OK, first, you need to put in a delay before you create the dialog, otherwise it'll exit with the same button push as you create unless you're very fast with your pressing.
Also, the design is horrible, make it a rather small dialog instead of covering all parts of the screen.
The white little square did what? 100*0? WTF?
I don't get the dead bodies, they were so bugged.
Also, this script is useless IMO, unless you make it more user friendly. Like a small dialog without any guys gettin killed and stuff.
I would like to see if you can add and X number and let OFP calcuate it for you. Like 5+X=9, then OFP should know that X is 4.
Nice idea(I came up with it too, but you were faster ;D )but it needs some work.
:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: