This is a basic script compatible with all versions of OFP
that creates a machinegun. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated
. Here's a copy of the readme
Deployment Script 1.1 (Improved titlecuts)
Script by m21man (This is my first)
Thanks to deaddog for assistance with the action ids.
Script Function: Creates a machinegun in front of you that you can
undeploy or redeploy with the action menu.
How to use this: Transfer the 3 .sqs files to the appropriate
OperationFlashpoint\Users\(Username)\mission folder.
In the mission editor, name a man "mgunr". Put "this addaction ["Deploy","deploy.sqs"]" inside his init box.
This man can now deploy the machinegun. In a far away, completely safe
spot, make an empty fixed machinegun, which you must name "mgun".
Near it, make a harmless, little object like a fire, then name it
The main scripts run when the machinegun is deployed, then shut down.
The only time scripts are activated is when you give a signal with the
Action Menu.