1. place empty vehicle, name vehicle -> place any unit you like, put in the units init-field
driver: this moveindriver nameofvehicle
cargo: this moveincargo nameofvehicle
other possibilities (depends on vehicle) are moveingunner or moveincommander
2. remove the units weapons first:
removeallweapons this
and then add what you need, magazines first (or unit will start with empty weapon):
this addmagazine "AK47"; this addweapon "AK47"; this addweapon "binocular"
you can do all in the init-field of the unit if you like (ex. driver,binocs,AK47+3mags):
this moveindriver nameofvehicle; removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "AK47"; this addmagazine "AK47"; this addmagazine "AK47"; this addweapon "AK47"; this addweapon "Binocular"
correct spelling of weapon-names is important, thereĆ's a list somewhere in the EDITORS DEPOT ... !!! (there are a lot of good tuts too) ;D