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Author Topic: Two islands into one - Revisited  (Read 1300 times)

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Two islands into one - Revisited
« on: 06 Sep 2002, 22:40:57 »
This results from the following closed thread:



I explored a method of doing this, but, it involves a lot of work in a hex editor.

I really don`t think anyone wants to get into doing this........this way lies madness, unless you are very sure what you are doing.

If you have a lot of objects on one copy of your map that you wish to move to another copy, it is going to take a lot of time to do.

Basically what you have to do is copy the object definitions and object list from one map to another, even then you still have a lot of editing to do.

You will need to change EACH objects model number to reflect the position in the object list where this model is.  I also changed the Object ID number, but I am still not sure if it is necessary or not.
As you can imagine, if you have several hundred objects to move, this will take a long time.

Each object is defined in 56 bytes and there is nothing between each definition, so if you make just one mistake with just one byte, your map may not work until you correct it.

The object list is in ascii, each object separated by a zero byte.

I`m not going to explain any further with this, it would take too long AND I haven`t even tried to do the same with textures and I`m not too sure if it is possible.

The safest and easiest way to do an island with more than one person, is to take it turn about.

I managed to do it with two identical islands, each having 4 objects.
One island had 4 objects at the top and the other had 4 objects at the bottom.
I ended up with an island having 4 objects at the top and 4 at the bottom.
So it does work, but as I said already, if you have tons of objects to copy, it will take some time.

I cannot recommend trying to do it the way I explored.  It works with objects but it is not an easy solution.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.