i have this mission that I making and I want to use a script to delete death bodies and vehicles but the script that I download from the script section doesn't work at all.
one goes like this:
_eunit = list EVERYUNIT
"?(!alive _x):[_x] exec {delbody.sqs} foreach _eunit
goto "loop"
and the next is:
_u = _this select 0
_u setpos [0,0,99999]
deletevehicle _u
ofcourse you have to set them up in a note pad each of this scripts.
in the map i have to create a triger as big as the whole mission X=99999 and y=99999 and name it "EVERYUNIT"
then in the init field of every soldier or vehicle I have to write this code:"[] exec {clearcorpse.sqs}"or I can put this code too in the init sqs file and i think in this way it will affect every unit in the map,and i alraedy did all of this.
but the code doesn't work nither in the init field or in the init sqs file or i'm doing something wrong :hmm:
if you can make this script to work can you show me the changes you make and attach me a little sample mission?
and once againg thank you for your time