The easiest method of getting your men into a list is using a west present trigger. Make its size big enough to cover all your men, leave the condition as
this, and have on activation as
[thislist] exec "injured.sqs".
In the script (injured.sqs) replace the line
_unitarray= [sold1,sold2,sold3,sold4,sold5] with
_unitarray = _this select 0everything else can be left exactly as written before, but you might want to add the lines
? (vehicle _unit != _unit) : goto "cycle"? ("man" CountType [_unit] == 0) : goto "cycle"directly after the line that selects the _unit (
_unit = _unitarray select _tmp).
These check that the unit is actually a soldier on foot, and will stop your tanks crying out in pain when you shoot them
If your still having trouble I could make up a sample mission for you. Just let me know.
Good luck