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Author Topic: SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D  (Read 8321 times)

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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #30 on: 07 Apr 2004, 01:06:54 »
Well can you have it so they can fire aimlessly at the air

Of course!  I was thinking this over actually, and it would be easy to do.   I'm thinknig of scrapping the drop created tracers entirely...Funny how this has evolved over such a short time. It has gone from a ambience enhancing project to a very lethal simulation of actual Flak Batteries. Go figure.  

I was thinking that I could work in a simple "skill" system, to vary how lethal the flak will be.  If you assigned a hub (radar) with a value from 1 to the max number of nodes, this would directly affect the number of actual nodes using "radar" to track any targets.  Another skill value will affect the overall accurracy of the targeting by increasing the number of invisible targets and the distance they are from the actual aircraft, and then you could also directly adjust the skill of the units via the editor or with a script. The nodes not actually tracking real targets will basically be chasing invisible targets, giving the effect of blind saturation fire (which can still work of course :)) I'll play around and see what I can actually implement.



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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #31 on: 08 Apr 2004, 20:12:55 »
sweet 8)  I cant wait for this thing man!  Please relieve my anxiousness by posting some pics or actually releasin it!  ;)

   Sniper_Kyle ;D


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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #32 on: 09 Apr 2004, 01:13:51 »
Please relieve my anxiousness by posting some pics

Well, I feel n00bish admiting this, but I can't seem to be able to save a screenshot without it being over the 50k limit (using JASC paint shop pro 7).  I guess I could zip some, but I know there is an easier way to do this depending on how you save the file.

The project is coming along nicely. I keep getting sidetracked with tweaking the other projects, but this is a priority.



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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #33 on: 12 Apr 2004, 01:22:39 »
About the pics...did you try saving them as JPG or JPEG? ;)

    Sniper_Kyle ;D


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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #34 on: 12 Apr 2004, 19:23:01 »
JPEG...let me guess, .jpg is what it should be right? :)

I guess I should break out the ol' manual and have a look.



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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #35 on: 12 Apr 2004, 20:23:57 »
OFPEC doesnt allow you to submit JPEG picture files, so be safe and just save them as jpg.  So...when is the expected release of this improved version of the script?


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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #36 on: 13 Apr 2004, 02:28:22 »
A fully functional enhanced version will be ready by friday at the latest (barring any unforseen glitches).  Wow, now I know how those software publishers feel when they get beat up about release dates  :D:beat:

The reason it's taking so long is due to the flexibility thats being designed into it.  The final product should be pretty spectacular, and will incorporate a slew of custom features.  

Oh, also, I got sidetracked this weekend on a little exploding barrel script I did for DDT (its over on the scripting:General page), but it was worth it. Check it out and have some fun while you wait for the next installment of SimFlak. :)  

Thanks for the tip on .jpg files.  I will have some pics posted soon.



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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #37 on: 13 Apr 2004, 22:08:56 »
Lol I get the hint that you have some kind of crazy obsession with explosives, lol! :o  And about that whole thing with you feeling like u are like the programmers of some game awaiting release, u sure are better than most by at least keeping us updated, KEEP IT UP  :)

    Sniper_Kyle ;D


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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #38 on: 17 Apr 2004, 00:02:19 »
Well its now Friday, where is it? lol (PRESSURE!)  >:( im getting mad.  Its late.  Oh my god another release just like the soldner demo, LATE!  >:(  this upsets me! :'(

(all of the above except for "Well its now Friday" is completely just kidding)

 :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P   :P


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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #39 on: 17 Apr 2004, 01:22:26 »
 :D LOL!

Hey, It's still Friday during "work hours"  in my neck of the woods!  When I get home, unwind a little and appease my wife...then I'll post a demo of the latest version:

So far I've done most of the ground work for the AI compatible SimFlak (guess I need to see if someone can edit out that "no AI" bit).  

All the mission designer has to do is place an empty unit on the map where he wants the "radar" vehicle to be, name it, and place that name in the radarlist array in the init.sqs.  The script will then create flak guns with AI crews around the radar vehicle.

The user can also edit commented portions of the init.sqs to define parameters like what you want the flak unit to be, how many per radar, how far from the radar they are placed, what unit they are crewed by (all so far-more options to come).   This all works now, and all the created units have the radar fuzed airbusting ammo feature.  

Still in development is the target handoff feature, skill adjustment, and invis target spoofing.



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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #40 on: 17 Apr 2004, 04:48:45 »
Sounds purrty good, now go "appease" yurr wife u little stud u!  ;)  lol  :P

    Sniper_Kyle ;D


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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #41 on: 17 Apr 2004, 06:41:26 »
 ;) mission complete!

Heres the latest update, still rough around the edges, and the AI tears the choppers apart too quickly (even without target hand off), but it shows off the existing features nicely.



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Re:SimFlak! AA ambiance with no AI :D
« Reply #42 on: 17 Apr 2004, 16:01:01 »
 :D YAY :D  Im downloading and testing right now...

    Sniper_Kyle ;D