free, screen cap program, so I can prove my greatness once I win?
« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004, 03:05:54 by Blunt »


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #130 on: 28 Jul 2004, 04:14:28 »
I took the Hind and landed right by the flag. Bypassed the gate all together. How I got through the AA soldiers and the cobra I dopn't know. I like to think it is my expert flight skills  :joystick:

Can't wait till the final version. Also about arming the hind give it a couple rockets not all. That I think would make it worth going to see the civs.


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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #131 on: 28 Jul 2004, 07:07:23 »
macca your site is down....  :'( or at least it doesn't like me because it says the page/file was not found...

ahh!!  I'll just play 0-56 for now.  ;)

Expect more "reviews" more like war stories from me soon :)



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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #132 on: 28 Jul 2004, 07:53:46 »
Here we are, tried 3 (4 mebbe...i dunno) more times.

Have fun wit dese:

ok...so maybe coming in from the north side isn't the best idea after all.  I am in a base, and i cant find the da*n entrance, so i run along the wall, and finally i find the one to the west.  I leave through it just as me squad enters the exit, and then i hear d**n 2 is down, 3, report status, d**n 3 is down, 4 is down, oh no...5 is down.  So i think hmm, do i really wanna stay?
As I am charging up the hill I notice a sniper, witch I mistakenly took as a bush, so I was trying to hide in the sniper, he turns around, and I panicked and started shooting madly wit ma HK.  He gets dead, and I breathe in.  ok, I run up the hill a little more and notice two snipers apparantly playing chicken, they were facing each other.  I wasn't noticed until I shot the second one once, but they were both dead long before they could react.   And, I wound up in a mess of trees.  I find a sniper that is dead already, so i run up the hill wondering "wtf?" and i see another sniper peering down at me (mebbe he killed his buddy).  Funny thing was, he didn't shoot.  so i ran past him, (unknowing of his relaxed state.).  Find meself in a mess of (high on summat) guards runnin around.  I heard a shot in the distance, but all me squaddies are dead (so heh what..?).  I dont shoot and they dont notice me.  I kill one guy, and they still dont notice me, so I move meself around an edge and I finally get noticed, by a guy just standing inches away from me.  He lays down, pulls out a glock, and fires.  I hurt badly, but then i get shot from what i think is the sniper from down the hill...
Reload at half past the hill.  I run around as fast as i could to the SW side... and i find meself in ashootout with a sniper, of which i couldn't see.  I take a couple of shots in what i think is his direction, and then he somehow finds out how to turn his bullets, because i swear they were coming around the side of the hill...  swear it... (mebbe im just going crazy, no?)

Reload again half way up. now runnin round to the east side.  I take care of a sniper, and get the savegame thingy.  I save.  Finally reach a ravine and start travelling up it.  I reach the top and see a west guy standing there in the open.   I kill him, and of course now everyone who passes there goes prone.  they all seem to know where i am at, they're all staring at me, even though I was below the ledge.  I decide to see what happens if i charge out across open ground.  Not one single bullet fired!!!???!!?!?  how is that possible?  Then I noticed something weird.  everything was about 5m above the ground1  Mebbe it was because i was messin with resolutions to get better FPS, but wtf?  Then I crawl under the fences, to the flag, take it, start running down the hill.  I maybe reach about 2-3m away from the ledge, 2-3m away from safety (kinda), and some bloke wot got an M21 goes and shoots me.  I fly off the ledge and see me body go tumbling down the hill.

wow, if it were any crazier I would've exploded.  I was so immersed I died and I decided to fall "asleep", i just slammed me head down really hard on me keyboard.  I've got the letters G,H,V,B,N, and M on me forehead now, along with a funny looking bruse.  (only was in the crevices...)

again, great mission macca.  well done.

