Here is one of my scripts for my simulated AC-130 strike using CPT Moore's C-130, only problem is the rounds have too big a shot group, it should be about 25m wide and mines is 100m wide and I cant figure out how to fix it. Also if you know how to make the burst radius on my 105mm howitzer bigger please let me is my script
_pos = _this select 0
; An invisible helipad is created to help us to "locate" the target
; =========================================================================
_traker = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle _pos
; The pilot and the atack plane are created
; =========================================================================
_grp = group player
"SoldierWPilot" createunit [[(getpos _traker select 0), (getpos _traker select 1), (getpos _traker select 2)],_grp,"Strikepilot=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]
_Strikeplane = "C130v1a" createvehicle [(getpos _traker select 0), (getpos _traker select 1) -2500, 1000]
_Strikeplane setpos [(getpos _traker select 0), (getpos _traker select 1) -2500, 120]
_Strikeplane setvelocity [0,120,0]
StrikePilot sidechat "On Station time Now"
StrikePilot moveindriver _strikeplane
StrikePilot Assignasdriver _strikeplane
_Strikeplane disableai "move"
Strikepilot disableai "move"
doStop Strikepilot
_Strikeplane flyinheight 130
; At a given distace, the plane will simulate to fire the bomb
; ==========================================================================
@ _Strikeplane distance _traker <=290
Strikepilot sidechat "Starting Pylon Turn"
; The bomb/bombs are fired, _num is the amount of bombs fired
; ==========================================================================
_num = 10
_i = 0
_bomb = "grenade" createVehicle [(getPos _StrikePlane select 0)+((random 10)-5),(getPos _StrikePlane select 1)+((random 10)-3),(getPos _StrikePlane select 2)-1]
_bomb setDir (getDir _strikePlane)
_bomb setVelocity [(velocity _StrikePlane select 0)*0.3,(velocity _StrikePlane select 1)*0.3,(velocity _StrikePlane select 2)*0.3]
_i = _i + 1
[_bomb,killzone] exec "40.sqs"
? _i < _num : goto "loop"
; Here we can call a script to simulate napalm or cluster bombs, or especial effect like shockdust
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; The plane climbs after dropping the bombs and fly away
; ==========================================================================
_Strikeplane flyinheight 350
deletevehicle Strikepilot
; The spawned plane and the pilot are deleted
; ==========================================================================
deleteVehicle _strikePlane
StrikePilot sidechat "In Orbit Above Target Area"
deletevehicle Strikepilot
; Final
; ==========================================================================