Could some one maybe make something like this :
Basicly its a robot sniper.
A rifle, with a camera on the scope, and a control thing you can point the gun, and fire it.. But be about 10m from the gun, or have it on top of a hill, and be down from it, out of the fire..
You could also put it round corners (There is a version with a machine gun/assault rifle), and your out of harms way..
I will scan the picture in later..
But is it possible?
What it looks like is a sniper with a low tripob, and a longer scope with a wire coming from it, to a box on the bipod, and anohter cable to the operatior..
Other thing it could do it mount on the turret of a humvee, and the operators is in the slightly more safe inside..
Why use it, other than saftey? It is perfectly steady, doesn't get tired, and doen't need lots of training to use (Sniper training, I mean)
Is this possble..? It seems almost every thing else is in OFP is
Thank you
- Ben