ok... i modified it a bit and added it so i can call 4 squads at once.... but i never see them... no errors come up or anything... is what i'vve done ok?
;made by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX
; if you want to have an AI unit (tank, infantry, whatever) hunt down
;and kill whoever set off a trigger, then set up the trigger so that the
;unit you want hunted will set it off. Then in the on activation line put
;the line below, using <thislist select 0> for the unit to be hunted down.
;[<name of unit to hunt down other unit>, <name of unit to be hunted down>] exec "hunterkiller.sqs"
; [aTank, thislist select 0] exec "hunterkiller.sqs"
_killer = _this select 0
_killer = _this select 1
_killer = _this select 2
_killer = _this select 3
_KG = group _killer
_hunted = _this select 4
_KG SetCombatmode "RED"
_KG SetSpeedMode "FULL"
"_x domove (getpos _hunted)" foreach units _kg
"_x doTarget _hunted" foreach units _KG
;waits 60 seconds before updating- change time if you want but bear
;in mind if it updates too fast AI will be swamped with move commands
?alive _hunted: goto "loop"
;checks if the target is alive, if so goes looking for him, if not exits script.