(ps, sorry such bad writin, had to do it fast, (in de mid. of de mission))

Peter haroski

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #133 on: 28 Jul 2004, 08:52:54 »
Yes, I get the flag, maybe that problem is because I downloaded the first version, because another links didn't work, batchwitch or something? And that was cool to be rambo, firstly I went to WC, then I crawled to the flag, crawled to jeep, and went down the hill, but it lagged so much, and I goed about 180 km/h and I crashed to the tree,  :P

Offline macguba

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Re:Un-Impossible Mission
« Reply #134 on: 28 Jul 2004, 10:43:37 »
Sorry everybody, the new site has been taken down.  :beat:  Apparently it violated the conditions of service.    It seems you are allowed to upload files, but as soon as anybody tries to download them the site gets closed.   I suspect this is what happened with the previous ones, tripod did at least provide the help pages which enabled me to figure this out.

Blunt is the leader at the moment!  Well done on making it to the base ... not that you'll last long.  ;)    

 Did you use an ai knowledge sharing script for this?
No.  If you read the readme you'll discover the self imposed rules for creating the UnImpossible mission and such scripts are not allowed.   However, many enemy groups are on guard waypoints which has a similar effect.

I'm gonna have to DePBO this beast and have a look at some of your techniques.
By all means - looking at other people's missions is a good way to learn.   A lot of units and waypoints have placement radii, if you reduce these to 0 it makes the map easier to understand.

By the way, what's a good, free, screen cap program, so I can prove my greatness once I win?
That's a good point:  it is a tradition with the Impossible Mission (as it used to be known) that you post a pic of the debriefing screen as proof.    I used to use SnagIt (download free, google will find it).

I took the Hind and landed right by the flag. Bypassed the gate all together.
Blimey, that's good flying.   No, I don't know how you got past the AA either, except that they can't see in the fog.   I've been playing with the hind:   the radar/rocket combination is devastating beause it allows you to see throught the fog while the enemy AA units can't.    On one go I took out 2 Bradleys, an Abrams, a jeep/mg and sprayed the top of the hill with rockets before being hit by the cobra.   Even then I could have ejected if I hadn't been greedy.      Rather than have just a few rockets I think I'm going to change it:  I've spent many, many, many hours playtesting this to get the force balance right and the rockets unbalance it too much.    Remember that I'm trying to make this as hard as possible.  ;)    I could add a couple of Vulcans but that makes it harder if you don't use the chopper and also, as a new vehicle, adds to the lag problem.   Plus it stops you using the bird for transport, which is what its really there for.

I heard a shot in the distance, but all me squaddies are dead (so heh what..?).
OFP really is a fantastic game.    If this was real, with a spetz natz squad running around causing havoc, the island would be in an uproar.    You'd get jumpy soldiers firing at each other all over the place, right?    Well that's exactly what happens - I have seen some fantastic blue on blues.   Excellent one recently:   two Bradleys blasted a 5t truck at less than 100m.   The truck loons jumped out and the Brads wasted 'em with cannon shells and machine guns.    They were so busy shooting at their own men that I managed to pop both of them with my LAW before they noticed I was there.   On another occasion the Cobra set about the infantry squad inside the base and kept coming back till they were all dead.   I watched it from the hillside, a smile on my face and an AA launcher on my shoulder.

... and i find meself in ashootout with a sniper, of which i couldn't see.  I take a couple of shots in what i think is his direction, and then he somehow finds out how to turn his bullets, because i swear they were coming around the side of the hill...  swear it... (mebbe im just going crazy, no?)
That's happened to me too.    You're convinced that they have heat seeking bullets but it usually turns out that the sniper is in a completely different place than you thought.    

Then I noticed something weird.  everything was about 5m above the ground1  Mebbe it was because i was messin with resolutions to get better FPS, but wtf?  Then I crawl under the fences, to the flag, take it,
Never seen that.   But hey, what does it matter how you get to the flag?

wow, if it were any crazier I would've exploded.  I was so immersed I died and I decided to fall "asleep", i just slammed me head down really hard on me keyboard.  I've got the letters G,H,V,B,N, and M on me forehead now, along with a funny looking bruse.  (only was in the crevices...)
Thanks m8.  :thumbsup:  It's quotes like that that make it all worthwhile.    Glad you liked it.

And that was cool to be rambo, firstly I went to WC,
I'm pleased somebody noticed that.   :)   In a mission like this I thought you might need one.   :P
« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2004, 13:02:30 by macguba »
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